She said that Derek had decided in his early 20s that he wanted to be a journalist and simply refud to take no for an answer. He more or less took up residence outside the newspaper of his choice, bombarding it with e-mails, until eventually he was allowed in as an unpaid intern. He financed his journalism by working night shifts as a hospital porter, until eventually he was offered a job. 她说,德里克20岁出头就决定,他希望成为一名记者,且压根不承受“不行”这样的答复。他几乎是住在他所中意的报社门外,用电子邮件对其进展狂轰乱炸,直到最后被录用为一名没有报酬的实习生。他靠夜间在一家医院当门童来获取经济,直到最终拿到了正式合同。 We all love an underdog story, and this one vastly cheered me up. All the more so becau it ems to belie the conviction of every pushy parent that if a child puts one foot wrong academically they have blown it for life. Both in London and New York there is this feverish notion that the journey to suess starts at around three years old. It is vital to get a child into the right nurry school that will get them into Harvard or Cambridge or wherever. And if the child does not land up with straight A grades then clearly their chances of suess in life are very low indeed. 我们都爱听失败者的故事,
上面这个故事令我兴奋不已。更重要的原因在于,这似乎有悖于每一位望子成龙的家长的看法,即如果孩子在学业上步入歧途,他们的一生就毁了。无论在伦敦还是纽约,都存在着一种狂热的.观念:即通往成功之路始于3岁左右。让孩子进入适宜的托儿所,对于他们将来进入哈佛(Harvard)或剑桥之流的学府至关重要。而如果孩子最终未能连续取得A等成绩,那么他们一生获得成功的时机显然会非常低。 This tiresome hysteria has got wor in one generation. When I was at school and at university there was a lot of opportunity for screwing up, and most of us availed ourlves of it at one point or another. In fact, if you cruid effortlessly from one academic triumph to another you were regarded as rather dull. As a schoolgirl, not only did I fail to get straight As, I didn't get any As at all – though I did get an F and even a U (for unclassified). 对于一代人而言,这种令人生厌的歇斯底里式的想法愈发严重。在我上中学和大学时,有的是把我一生搞砸的时机,而我们大多数人也或早或晚地利用了这种时机。实际上,如果你不费吹灰之力就接连取得学业上的成功,你会被视为一个相当无趣的人。上学期间,我不仅没有连续获得A等成绩,甚至连一个A都没拿到过——我还拿过一个F,甚至一个U(代表不予评级,比F还差)。