(1)弓拉弦鸣乐器:小提琴(Violin)、中提琴(Viola)、大提琴(Cello)、倍低音提琴(Double Bass);
【Violin 小提琴】A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth, an unfretted fingerboard, and a shallower body than the viol and capable of great flexibility in range, tone, and dynamics.用弓演奏的一种弦乐器,具有在第五音的音程上调音的四根弦和不分格指板,形体较古提琴浅,音域、音色和强弱相当灵活。
【Viola 中提琴】A stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone.提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮。
【Cello 大提琴】A four-stringed instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass.一种提琴类四弦乐器,音调比中提琴低但比低音提琴高。
【Double bass 低音提琴或大贝司】The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra, also ud frequently in jazz enmbles, especially played pizzicato. The double bass, usually considered a member of the violin family, is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols. It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C.尤用于拨奏的现代管弦乐队的最大弓弦乐器,也常用于爵士乐合奏。低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为第四级音,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点。它有始于中音以下三个八度音阶的深度范围。
(2)弹拨弦鸣乐器:竖琴(Harp)、吉它(Guitar)、电吉它(Electric Guitar)、贝司(Bass)。
【harp 竖琴】An instrument consisting of an upright, open triangular frame with usually 46 strings of graded lengths played by plucking with the fingers.一种有一个通常系有四十六根长短不一的琴弦的直立的开放三角架、弹奏时用手指拨动琴弦的乐器。
【guitar 吉他】An instrument having a large, flat-backed sound box similar in shape to a violin, a long fretted neck, and usually six strings, played by strumming or plucking.一种具有大而平的音箱的乐器,形状与小提琴相似,琴颈长,通常有六根弦,为弹拨乐器。
【mandolin 曼陀林】An instrument with a usually pear-shaped body and a fretted neck over which veral pairs of strings are stretched.常是梨形琴身,在有格纹的琴颈上装有几组供挑拨的琴弦。
【lute 鲁特琴(中文的琵琶也译做lute)】A stringed instrument having a body shaped like a pear sliced lengthwi and a neck with a fretted fingerboard that is usually bent just below the tuning pegs.一种纵向削制的形状如梨的拨弦乐器,琴颈上有定音档的指板,通常弯曲于调音单轴之下。
【Bass 贝司】爵士常用乐器,它在爵士乐队中主要担任低音声部,有时也作即兴独奏。传统爵士乐一般都采用原声贝司(即低音提琴)来体现它的原始风味。而在现代爵士乐(特别是融合爵士)中经常运用电贝司或电子合成器中的合成贝司音色来增加它的现代感。'行进贝司'(Walking Bass)是爵士乐中最有特色的一种演奏方式,即在稳定的节奏基础上作和弦分