一、 成衣(Ready-made Clothes)
百慕大短裤 Bermuda shorts
百衲衣 ragged clothes
pleated skirt,accordion-pleated skirt
半长裙 midi-skirt
包裙 wrap over skirt,wrap round skirt
薄大衣 light overcoat
背心 vest
基尼泳衣 bikini
便裤 slacks
便衫 casual coat
便装 everyday clothes, informal dress
不合身衣服布衣 ill-fitting clothes
布衣 cloth gown
彩条上衣 color-stripes jery
草裙 grass skirt
长衬裙 slip,petticoat
长大衣 frock coat
长裤 trours
长裙 long skirt
长衫 long gown
长袖紧身体操衣 leotard
长浴衣 bathing gown
超短裙 miniskirt
晨衣 morning gown, kimono
衬裙 under skirt, petticoat
衬衫 shirt
成衣 ready-to-wear dress, store clothes
jacket for spring and autumn wear
春装 spring clothing
打补丁的衣服 patched dress
大摆裙 very full skirt
大襟上衣 Chine-style blou
大礼服 dress suit, formal dress
大衣 overcoat
带拉链服装 zipper front clothes
单衣 unlined clothes
灯笼裤 knee-length sports trours
登山夹兜 anorak
貂皮大衣 mink coat
貂皮服装 ermines
吊带裙 skirt with shoulder-straps
定做衣服 clothes made-to-order
冬便裤 winter slacks
冬季大衣 winter coat
冬装 winter clothes
兜帽 hood
斗篷 cape
斗篷大衣 cloak
短裤 pants, shorts, short pants
短外套 coatee
短袖衬衣 sports shirt
短袖上衣 short-sleeved jacket
Chine-style jacket and trours
对褶裙 Inverted skirt
儿童风雪大衣 children\`s snow suit
儿童外衣 frock
儿童运动服 play suit
防弹衣 bullet-proof garments
防毒衣 protective clothing
防风袖头 storm cuff
防风衣 wind-jacket
飞行服 flight suit
风雪大衣 parka
蜂巢褶裥裙 beehive-pleat skirt
服装 garments
妇女化妆衣 peignoir
高级女装high fashion
个性时装 personality
工装裤 overalls
工作服 work clothes,boiler suit
古装 ancient costume
光线式褶裙,散褶裙 sunray pleats
海魂衫 sailor’s striped jacket
寒衣 winter clothing
汗背心 undervest, singlet
汗衫短裤装 vest and short t
合身服装 fitted clothes
和服式晨衣复肩 kimono yoke
和服式女晨衣披 kimono sleeve
荷叶边裙 flounced skirt
红装 woman’s gorgeous dress
厚大衣 heavy overcoat
花边胸衫 camisole
花衣服 bright-coloured clothes
滑雪链 ski pantalets
滑雪衫 ski-wear
化妆服 fancy dress
活动里子服装 detachable lining clothes
袈裟 kasaya, pallium
夹袄 lined coat
夹大衣 light overcoat
夹克衫 jacket
夹裤 lined trours
夹衣 doubled clothes, lined dress
健美服装 body building clothes
教士袍 cassock
结婚礼服 wedding dress
紧身长衬裤 long pants
紧身裤 tights, pantie, ho
紧身女衬裤 pantie-girdle, stretch girdle
紧身三角裤 pantie briefs
紧身袜裤 stretch nylon
cort, bodice, boob tube, bustier
紧身胸衣外套 cort cover
紧身衣 Shape suit
警服 Police uniform
旧衣服 Secondhand clothes, old clothes
救生衣 Life jacket
军用服装 military
军装 uniform
开裆裤 pants with open cloth,open-at