Skeleton –骷髅,骨架
Bone –骨头
Joint –关节
Vein –静脉
Artery –动脉
Nerve –神经
Blood –血液
Muscle –肌肉
Hair 头发,体毛,寒毛
Blonde –黄发
Brunette –棕发
Tips of your hair or end of your hair –发尖
Root of your hair or hair follicles –发根
Skull –头骨
Brain –大脑
Forehead –额头
Eye Brow –眉毛
Eye Lashes –眼睫毛
Eye balls –眼球
Eyelid –眼皮
Pupil –瞳孔
No –鼻子
Nostrils –鼻孔Bridge of the no –鼻梁
Mouth –嘴
Lips –嘴唇
Upper lip –上嘴唇
Lower lip –上嘴唇Teeth –牙齿(单数:tooth) Tongue –舌头
Tip of the tongue –舌尖
Gum –牙龈
Cheek –脸颊
Cheek bone –颧骨
Jaw –腮帮子
Chin –下巴
Ears –耳朵(单数:ear)
Ear canal –耳朵眼儿
Temple –太阳穴
Neck –脖子
Throat –喉咙
Adams’s apple –男生喉结
Windpipe –气管
Collarbone –锁骨
Arm –胳膊
Forearm –前臂
Upper arm –后臂
Wrist –手腕
Elbow –胳膊肘
Elbow joint –肘关节
Funny bone –麻筋儿
Shoulder –肩膀
Shoulder blade –肩胛
Shoulder joint –肩关节
Biceps –二头肌
Triceps –三头肌
Deltoid –三角肌
Underarm/ armpits –腋下
Goo bumps –鸡皮疙瘩手部须知单词
Hand –手
Palm –手掌
Fist –拳头
Back of the hand –手背
Knuckles –指关节
Fingers –手指头
Nail –指甲
Thumb –大拇指
Index finger –食指
Middle finger –中指
Ring finger –无名指
Little finger –小拇指
Finger prints –手纹
Finger tips –指尖
Chest –胸口
Breasts –胸部
Nipple –乳头
Ribs –肋骨
Heart –心脏
Lung –肺
Bladder –膀胱
Kidney –肾
Stomach –胃
Belly –肚子
Belly bottom –肚脐眼
Lower belly –小肚子
Gut –肠子
Intestine –大肠
Waist –腰
Back –后背
Spine/ back bone –脊椎
Lower back –下背
Pelvic –骨盆
Hip –胯
Hipbone –胯骨
Womb –子宫
Buttocks/ ass/ behind –屁股
Private part –私处腼腆说法
Urine –尿道,也是尿液的意思
Anus –肛门
Groin –里帘儿:大腿内侧
Crotch –身体和腿的交接部分四肢(Limbs)须知单词——腿类