继电保护 | relay protection |
继电保护装置 | protective relaying equipment |
继电器保证启动值 | relay must-operate value |
继电器操作跳闸 | relay act trip |
继电器超限运行 | relay overrun |
电压互感器的相角差 | pha-angle of voltage transformer |
故障类型 | fault type |
故障选相 | fault pha lection |
故障诊断 | fault diagnosis |
内部故障 | internal fault |
接地故障 | earth fault |
穿越故障 | through- fault |
永久性故障 | permanent fault |
瞬时性故障 | temporary fault |
接地故障继电器 | ground fault relay |
短路故障 | short trouble |
双相短路故障 | double pha fault |
金属性三相短路故障 | bolted three-pha fault |
逻辑短路故障 | logic short fault |
相间故障 | pha to pha fault |
主保护(装置) | main protection;primary protection |
后备保护(装置) | back up protection;rerve protection |
局部后备保护 | local backup |
远距离后备保护 | remote back-up |
零序电流 | zero-quence current;residual current |
零序电流继电器 | residual current relay |
零序电流互感器 | zero quence current transducer |
零序电流补偿 | zero quence current compensation |
零序保护 | zero-quence protection |
零序电压 | residual voltage |
零序互感的影响 | mutual induction of zero quence |
零序电流构成的定子接地保护 | stator ground protection bad on zero quence current |
热敏继电保护装置 | thermal relay (s) |
电压差动继电器 | voltage differential relay |
差动保护(装置) | differential protection |
纵联差动保护 | longitudinal differential protection |
比率差动保护装置 | percentage differential protection |
横差动保护 | transversal differential protection |
差动保护系统 | differential protective system |
方向差动保护 | directional differential protection |
分相电流差动保护 | gregated current differential protection |
自适应继电保护 | adaptive relay protection |
自适应分相方向纵差保护 | adaptive gregated directional current differential protection |
逆相序保护 | inver pha quence protection |
电流保护装置 | current protection |
高频保护装置 | carrier current protection;pilot protection |
高频测向器 | high-frequency direction finder |
过负荷 | overload |
触点多路式继电器 | contact multiplying relay |
辅助触点 | auxiliary contacts |
辅助继电器 | auxiliary relay |
时间继电器 | timer relay |
中间继电器 | auxiliary relay;intermediate relay |
极化继电器 | electro polarized relay |
功率方向继电器 | power direction relay |
交流方向过流继电器 | AC directional overcurrent relay |
交流重合闸继电器 | AC reclosing relay |
行波继电器 | traveling wave relay |
信号继电器 | annunciator relay |
电压控制过电流继电器 | voltage -controlled overcurrent relay |
载波或导引线接受继电器 | carrier or pilot-wire receiver relay |
电缆继电器 | cable relay |
限流继电器 | current-limiting relay |
定时限继电器 | definite time relay |
偏移特性阻抗继电器 | offt impedance relay |
增量(突变量)继电器 | relay bad on incremental quantity |
报警信号继电器 | alarm relay |
报警信号 | alarm signal;alerting signal |
能量方向继电器 | energy directional relay |
低阻抗继电器 | under-impedance relay |
电导继电器 | conductance relay |
电动机磁场故障继电器 | motor-field failure relay |
电动式继电器 | dynamoelectric relay |
电复位继电器 | electric ret relay |
电力传输继电器 | power-transformer relay |
连锁继电器 | electric interlock relay |
电流极化继电器 | lf-polarizing relay |
电流平衡式继电器 | current-balance relay |
电路控制继电器 | circuit control relay |
电容继电器 | capacitance relay |
电压平衡继电器 | voltage balance relay |
电压响应继电器 | voltage responsive relay |
电压选择继电器 | voltage lection relay |
电源切换继电器 | power-transfer relay |
电子管继电器 | vacuum-tube relay |
电阻继电器 | ohm relay |
定时继电器 | timing relay;timed relay |
定时脉冲继电器 | time pul relay |
方向过流继电器 | directional over-current relay |
方向距离继电器 | directional distance relay |
方向过流保护 | directional over-current protection |
方向纵联继电保护 | directional pilot relaying |
断路继电器 | cut-off relay |
断路器故障保护装置 | circuit breaker failure protection |
断相继电器 | open-pha relay |
二位置继电器 | two-position relay |
负相位继电器 | negative pha relay |
负相序继电器 | negative-pha quence impendence |
感应杯式继电器 | induction cup relay |
感应式继电器 | induction type relay |
感应圆盘式继电器 | Induction disc relay |
高灵敏度继电器 | high nsitive relay |
高速阻抗继电器 | high-speed impedance relay |
高压继电器 | high-voltage relay |
功率继电器 | power relay |
恒温继电器 | thermostat relay |
缓动继电器 | delay-action relay |
缓放继电器 | slow-to relea relay |
换流器继电器 | converter relay |
机电继电器 | electromechanical relay |
