阀体 body 格兰密封 gland 滑动阀杆 sliding stem
阀体 valve body 隔离阀 isolating valve 正齿轮传动 spur gear operated 阀箱 valve box 隔膜 Diaphragm 伞齿轮传动 bevel gear operated 阀箱 valve cage 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 扳手操作 wrench operated
阀箱 valve chest 隔膜式控制阀 diaphragm operated comtrol
链轮 chain wheel
阀箱;阀限位器 valve guard 工作背压 Operating back pressure 手轮 hand wheel
阀箱盖 cover for valve box 工作温度 Operating temperature 手柄 hand lever (handle)
阀箱盖 valve box cover 工作温度 Working temperature 气缸(或液压缸)操纵的 cylinder operated
阀箱式活塞泵(美) turret type
piston pump
工作压差 Operting differential pressure 链条操纵的 chain operated
阀形活塞泵 valve type piston
工作压力 Operating pressure 等径孔道 full bore; full port
阀座 Seat ring 工作压力 Working pressure 异径孔道 reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port
阀座 valve carrier 公称通径 Nominal diameter 短型 short pattern
阀座 valve at(body at) 公称压力 Nominal pressure 紧凑型(小型) compact type 阀座;阀盘 valve at 固定式球阀 Fixed ball valve 笼式环 lantern ring
阀座环 at ring 关闭压力 Lockup pressure 压盖 gland
阀座密封嵌条 aling strip for valve at 关阀过冷度 Subcooled temperature of clo
阀杆填料 stem packing
法兰 flange 关阀温度 Closing valve temperature 阀盖垫片 bonnet gasket
法兰堵头 blind flange 管道安全阀 Piping Safety Valves升杆式(明杆) rising stem (RS)
法兰端 flange end 流体设备词汇对照表-1.6 阀门 Valve 非升杆式(暗杆) non-rising stem (NRS)
法兰接头 flange joint 1.6 阀门 Valve 指示器/限位器 indicator/stopper 法兰连接紧固件(双头螺栓和螺帽)
flange bolting
阀轭 yoke 注油器 grea injector
法兰密封面,法兰面 flange facing 外螺纹阀杆及阀轭 outside screw and yoke
(OS & Y)
可更换的阀座环 renewable at ring
法兰面加工 flange facing finish
阀杆 stem 快速操纵器 quick-acting operator 法兰球阀 Flange Ball Valves 内螺纹 inside screw (IS) 1.6.2 常用阀
截止阀 Globe valve 阀轭套 yoke sleeve (1)闸阀 gate valve
翻板阀 Flap 阀杆环 stem ring 平行双闸板 double disc parallel at
反冲盘 Disc holder 阀座 valve at (body at) 开口楔形闸板 split wedge
反向作用式减压阀 Rever acting reducing valve 阀座环、密封圈 at ring
挠性整体楔形闸扳 flexible solid wedge
反向作用式减压阀 Rever acting
reducing valve
整体(阀)座 integral at 整体楔形闸板 solid wedge 放空阀 emptying valve 堆焊(阀)座 deposited at 塞型闸阀 plug gate valve
放气阀 air vent valve;vent valve 阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件) trim
直通型闸阀 through conduit gate valve
放气阀;排气阀 air evacuation
阀盘 disc (2) 截止阀 globe valve
放泄阀 escape valve 阀盘密封圈 disc at 球心型阀盘 globe type disc 分置阀室式活塞泵 parate valve
box type piston pump
阀体 body 塞型阀盘 plug type disc
分置阀室式活塞泵(美) side pot
type piston pump
阀盖 bonnet 可转动的阀盘 swivel disc
封闭式 Seal type 阀盖衬套 bonnet bush (3) 节流闪阀 throttle valve 浮动式球阀 Float ball valve 螺纹阀帽 screw cap 针阀 needle valve
浮球 Ball float 螺纹阀盖 screw bonnet (4) 角阀 angle valve
浮球阀 Float Valve 螺栓连接的阀盖 bolted bonnet (BB) (5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀) Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)
浮球式疏水阀 Ball float steam
活接阀盖(帽) union bonnet (cap) (6) 球阀 ball valve
浮球式疏水阀 Free Float Type
Steam Trap
螺栓连接的阀帽 bolted cap (BC) 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 浮桶 Bucket float 焊接阀盖 welded bonnet (WB) 装有底轴的 trunnion mounted 浮桶式疏水阀 Open bucket steam
本体阀杆密封 body stem al 耐火型 fire safe type
辅助(副)阀 Auxiliary valves 石棉安全密封 asbestos emenen al 浮动球型 floating ball type
负荷率 Rate of load condensate
倒密封 back al 防脱出阀杆 blowout proof stem 附加背压力 Superimpod back
压力密封的阀盖 pressure-tight bonnet (7) 蝶阀 butterfly valve
复位弹簧 Returnning spring 动力操纵器 powered operator 对夹式(薄片型) wafer type
杠杆式 Lever type 电动操纵器 electric motor operator 凸耳式 lug type
杠杆式安全阀 Lever and weight loaded safety valve 气动操纵器 pneumatic operator
偏心阀板蝶阀 offt disc burerfly
valve; eccentric butterfly valve
杠杆式减压阀 Lever reducing valve 液压操纵器 hydraulic operator
斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly
高温阀门 High temperature valve
三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 高压阀门 High pressure valve 四通旋塞阀 four(8) 柱塞阀 piston type valve
(9) 旋塞阀 plug valve