加拿大申请签证 英文 同意书

更新时间:2023-05-04 21:09:02 阅读: 评论:0

Canada Visa Application Center China
1. VAC rvice
Canada Visa Applica关于梅花的成语 tion Center (CVAC) are available in China in order to provide a rvice designed to support better rvice to residents of China and permanent residents of Canada. CVAC is a Contractor performing a number of functions on behalf of 仓库出入库管理 applicants related to temporary resident visa and permit applications, and applications for travel documents.
CVAC charges for its rvices have been authorid by the Government of Canada.
2. Liability
CVAC is not an agent of the Government of Canada. CVAC is a completely independent entity, operating under the laws of the country where the rvices are provided and is solely responsible for the provision of its rvices.
3. Language of rvice
CVAC shall provide the rvice and the website in English and French as required by Canada, and predominant local languages.
4. Agreement
As a ur of CVAC I understand and agree that:
I h离休和退休的区别有哪些 ave read this document completely. My u of the rvices of CVAC  is to assist me with submitting my temporary resident visa or permit application, or application for travel documents to the Government of Canada, and is on the terms and conditions noted in this document.
The CVAC will receive documents 儿童数学故事 from me and collect personal information from me for u in applying to the Government of Canada for a Canadian visa, permit or travel document. On my Government of Canada application form there is a notice that describes the purpo for the collection of this personal information.
Alternatively, if indicated below, I give my connt to CVAC indirectly collecting my documents and personal information from the person specified below.
My personal information may include my application form, supporting or other documents as required by the Embassy of Canada or the Consulate General of Canada. My personal information collected by CVAC may also include my live photograph and my fingerprints, if this information is collected in support of my application.  My personal information may also include information required by CVAC for its 渴英语 records that may include limited application, identity, biographic and contact information necessary to provide the rvice and may, in some instances, includ会计总账 e electronic records or data related to my application(s) or other documents that I provide.
In order to obtain the authorisation of the Government of Canada as a contractor, CVAC has promid to respect principles of personal information confidentiality and protection adopted by various laws of
Canada. Offices of CVAC will make a copy of such principles available upon request.
The documents and electronic information may be transmitted by the CVAC among its VAC offices, if
authorid by Canada. The documents and孜然鸡胗的做法 electronic information will be transmitted to the Embassy of
Canada and the Government of Canada offices in Canada, as required to provide the rvice.
I understand that CVAC  will only collect, u, disclo and retain my personal information as required in
its contract with the Government of Canada and for the purpos o江苏的省会是哪个城市 f providing  my visa, permit or travel document application support rvices and biometric collection rvices, where applicable. The
Government of Canada has prohibited CVAC from using or disclosing my personal information for any
other purpo unless I have provided a further connt in writing.
NAME (printed):__________________________________________________________  ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________  SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: ___
___________________________________国家储备肉 _____
SIGNED AT:____________________________ (city, country)

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