GRE Analytical Writing 新鲜例子
(1) Sarah Brightman 莎拉.布莱曼(就是音乐剧《猫》里唱MEOMORY那个)
She was a workaholic from an early age, never waste a minute of time.
Straight from school, she went to ballet lessons. When she got home at eight, she went to bed. She got up at four in the morning to do her homework and then began the schedule all over again.
When she was a teenager, she decided to try her hand, or her vocals, at singing.
(2)Prisoner Abu 虐囚事件(伊拉克战争的那个丑闻)
Since the “60 Minutes II” broadcast, pictures of abu have been posted on the Internet and shown on television stations worldwide.
Watergate (这个都知道)
Zipper gate(这是说克林顿的)
Enron gate(这是说小布什)
Muckraker 专门报道丑闻的记者
the Forth Estate 第四阶级,在美国媒体被称为第四权力或第四阶级
(3)A Message to Garcia 致加西亚的信(前两年很火的书)
It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cau them to loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing.
(4)Nictzche尼采 这厮有句名言:
“One has to pay dearly for immortality. One has to die veral times while one is still alive.”
(5)William Hung 孔庆祥(这人前两年可是火得不行~)
American Idol 美国偶像(超女就是中国版的美国偶像)
Lovable lor 可爱的失败者
He didn’t survive the first cut. His performance was interrupted by Simon Cowell (评委), You can’t dance. You can’t sing. So what do you want me to say?
Hung earnestly and humbly replied: I already gave my best, and I have no regret at all.
(6)Homer 荷马史诗
The Homeric poems for the first time expresd ideas of rationality and emancipation from myth.
In homer we also find for the first time the spirit of competition. In time this became the Olympic Idea----an idea of noble contest marked by a spirit of high moral endeavor, rather than that of antagonism.
(7)Nancy Reagan & Ronald Reagan 里根夫妇
With Nancy Reagan at his side, Ronald Reagan went to become governor of California and one of the most influential presidents in American history.
The image of Nancy can range from a frivolous, controlling socialite to a savvy woman, loyal friend and steadfast helpmate.
She is unpopular in the early years of her husband’s presidency----due in part to a flap over her purcha of new china for the white hou during a deep recession. After leaving Washington, Nancy became a more sympathetic figure. She stood be
side her ailing husband during his struggle with Alzheimer’s dia.
Nancy encourages her husband, who had once famously referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire”, to begin a dialogue with Soviet leaders. The thaw led to a number of agreements to reduce nuclear war.
(8) Martina Hingis 辛吉斯(网坛名将)
“99 percent certain” that she will never compete again and add to her ven grand slam titles or the 209 weeks she spent as world No.1.
She started her new career: television commentary.
In the end, chronic heel problems and a dwindling desire to play through pain did the job for her opponents, forcing her to retire at 22.
Retirement does not dull her n of humor. “ I love commentary. This way I make it to the finals no matter what.”
(9) crop circle 麦田怪圈
Many skeptics have discusd whether or not the designs are the creation of humans, supernatural forces, or aliens.
Ever since the 1970s, when a surge of strange but immaculate circular shapes began appearing in fields in southern England, people from around the globe have sought answers to this enigma.
With groups such as the Circle Makers and the like now taking credit for many of the circles, hoaxers are trying to add more mystery to their creations by delving into religious beliefs and supernatural phenomena, turning this practice into a virtual underground expression, and curing its interests for years to come.
(10)Li Yundi 李云迪(钢琴王子啊!)
Victory in 2000 at the renowned Warsaw Chopin Competition 华沙肖邦钢琴大赛
Brief but inten musical development
At the age of nine he had decided on his professional goal---- he wanted to become a pianist.
Li was not only one of the youngest winners in the history of the competition, but also the first person in 15 years to be awarded a first prize.