1.Becau the garden was untended(A),the windows had no(B)shutters,and the lawn overrun(C)by weeds,people passing by(D)the old hou assumed that it was unoccupied.No error(E)(06.1-17)
2.Only by tapping(A)their last rerves of energy were(B)the team members able to salvage(B)what was beginning(D)to look like a lost cau.No error(E)(06.1-19)
3.When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in1962,it(A)instantly established(B)herlf as one(C)of the most important(D)literally voices of her generation.No error(E)(06.1-20)
4.It was(A)a Chine American grower who finally succeeded with adapting(B)the now familiar(C) orange tree to(D)the American climate.No error(E)(06.1-22)
5.Five years in the writing(A),her new book is both a respon(B)to her critics mistrust with(C)her earlier findings and an elaboration(D)of her original thesis.No error(E)(0
6.Charles Dickens Great Expectations is a novel in which(A)the main character become so obsd with(B)the idea of becoming(C)a gentleman that(D)his moral judgment is temporarily affected.No error(E)(06.5-13)
7.What(A)becomes apparent from asssing(B)scientific accomplishment is that only relatively recently have(C)the necessary technology been developed for(D)solving the mysteries of genetics.No error(E) (06.5-19)
8.Despite(A)its cultural importance,the Daily Gazette lost(B)70percent of its subscribers since1920and, by1955,was losing(C)as much as(D)$200,000a year.No error(E)(06.1-29)
9.Becau(A)his experience in the naval medical corps had been rewarding(B),Bob applied(C)to medical school after he was discharged(D)from the navy.No error(E)(06.5-20)
10.Tho who(A)defend quoia trees from(A)loggers justified(C)doing so(D)on the grou
nds that such trees are irreplaceable.No error(E)(06.5-23)
11.Africa’s Kanem Empire,after enduring for(A)over a thousand years,is(B)believed to have fallen into decline(C)when trade centers shift(D)outside its boundaries.No error(E)(06.5-25)
12.Opposite to(A)most people I know,Annie,a good photographer herlf(B),actually enjoys eing(C) the photographs that her friends take on their(D)vacations.No error(E)(06.5-26)
13.Not very particular in(A)nesting sites(B),hou wrens may nest(C)in birdhou,mailboxes,building crevices——even in the pockets of(D)hanging laundry.No error(E)(06.5-28)
14.At(A)the reception were(B)the chattering(C)guests,the three-tiered cake,and the lively music that have become characteristic of(D)many wedding celebrations.No error(E)(06.5-29)
15.Among(A)the most dangerous environment threats that we face are(B)“compu-garbage”,the nonbiodegradable and often toxic(C)waste resulting from the improper disposal of(D)obsolete personal computers.No error(E)(07.10-21)
16.At a time when(A)interest in twentieth–century classical music ems(B)on the verge to disappear(C),the avant-garde compositions of the1960s and1970s manage(D)to retain their popularity. No error(E)(07.10-25)
17.A powerful advocate to(A)equal rights,Belva Lock wood was(B)twice a candidate for President long before the Nineteeth Amendment to the Constitution(C)allowed women to(D)vote.No error(E) (07.10-26)
18.Annual visitors to(A)New York City’s Central Park number(B)almost(C)ten times that of Mount Rushmore(D).No error(E)(07.10-28)
19.Despite rearch on the diagnosis of(A)heart dia and the u of increasingly(B)sophisticated technology in its treatment(C),the condition of coronary arteries is(D)still difficult to asss precily.No error(E)(08.1-21)
20.No one but(A)a fool would readily(B)lend money to a person who is known(C)to be(D)a frequent gambler.No error(E)(08.1-23)
21.It was obvious that all of the candidates had planned carefully(A)for the televid debate,for each(B) answer to(C)the opening question showed evidence of having been(D)reheard.No error(E)(08.1-25)
22.For(A)any mayor of a vast metropolitan area,an understanding of(B)current issues in all districts is(C) not only desirous(D)but also vital.No error(E)(08.1-26)
23.The ven-month-old baby was considered precocious to her family(A)becau she was already able(B)to grasp tiny items delicately(C)between her thumb(D)and forefinger.No error(E)(08.1-28)
24.The night before the playoffs began(A),the coach advid her players to eat a balanced dinner,to relax and enjoy(B)themlves(C),and they should get(D)plenty of rest.No error(E)(08.5-16)
25.When(A)recipes for iced tea appeared in(B)a few(C)late-nineteenth-century cookbooks,the drink did not become popular(D)until the1904World’s Fair.No error(E)(08.5-23)