All you can eat rest stop.
Special Poster for "Oldtimer", a big Austrian chain for motorway rest stops.
在当今信息时代,广告几乎无处不有无所不在。事实上,广告已成为现代生活的重要信息来源,成为人们生活的不可缺少的一部分。为了成功地实现广告功能,即传播信息功能,劝说功能,塑造形象功能,刺激消费功能,广告作者总是特别注意修辞,总是狠下功夫巧妙地运用各种修辞手段(rhetorical devices),创造出精辟独到、生动形象、效果非凡的广告词, 尤其是广告标语。
♦吸引力 (attractive --- catch the reader’s attention)
♦创造力 (creative --- project an image)
♦说服力 (persuasive --- urge the reader to act)
♦影响力 (impressive --- produce an impact)
一、 广告的词汇特点
1. 形容词及其比较级、最高级的使用 More U of Adjectives
♦Example 1:
♦ For the first time, there’s a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you want --- sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet --- without a drop of alcohol or oil.
2. 创造新词、怪词以引起新奇感 Originality in Spelling
Example 2:
The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkisd holiday.
3. 使用缩略词和复合词(以节省广告篇幅)Frequent U of Abbreviations and Compounds
♦Example 4:
♦Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL.
4. 雅俗兼具 使用mom,kids这些生活气息甚浓厚,使得该产品颇具亲切感
♦Example 5:
♦Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.
♦妈咪依赖果乐,就像宝宝依赖妈咪一样。(卡夫公司出品的 Kool-Aid(译:"酷爱"牌)饮料.)
1. 多用简单句,目的是为了醒目、易懂、易记More U of Simple Sentences
♦Example 6: Fresh Up with ven-Up
♦Example 7: Coca-cola is it.
♦ 请饮七喜,倍添精神。(饮七喜,添精神)
2.省略句多,语言凝练。 More U of Shortened Sentences
♦Example 9:
♦You’ll enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm, crystal clear lagoons( /ləˈɡuːn.) Cool, green foliage ['fəuliidʒ]. Waterfalls. Flowers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies. Secluded beaches. Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunts. Soft evening breezes. And food that simply outstanding.
3.祈使句多,具有强烈的鼓动色彩。imperative ntence
♦ Example 10: So come into McDonald’s and enjoy Big Sandwich.
♦Example 11: For more of America, look to us.
♦Example 12: We would never say the new Audi 100 is the best in its class, we don't have to.
♦Example 13: If you can’t relax here, you can’t relax.
♦ 我们根本不必说新型奥迪100是同类车中最好的。没有这个必要。
♦ 此地不能放松,无处能放松。
5.常用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感,并暗示商品的持久性和永恒性。Frequent U of Prent Ten
♦Example 13:
♦Harmony of style and performance t this new 626 apart. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.
♦Example 14: Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (Rolex手表广告语)
Example 15: She works while you rest. (洗衣机广告)
6. Frequent U of Quotations 常用引语
Example 16: Paris—Moscow—Beijing: Great Expectations.(汽车拉力赛广告)(狄更斯的小说《远大前程》
Example 17: Sofa—So—Good.(沙发广告)(so far so good)
Example 18: Thirst come, thirst rved. (可口可乐广告) “First come, first rved”.
Example 19: TIME IS MONEY, with a subscription you save both. 《经济学家》杂志广告。
♦Featherwater: light as a feather法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛 (明喻)
♦浅析: 该广告突出了该眼镜的质地,即用树脂做成,不但轻而且还经久耐用
♦Hi-fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony. 高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只能来自索尼。(头韵)
♦My Paris in a perfume巴黎恰在香水中(暗喻)
♦ A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. 当代的经典作;永久的记时器。(对偶)
1. 拟人
♦Flowers by Interflora speak form the heart. “茵特”之花, 表达肺腑之言。
♦Strong tractor strong farmer. 拖拉机,农民好帮手。
2. 双关
♦Ask for More. (谐音)再来一只,我还抽摩尔。
♦浅析:“More”一字既介绍了香烟品牌又把香烟颇受欢迎这一事实介绍给了顾客, 宣传效果很明显。
♦More sun and air for your son and heir. 充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切都为了您的子孙后代。
♦Spoil yourlf and not your figure .(语义)尽情大吃,不增体重。(weight-watcher 冰淇淋广告)
♦A deal with us means a good deal to you. 和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。
♦Coke refreshes you like no other can. (语法)没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。
A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. (成语或俗语双关 )
♦浅析:一看这个广告,大家很容易联想到两则英语谚语:“An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一苹果,医生原离我。” 和“ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。” 这则广告似乎告诉人们吃了这种巧克力既可以保持身体健康又可以聪明,激起了人们购买的欲望。
♦You’ll go nuts(发疯;失去理智)for the nuts you get in Nux. 纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。
“一切皆有可能” (李宁服饰)Anything is possible.
“给我一个机会,还你一个惊喜” (嘉亨印务)
Give me a chance, and you’ll have a big surpri.
“拥有完美肌肤的秘诀” The cret for perfect skin.
国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。Good and vigorous spirit.
运动休闲,我行我速。Go my own way.