发明人:GÖTTLICH, HARALD 申请号:EP13401026.3
摘要:the invention concerns a for screwing in a borehole in a massivk\u00f6rper, especially with a main material contribution of concrete, a screw (1), who holding power in the borehole by the addition of an in hole universal, aush\u00e4rtbaren mass is improved.at montagefehlern, which in practice inclusions between the screw (1) and a innenwandfl\u00e4che hole can lead to a sufficient fixierkraft reliably to ensure the screw (1) three gewindeg\u00e4nge (2, 3, 4), on the scope of equal it ind.if the casting problem, for example, to an air lock is limited to tho in practice on a single groove between two gewindeg\u00e4ngen (2, 3, 4). thus, a supply screw (1) with a sufficient amount of the aush\u00e4rtbaren mass over the whole extent and ensure the desired fixierkraft in montagefehlern guaranteed.the screw (1), but not in the borehole and mass eindrehbar. to this end, a first gewindegang (2) compared to the other gewindeg\u00e4ngen (3, 4) on a larger scale, so that the first gewindegang (2) in the borehole furchend eindrehbar's and the other gewindeg\u00e4nge (3, 4) in the innenwandfl\u00e4che hole only concern.this is a high fixierkraft in at the same time, relatively low montagekr\u00e4ften and, for the first time, a screw (1) and which, in the massivk\u00f6rper, both with and without mass fixierbar and reliable.
申请人:SG HOLDING UG,SG Holding UG,SG Holding UG
代理机构:Scheffler, Jörg 更多信息请下载全文后查看