鉴别继电器 | discontinuous relay |
晶体管继电器 | transistor relay |
晶体密闭继电器 | crystal can relay |
静电继电器 | static relay |
快动缓释继电器 | fast-operate slow-relea relay |
快释放继电器 | fast-relea relay |
失磁继电器 | excitation-loss relay |
对地漏电保护 | earth-leakage protection |
多端线路保护 | multi-ended circuit protection |
发电机断路继电器 | generator cutout relay |
发电机保护 | generator protection |
发电机负序电流保护 | generator protection for negative quence current |
发送继电器 | transmitting relay |
反转时间继电器 | back-spin timer |
过电流保护(装置) | overcurrent protection;overcurrent protective device |
时限过电流保护 | time-overcurrent protection time-overcurrent protection |
反时限电流保护 | inver time current protection |
逆电流保护 | rever current protection |
电流闭锁的电压速断保护 | instantaneous undervoltage protection with current supervision |
电压保护装置 | voltage protection |
过压继电器 | over-voltage relay |
过电压保护 | excess voltage protection |
低电压保护装置 | low voltage protection;undervoltage protection |
过电压保护装置 | overvoltage protection |
方向元件 | directional elementcha |
方向保护 | directional protection |
母线保护(装置) | bus protection;busbar protection |
线路保护 | line protection |
接地故障保护(装置) | earth-fault protection |
限制接地故障保护 | restricted earth fault protection |
接地保护 | ground guard;ground protection |
接地保护装置 | earth fault protection;ground fault protection |
接地保护继电器 | ground(preference) relay |
继电接地保护 | ground relaying |
转子接地保护 | rotor earth fault protection |
定子接地保护 | stator earth-fault protection |
短路保护 | short-circuit protection |
匝间短路 | Turn to turn fault;inter turn faults |
匝间短路保护 | interturn short circuit protection |
定子短路保护 | stator short circuit protection |
暂态分析 | transient analysis |
逆功率 | rever power |
逆功率保护 | rever power protection |
反向功率继电器; 逆功率继电器 | rever power relay |
失步 | out-of-step |
失步保护 | loss of synchronism protection;out of-step protection |
轴电流 | shaft current |
外汲电流 | out flowing current |
助增电流 | infeed current |
变压器保护装置 | protection equipment for transformer |
瓦斯保护装置 | gaous shield |
轻瓦斯保护 | slight gas protection |
重瓦斯保护 | vere gas protection |
阻抗继电器 | distance relay; impedance relay |
正序阻抗 | positive quence impedance |
负序阻抗 | negative quence impedance |
零序阻抗 | zero quence impedance |
阻抗保护 | impedance protection |
距离阻抗保护 | distance impedance protection |
距离保护 | distance protection |
阻抗保护系统 | impedance protective system |
人机对话接口 | man-machine interface |
重合于故障线路加速保护动作 | accelerating protection for switching onto fault |
低压保护 | low-voltage protection |
低电压跳闸 | under-voltage relea |
低电压自动跳闸 | under-voltage trip |
低负荷运行 | under-run |
低功率保护 | under-power protection |
低功率继电器 | under-power relay |
低频保护 | under-frequency protection |
低频高压实验 | low-frequency high-voltage test |
低压继电器 | low-voltage relay |
低压释放继电器 | low-voltage relea relay |
低周波保护 | under-frequency protection |
导纳型继电保护装置 | admittance relays |
微机保护 | microcomputer protection |
微机继电保护 | micro-processor bad protective relay |
保护继电器 | protective relay;protection relay |
三相一次重合闸 | three pha one shot reclosure |
重合闸 | reclor |
重合闸继电器 | reclosing relay |
单动重合闸 | single acting autoreclosing |
单相自动重合闸 | single pha autoreclosing |
单相自动重合闸 | single pha autoreclosing |
自动重合闸 | auto reclosing |
自动重合闸装置 | auto reclor |
快速自动重合闸 | rapid auto reclosing |
重合闸闭锁装置 | antipump device |
重合闸继电器 | reclosing relay |
自动重合闸继电器 | automatic reclosing relay |
比率差动继电器 | percentage differential relay |
振荡(失步)闭锁 | power swing (out of step) blocking |
闭锁重合闸 | blocking autoreclor |
闭锁 | escapement;interlock;blocking |
闭锁继电器 | lockout relay |
解列重合闸 | power system splitting and reclosing |
电磁型继电器 | electromagnetic relay |
负序电流 | negative quence current |
励磁涌流 | Inrush ; Inrush exciting current of transformer |
励磁继电器 | field application relay |
过励磁保护 | over fluxing protection |
失磁 | loss of excitation;loss of field |
失磁继电器 | field loss relay ;excitation-loss relay;field protective relay;field-failure relay |
消磁保护 | degaussing protection |
