FDA 21 CFR 812 IDE 中文简译 (fda临床试验规定)

更新时间:2023-05-06 13:54:03 阅读: 评论:0

Subpart A—General Provisions
812.5Labeling of investigational devices.标记调查用的机械
812.7Prohibition of promotion and other practices.推广的禁用和实行812.10Waivers.豁免
812.18Import and export requirements.进口和出口的需求。
812.19Address for IDE correspondence.IDE对应的定位
Subpart B—Application and Administrative Action部分B-申请程序和行政诉讼
812.25Investigational plan.研究计划
812.27Report of prior investigations.前调查报告(临床前报告)
812.30FDA action on applications.FDA的申请程序上的行动
812.35Supplemental applications.补充申请
812.36Treatment u of an investigational device.研究机械的处方
812.38Confidentiality of data and information.数据和信息的保密性。
Subpart C—Responsibilities of Sponsors对厂商的责任分部C
812.40General responsibilities of sponsors.厂商的一般责任
812.42FDA and IRB approval.FDA和IRB的批准
812.43Selecting investigators and monitors.选择的调查和监控。
812.45Informing investigators.告知调查。
812.46Monitoring investigations.监测调查。
812.47Emergency rearch under§50.24of this chapter.紧急研究
Subpart D—IRB Review and Approval分部D-IRB的审查和批准
812.60IRB composition,duties,and functions.IRB组成,职责和功能
812.62IRB approval.IRB的批准。
812.64IRB’s continuing review.IRB的持续检讨
812.66Significant risk device determinations.重大危险设备的确定
Subpart E—Responsibilities of Investigators研究者的责任
812.100General responsibilities of investigators.研究者的一般责任
812.110Specific responsibilities of investigators.研究者的特殊责任
812.119Disqualification of a clinical investigator.被取消资格的临床研究者
(a)The purpo of this part is to encourage,to the extent consistent with the
protection of public health and safety and with ethical standards,the discovery and development of uful devices intended for human u,and to that end to maintain optimum freedom for scientific investigators in their pursuit of this purpo.
(b)This part provides procedures for the conduct of clinical investigations of
devices.An approved investigational device exemption(IDE)permits a device that otherwi would be required to comply with a performance standard or to have premarket approval to be shipped lawfully for the purpo of conducting investigations of that device.An IDE approved under§812.30or considered approved under§812.2(b)exempts a device from the requirements of the following ctions of the Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(the act)and regulations issued thereunder:Misbranding under ction502of the act, registration,listing,and premarket notification under ction510, performance standards under ction514,premarket approval under ction515,
a banned device regulation under ction516,records and reports under ction
519,restricted device requirements under ction520(e),good manufacturing practice requirements under ction520(f)except for the requirements found in§820.30,if applicable(unless the sponsor states comply with the requirements under§812.20(b)(3)or§812.140(b)(4)(v))and color additive requirements under ction721.(b)References in this part to regulatory ctions of the Code of Federal Regulations are to chapter I of title 21,unless otherwi noted.[45FR3751,Jan.18,1980,as amended at59FR14366, Mar.28,1994;61FR52654,Oct.7,1996]
(a)General.This part applies to all clinical investigations of devices to determine safety and effectiveness,except as provided in paragraph(c)of this ction.
(b)Abbreviated requirements.The following categories of investigations are considered to have approved applications for IDE’s,unless FDA has notified a sponsor under§812.20(a)that approval of an application is required:
(iv)Complies with the requirements of§812.46with respect to monitoring investigations;
(v)Maintains the records required under§812.140(b)(4)and(5)and makes the reports required under§812.150(b)(1)through(3)and(5)through(10);
(vi)Ensures that participating investigators maintain the records required by§812.140(a)(3)(i)and make the reports required under§812.150(a)(1),(2),(5), and(7);and
(vii)Complies with the prohibitions in§812.7against promotion and other practices.
(2)An investigation of a device other than one subject to paragraph(e)of this
ction,if the investigation was begun on or before July16,1980,and to be completed,and is completed,on or before January19,1981.
(c)Exempted investigations.
This part,with the exception of§812.119,does not apply to investigations of the
categories of devices:
(1)A device,other than a transitional device,in commercial distribution immediately before May28,1976,when ud or investigated in accordance with the indications in labeling in effect at that time.
(2)A device,other than a transitional device,introduced into commercial distribution on or after May28,1976,that FDA has determined to be substantially equivalent to a device in
commercial distribution immediately before May28,1976,and that is ud or investigated in accordance with the indications in the labeling FDA reviewed under subpart E of part807in determining substantial equivalence.
(3)A diagnostic device,if the sponsor complies with applicable requirements in §809.10(c)and if the testing:
(i)Is noninvasive,
(ii)Does not require an invasive sampling procedure that prents significant risk, (iii)Does not by design or intention introduce energy into a subject,and (iv)Is not ud as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation of the diagnosis by another,medically established diagnostic product or procedure.
(4)A device undergoing consumer preference testing,testing of a modification,or
testing of a combination of two or more devices in commercial distribution,if the testing is not for the purpo of determining safety or effectiveness and does not put subjects at risk.
(5)A device intended solely for veterinary u.
(6)A device shipped solely for rearch on or with laboratory animals and labeled
in accordance with§812.5(c).
(7)A custom device as defined in§812.3(b),unless the device is being ud to
determine safety or effectiveness for commercial distribution.
(d)Limit on certain exemptions.
In the ca of class II or class III device described in paragraph(c)(1)or(2) of this ction,this part applies beginning on the date stipulated in an FDA regulation or order that calls for the submission of premarket approval applications for an unapproved class III device,or establishes a performance standard for a class II device.
(e)Investigations subject to IND’s.A
sponsor that,on July16,1980,has an effective investigational new drug application (IND)for an investigation of a device shall continue to comply with the requirements of part312until90days after t
hat date.To continue the investigation after that date,a sponsor shall comply with paragraph(b)(1)of this ction,if the device is not a significant risk device,or shall have obtained FDA approval under§812.30 of an IDE application for the investigation of the device.
(a)Act means the Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(ctions201–
901,52Stat.1040et q.,as amended(21U.S.C.301–392)).
(b)Custom device means a device that:
(1)Necessarily deviates from devices generally available or from an applicable performance standar
d or premarket approval requirement in order to comply with the order of an individual physician or dentist;

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