第十八章 固体废物管理与处置
Solid waste is generally made up of objects or particles that accumulate on the site where they are produced, as oppod to water- and airborne wastes that are carried away from the site of production.Solid wastes are typically categorized by the ctor of the economy responsible for producing them, such as mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and municipalities.
Wherever people exist, waste disposal is a problem.
Esntially, five techniques are ud: (1) landfills, (2) incineration, (3) source reduction, (4) composting, and (5) recycling.
Landfills have historically been the primary method of waste disposal becau this method is the cheapest and most convenient, and becau the threat of groundwater contamination was not initially recognized.
A modern municipal solid waste landfill is typically constructed above an impermeable clay layer that is lined with an impermeable membrane and includes mechanisms for dealing with liquid and gas materials generated by the contents of the landfill.
Today, about 55 percent of the municipal solid waste from the United States and about 80 percent of Canadian municipal solid waste goes into landfills. The number of landfills is d
Japan and many Western European countries have already moved away from landfills as the primary method of waste disposal becau of land scarcities and related environmental concerns. Switzerland and Japan dispo of less than 15 percent of their waste in landfills, compared to 55 percent in the United States. Instead, recycling and incineration are the primary methods. In addition, the energy produced by incineration can be ud for electric generation or heating.
Incineration is the process of burning refu in a controlled manner.
Incinerators drastically reduce the amount of municipal solid waste----- up to 90 percent by volume and 75 percent by weight.
Primary risks of incineration, however, involve air-quality problems and the toxicity and disposal of the ash.
Incineration is also more costly than landfills in most situations.
Critics have argued that cities and towns have impeded waste reduction and recycling efforts by putting a priority on incinerators and committing resources to them.
Composting is the process of allowing the natural process of decomposition to transform organic materials----anything from manure and corncobs to grass and soiled paper-----into compost, a humuslike material with many environmental benefits.
In addition to keeping wastes from entering a landfill, composting has other significant benefits. The addition of compost to soil will improve it by making clay soils more porous or increasing the water-holding capacity of sandy soils.
Source reduction is the practice of designing, manufacturing, purchasing, using, and reus
ing materials so that the amount of waste or its toxicity is reduced.
Some benefits of recycling are resource conrvation, pollutant reduction, energy savings, job creation, and reduced need for landfills and incinerators. However, incentives are needed to encourage people to participate in recycling programs.
Although recycling programs have successfully reduced the amount of material that needs to be trucked to a landfill or incinerated, there are many technical and economic problems associated with recycling.
Municipal solid waste is managed by landfills, incineration, composting, waste reduction, and recycling. Landfills are the primary means of disposal.