顺序跳闸 | quential tripping |
起动 | start up;Pick up |
隔离开关 | disconnecting switch |
电流互感器 | current transformer |
电压互感器 | potential transformer |
死区 | dead zone;blind spot |
振荡 | vibration;oscillation |
振荡冲击 | oscillatory surge |
冲击防护 | surge guard |
冲击继电器 | pul relay;surge relay |
潜动 | shunt running |
五防 | fail-safe unit |
五防装置 | fail safe interlock |
跳闸 | trip;opening |
跳闸开关 | trip switch |
保护跳闸 | trip by local protection |
保护合闸 | clo by local protection |
保护特性 | protection feature |
可靠性 | reliability |
灵敏性 | nsitivity |
速动性 | speed |
选择性 | lectivity |
分段距离继电器 | step-type distance relay |
三段距离继电保护装置 | three-step distance relays |
延时 | time delay |
反时限 | normal inver |
定时限 | definite time |
分段限时继电器 | multi-zone relay |
误动 | incorrect tripping |
软压板 | soft strap |
硬压板 | hard strap |
高阻 | high resistance |
二次谐波制动 | cond harmonic escapement |
CT断线 | CT line-break |
PT断线 | PT line-break |
交流开关电路 | AC circuit breaker |
二次回路 | condary circuit |
极化差动继电保护系统 | Biad differential relaying |
双向继电器 | Bi-directional relay |
交流方向过流继电器 | AC directional over current relay |
开关把手 | breaker point wrench |
断路器跳闸线圈 | breaker trip coil |
母线; 导电条 | bus bar |
母线电流变压器 | bus bar current transformer |
分段母线隔离开关 | bus bar disconnecting switch |
母线室; 汇流条隔离室 | bus compartment |
母线槽; 母线管道 | bus duct |
固定联结式母线保护 | busbar protection with fixed circuit connection |
电流衰减 | current attenuation |
电流起动型漏电保护器 | current actuated leakage protector |
电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器 | current balance type current differential relay |
换流器 | current changer |
电流补偿式接地远距继电器 | current compensational ground distance;relay |
电流消耗 | current consumption |
电力调速系统 | electrical governing system |
电动阀门 | electrically operated valve |
电流互感器相角 | current transformer pha angle |
电力变阻器 | power rheostat |
合闸线圈 | closing coil |
线圈电感 | coil inductance |
线圈端漏电抗 | coil end leakage reactance |
线圈电流 | coil current |
线圈 | coil curl |
线圈调节器 | coil adjuster |
高压电瓷绝缘子 | high tension electrical porcelain insulator |
振荡线圈 | oscillator coil |
功率因素继电器 | power factor relay |
超压防护 | protection against overpressure |
保护设备; 保护装置 | protection device; protective gear |
保护电抗器 | protection reactor |
保护屏 | protection screen; protective panel |
保护开关 | protection switch |
保护间隙 | protective gap |
保护接地 | protective earthing ; protective ground |
保护外壳 | protective casing |
保护网 | catch net; protecting net |
保护系统 | protection system |
保护线路 | protective link |
保护变压器 | Protective transformer |
不对称负载保护装置 | protection against unsymmetrical load |
中心点电阻接地方式 | resistance grounded neutral system |
欠压继电器 | under-Voltage relay |
采样保持 | sampling and holding |
采样同步 | synchronized sampling |
低电压起动的过电流保护 | overcurrent relay with undervoltage supervision |
低阻抗母线保护 | low impedance busbar protection |
保护的整定配合 | cordination of relay ttings |
保护范围(定值) | rach (tting) of protection |
潮流计算 | load flow calculations |
短路计算 | short circuit calculations |
保护配合时间阶段 | coordination time interval |
两相星形接线方式 | two star connection scheme |
旁路;并联 | shunt |
串联;级数 | ries |
并联 | parallel |
饱和 | saturation |
开关柜 | switch cabinet |
电容 | capacitance |
电抗 | reactance |
内阻 | internal resistance |
电感 | inductor |
消弧线圈 | blow-out coil |
电容器 | capacitor |
电容效应 | capacitance effect |
直轴 | direct axis |
交轴 | quadrature axis |
同步调相机 | synchronous condenr |
投运 | commissioning |
人工智能 | AI (artificial intelligence) |
自适应继电保护 | adaptive relaying |
自适应特性 | adaptive features |
相位比较继电器 | pha comparison relays |
设备材料清册 | equipment and material list |
设备清册 | equipment list |
设备费 | equipment cost |
设备基础 | equipment foundation |
设备利用率 | equipment utilization ratio |
图号 | drawing number |
图框 | border |
图例 | legend |
图名 | drawing title |
图形符号 | graphic symbols |
图纸卷 | roll of drawing paper |
图纸目录 | list of drawing |
图纸内容 | contents of drawings |
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