The rearcher of college English teacher’s performance appraisal
Performance -----performance appraisal-----performance appraisal of college English teacher
Rearch questions:
1. What kind of aspects should be included in college English teacher performance?
2. What are the functions, Principles and significance of college English teacher performance evaluation?
3. what are the particularities of college English teacher performance?
4. What kind of teacher can be called high-qualified college English teacher? What are their characteristics?
5. What is the status quo of college English teacher performance evaluation?
6. How to establish a reasonable college English teacher performance evaluation system? What should be included in this system? What are the guidelines and stages of the reasonable evaluation system?
7. What is the appropriate evaluating method to college English teacher Performance?
This disrtation includes three Parts. Part1 is rearch status. In this Part, the definition and the Particularities of college English teacher Performance are made clear , it Is a kind of conceptual refinement; The characteristics of high performance college English teacher is analyzed: the status quo of college English teacher performance Evaluation is studied by the way of questionnaires and interview. Part2 is the study of Index system of college English teacher Performance evaluation . in this Part, the Theoretical basis, guidelines, Principles and function of the index system are illustrated; The concrete structure and weight scales of the asssment index system are constructed. Part3 is actualization (or implementation method) study of college English teacher Performance evaluation. It includes :ranking 15 teachers using data envelopment analysis Method and bench-making method: bringing forward betterment measures to non-valid (or poor perfor
mance) teachers: balancing teaching, scientific rearch and rvice work Of college English teacher by adding constraints . In order to make an in-depth study or an intensive study, an adequate preparation And a substantial argument are made. Especially to the 7 aspects involved in college English teacher Performance evaluation, a comprehensive theoretical speculativeness and Empirical rearch are developed.
教师绩效评估(teacher performance evaluation)是指按照一定的教育方针和政策,确立教师的工作目标和行为指标,对教师所实施的各种教育教学活动的有效性以及完成工作的状态水平进行科学的价值判断的过程,以了解教师工作的质量,通常是在工作中通过课堂观察、由领导、同事和学生等做出评定(蔡永红,2001)。教师评估,有人也称为“教师评价”、“教师评估”、“教师考核”。教师评估通过对教师素质及其在教育教学工作中的行为表现状况的测量,评判教师的素质水平和教育教学效果,并为进一步提高教师的素质水平和提高其教育教学效果提供切实可行的建议。何宪在《人才评价师》给出教师评估的概念是:教师评价是评价主体采用科学的方法,收集被评价者在主要活动领域中的表征信息,针对评价目标体系做出量值
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