The art of calligraphy is widely practiced and revered in the East Asian civilizations that u Chine characters. The include China, Japan, Korea, and formerly Vietnam[1].In addition to being an artform in its own right, calligraphy has also influenced ink and wash painting, which is accomplished using similar tools and techniques. The East Asian tradition of calligraphy originated and developed from China, specifically the ink and brush writing of Chine characters. There is a general standardization of the various styles of calligraphy in the East Asian tradition. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many other forms of art in East Asia, including al carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones.
The paper, ink, brush, and inkstone are esntial implements of East Asian calligraphy: they are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study (T: 文房四宝 / S: 文房四宝) in China, and as the Four Friends of the Study (HG: 문방사우 / HJ: 文房四友) in Korea. In addition to the four tools, desk pads and paperweights are also ud by calligraphers.
Special types of paper are ud in East Asian calligraphy.
In China, Xuanzhi, traditionally made in Anhui province, is the preferred type of paper. It is made from t孕妇补铁吃什么
he Tartar wingceltis (Pteroceltis tartarianovii), as well as other materials including rice, the paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), bamboo, hemp, etc.
In Japan, Washi is made from the kozo (paper mulberry), ganpi (Wikstroemia sikokiana), and mitsumata (Edgeworthia papyrifera), as well as other materials like bamboo, hemp, rice, and wheat. somtimes the brush is ud to put ink on a pen
The ink is made from lampblack (soot) and binders, and comes in sticks which must be ru
bbed with water on an inkstone until the right consistency is achieved. Much cheaper, pre-mixed bottled inks are now available, but the are ud primarily for practice as stick inks are considered higher quality and chemical inks are more prone to bleeding over time, making them less suitable for u in hanging scrolls. Learning to rub the ink is an esntial part of calligraphy study. Traditionally, East Asian calligraphy is written only in black ink, but modern calligraphers sometimes u other colours. Calligraphy teachers u a bright orange ink with which they write practice characters for students and correct students' work.
he brush is the traditional writing implement in East Asian calligraphy. The body of the brush can be made from either bamboo, or rarer materials like red sandalwood, glass, ivory, silver, and gold. The head of the brush can be made from the hair (or feather) of a wide variety of animals, including the wolf, rabbit, deer, chicken, duck, goat, pig, tiger, etc. There is also a tradition in both China and Japan of making a brush using the hair of a ne
wborn, as a once-in-a-lifetime souvenir for the child. This practice is associated with the legend of an ancient Chine scholar who scored first in the Imperial examinations by using such a personalized brush.
Today, calligraphy may also be done using a pen, but pen calligraphy does not enjoy the same prestige as traditional brush calligraphy.
Astone or ceramic inkstone is ud to rub the solid ink stick into liquid ink and to contain the ink once it is liquid. Cheaper inkstones are made of plastic.
Inkstones are often carved, so they are collectible works of art on their own.
Paperweights come in veral types: some are oblong wooden blocks carved with calligraphic or p感冒的类型
ictorial designs; others are esntially small sculptures of people or animals. Like inkstones, paperweights are collectible works of art on their own right.
Desk pad
The desk pad (Chine T: 画毡, S: 画毡, Pinyin: huagrave;zhn; Japane: 下敷 shitajiki) is a pad made of felt. Some are printed with grids on both sides, so that when it is placed under the translucent paper, it can李小龙是怎么死的
be ud as a guide to ensure correct placement and size of characters. The printed pads are ud only by students. Both desk pads and the printed grids come in a variety of sizes.
Main article: Chine al
Works of calligraphy are usually completed by the artist putting his or her al at the very end, in red ink. The al rves the function of a signature.
The Chine method of holding the brushHow the brush is held depends on which calligr
aphic genre is practiced. For Chine calligraphy, the method of holding the brush is more special; the brush is held vertically straight gripped betSuperFetch
ween the thumb and middle finger. The index finger lightly touches the upper part of the shaft of the brush (stabilizing it) while the ring and little fingers tuck under the bottom of the shaft. The pal初二必读书目名著
m is hollow and you should be able to hold an egg in there. This method, although difficult to hold correctly for the beginner, allows greater freedom of movement, control and execution of strokes. For Japane calligraphy, the brush is held in the right hand between the thumb and the index finger, very much like a Western pen.