Changes of phagocytic capacity in basic fibrobl迎国庆诗歌
ast growth factor-transfected iris pigment epithelial
cells in rats.
刊名称: Current Eye Rearch
作者: Sakuragi, Motoko,Tomita, Hiroshi,Abe, Toshiaki,Tamai, Makoto
年份: 2001年
期号: 第3期
关键词: iris pigment epithelium;retinal pigment epithelium;basic fibroblast
growth factor爱国的名人名言
;phagocytosis;photoreceptor outer gments
摘要:Purpo. To evaluate differences of phagocytic capacities in rat retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, iris pigment epithelial (IPE) cells, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) cDNA-transfected IPE (bFGF-IPE) cells in西湖美景作文
vitro. Methods. The RPE cells and IPE cells were isolated from adult Long Evans r
atyes. T尺子的英文单词
he bFGF cDNA was transfected to the IPE using lipofection method. The bovine photoreceptor outer gments (POS) were isolated and labeled with Alexa 488 dye (fluorescent marker, EX: 494 nm, EM: 519 nm), and were applied to the cultured RPE, IPE, vect中秋节的来历简单介绍
or-IPE, and bFGF-IPE for 20 hours. The amount of phagocytod POS in cells was photographed by fluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) filter, and expresd as the ratio of the occupying area of fluorescence to the area of pigment epithelial