He held the gun in his hands and look at his teacher, who gave him a surprid look. He felt a little bit embarrasd but also proud at the same time. He knew he would be able to win this competition.
His teacher took him to the shooting range, where the other participants were already waiting. He could feel an immen pressure as he saw the others with their guns, aiming them so accurately. He took a deep breath and started to relax, reminding himlf that he had trained and practiced a lot for this competition.
The competition started and he was surprid at how well he did. He was able to hit every single target, while some of his opponents misd theirs. When the competition ended, he had scored the highest and was declared the winner.
Everyone congratulated him and his teacher patted him on the back, saying he should be proud of himlf. He was thrilled with his success and felt like he could do anything he t his mind to.
He was now a marksman and he was proud of it!