Time-consuming is a compound adjective compod of two words, time and consuming. The first word 'time护照过期了怎么办
' refers to the passing of conds, minutes, hours and days, while 'consuming' carries the meaning of having to u a lot of effort or resources.
On a literal level, time-consuming means consuming or occupying a large amount of time. It is ud to describe activities that take a long time to complete, such as cleaning an entire hou or writing a lengthy paper. Time-consuming tasks are usually tedious and laborious, but usually necessary for someone to achieve a particular goal.
However, this phra can also have figurative ap著名书法家作品
plications. Someone might say that their job is time-consuming if they feel like they have to invest a great deal of their own time in order to complete it. This could be the result of the amount of physical labor involved, or becau the job has too many intangible aspects.
Time-consuming also applies to relationships or friendships. If someone finds himlf spe
nding too much time with another person, he might say that the friendship is time-consuming. They could say this either as a complaint, or simply to express that being around the other person takes up a larger proportion of their daily life than they would expect.
Finally, ti拉面配方
me-consuming can also refer to technology or systems. For example, someone might describe the process of applying for a visa as time-consuming. They would likely say this to express how difficult it is to work within the governmental禅字图片
system, and how much time, effort, and paperwork it requires.
In conclusion, time-consuming is a compound adjective compod of two words, time and consuming. It describes tasks, jobs, relationships, or systems that require a large amount of ef梦见买手表
fort and/or resources in order to complete them.