You should have no problem acquiring all 5 collectible weapons in this map.
1. S20K
2. AEK971
3. XM8
4. 870MCS
Yes, when you press start it only list 4 here in this leve部队公积金
l but that doesn't matter becau yo立德树人论文
u can fin龙虾沙拉
d all 5 on this level to get them over三角函数公式高中
with. It doesn't matter what level like I said at the beginning of this post what level you collect them in just as lon高三教师评语
g as you collect them. If you collect them early, even better for you.
Total Gold: 0, None.
Weapon #1 and #2 Both the S20K anword横版
d AEK971 can be picked up from enemies here. I had no problem what so ever getting the. If you don't happen to get the S20K here, you can get it later in the level. AEK971 they always林徽因墓
em to have, not only in this level but throughout the rest of the levels too.
Weapon #3 XM8 Can be found in this hou. You have to go inside of here anyways (red marker on your map) or el I would put up 2 screenshots I have.
Weapon #4 870MCS Can be found in the building down a small dirt road. See the above screenshot for exact location on your map.
Weapon #1 S20K Inside the barn. Only necessary if you have not picked it up yet from enemies in this level yet.
If you happen to miss some, don't worry becau you will come across more as shown below.