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Part I: Vocabu laryand Struct ure
Sectio n A: Comple te each nten ce usingthe correc t word or expres sionfrom the box.
Many peoplethe influx of immigr antsto our city, but I thinkit's actual ly a good thingfor the econom y.
Your answer Correc t answer
grumbl e grumbl e
Some issues, such as immigr ation and trade,c ation s.
Your answer Correc t answer
transn ation al transn ation al
One of the proble ms with readin g e-booksis that you can't take notes
Your answer Correc t answer
margin margin
The town counci l pasdr for people to open small
busine ss.
Your answer Correc t answer
legisl ation legisl ation
Thereare some mystert istsfor centur ies.
Your answer Correc t answer
baffle d baffle d
I'm in shock—market number s this mornin g?
Your answer Correc t answer
stagge ringstagge ring
We are all living in an increa singl y t y as more and more people
move to differ ent countr ies.
Your answer Correc t answer
multic ultur al multic ultur al
8. The comput er's influe nce on our dailylivesis immeas urabl e; it has had the most
t on how humans live.
Your answer Correc t answer
massiv e massiv e
Therewill always be people who o logysimply becaus e it is "differ ent."
Your answer Correc t answer
disapp rovedisapp rove
10. Aftervera l yearsof travel, Jake movedto London to find a job, a hou, and the
d in his life.
Your answer Correc t answer
stabil ity stabil ity
Sectio n B: Choose the best way to comple te the nten ces.
11. Some people have an unheal thy _____with techno logyand need to have everynew gadget
availa ble.
A. ssio n
B. obss ion
C. recess ion
D. cessat ion
12. Aftermuch _____, Heathe r was finall y able to convin ce her boss to awardher employ ees with a
holida y bonus.
A. desist ence
B. consis tence
C. insist ence
D. resist ance
13. It's hard to _____what the future mightlook like, but scienc e fictio n writer s have been doingit for
over a hundre d years.
A. visual ize
B. confer
C. mechan ize
D. ascert ain
14. I know almost everyo ne lovesher new book, but I'm not even _____intere stedin readin g it.
A. massiv ely
B. suppos edly
C. entire ly
D. remote ly
15. Even though Mr Lewisdidn't say it out loud, the _____in his speech was that his staffdidn't work
hard enough.
A. person ifica tion
B. implic ation
C. justif icati on
D. explan ation
16. Many people compla in that the cost of educat ion is prohib itive ly expens ive, but I thinkthe cost of
_____is much higher.
A. ignore
B. ignora nt
C. ignora nce
D. ignori ng
17. Afterhe lost the compet ition, Lawren ce felt comple telyand utterl y _____.
A. dispir ited
B. inquis itive
C. obrv ant
D. unchan ged
18. We need to come up with a _____explan ation for why we misd classyester day.
A. plausi ble
B. ntie nt
C. stagge ring
D. corpor ate
19. Paul has become very _____and concei ted sincehe firsttasted fame.
A. arroga nce
B. elegan t
C. elegan ce
D. arroga nt
20. Dinosa urs have been _____for approx imate ly 65 millio n years!
A. succin ct
B. extinc t
C. instin ct
D. blinke d
Sectio n C: Comple te each nten ce with a suitab le word.