旅游营销英语练习答案(passage translation)
Lesson One
1. China’s approach to develop tourism industry is to develop international
tourism in advance of domestic tourism, and inbound tourism in advance of outbound tourism.
2. The core and nature of a hotel product is rvice, including rvice’s item, quality, facility and environment.
3. Tourist rvice is the combination of all the products and rvices which are offered in a single tourism activity.
4. Mainly, tourism industry consists of the trades of hotel, diet, transportation, travel agency and entertainment.
5. A market is compod of the people who are desirous of shopping and also they have the purchasing power. So they are the potential buyers. Logically, the more the people, the larger a market scale.
6. Some marketing means are effective in increasing market share, but not necessarily in improving profitability.
7. Some scholars have made modifications to the marketing mix of rvice industry and expanded the idea to ven elements, they are product, pricing, place and channel promotion, people, physical evidence and process.
8. The promotion mix refers to the appropriately lecting and organizing of advertiment sales promotion, publicity and personal lling activities on the basis of its needs of a business organization.
Lesson Two
1.The importance of tourism industry in the national economy of a country can
be measured in the proportion of its product value which accounts for the country’s national revenue.
2.World Tourism Organization is the most widely accepted organization in the
tourism industry who headquarter is located in Madrid, Spain.
3.With incread leisure and income, people have more and more needs to go
abroad on travel.
4.For tho travelers who are interested in foreign culture the tourist
destination’s geographical position and whether cultural activities are arranged and where they are organized will influence their destination choices.
5.When traveling around, people can make friends in every parts of the world,
arching and finding common grounds with people of other nations and propagating their wishes for world peace.
6.With hotels, restaurants and other facilities needed by tourists constructed,
the beautiful view of countryside was ruined to nothing.
7.Discarding wastes around in picnicking spots and making scrawls and
random carvings in relics and historic sides, careless travelers left mass of visual pollution.
8. Conference and incentive tour is one of the rapidly developed tourist products in the world, which is greatly appealing to the tourism administrative
institutes and travel agencies in many countries.
Lesson Three
1.With respect to business range, China’s travel agencies can be divided into
international agencies and domestic agencies, the business scope of which is simply limited to internal tour organizing operation.
2.The business scope of the international travel agency includes the business of
inbound and outbound traveling and domestic traveling.
3.The development of domestic tourism has not only laid a solid foundation for
inbound tourism, but also created conditions for developing outbound or international tourism in a country or a region.
4.Mainly, air pasnger transport falls into two major categories: scheduled
flight and chartered flight.
5.Actually, the two-spot travel route within a city is a single-line package tour
between the accommodation place and a tourist attraction, which could make visitors become grow weary easily. As a result, the tourist sides have to attract potential guests by promoting their popularity.
6.Tourism industry is one of tho that can promptly yield investment return.
This characteristic is easily to be en in the primary stage of resort construction in many parts of China.
7.When introducing the conference facility to the international meeting
attendees you deed to give them fully detailed information so that their doubts and questions could be reduced to minimum. The provided information can be divided into six major types, which is about entry formalities, local customs and conventions, transport and lodging, money exchange and other necessary information.
8.Quantitative and qualitative surveys are the two most commonly ud
methods in marketing investigation.
Lesson Four
1.Tourism development is considered the major cau of environmental
degradation. Such cas can be found in almost every country in the world.