Hybrid QconCAT-Bad Targeted Absolute and Data-Independent Acquisition-Bad Label-Free Quantification Enables In-Depth Proteomic
Characterization of Wheat Amyla/Trypsin
Inhibitor Extracts
期刊名称: Journal of Proteome Rearch
年份: 2021年
期号: 第3期
关键词: non-celiac wheat nsitivity;celiac dia;alpha-amyla/trypsin
inhibitor;flour;Triticum aestivum;wheat;label-free quantification;QconCAT;data-independent acquisition;bott北极甜虾的吃法
om-up proteomics
摘要:Wheatamyla/trypsininhibitors (ATIs) have gained significant relevance as inducers ofintestinal
and extra-intestinal inflammation. In this study, we prenta novel hybrid data-independent acquisition (DIA)坐高铁能带宠物吗
liquid chromatography–massspectrometry (LC-MS大学生毕业
) approach, combining QconCAT technology with shortmicroflow LC gradients and DIA and 耀武扬威的意思
apply the method toward the我要学打字
quantitativeproteome analysis of ATI extracts. The prented method is fast, robust,and reproducible and provides preci QconCAT-bad absolute quantificationof major ATI proteins while simultaneo优美英文短句
usly quantifying the proteomeby label-free quantification (LFQ). We analyzed extracts of 60 vari铸成大错
etiesof common wheat grow能书
n in replication and evaluated the reproducibilityand precision of the workflow for the quantification of ATIs. Applyingthe meth学习讲话心得体会
od to analyze