木材防腐:wood prervation 木材防腐剂:wood prervative
木材防腐处理:wood prervative treatment 木材保管:wood protection in storage
原木保管:log protection in storage 锯材保管:sawntimber protection in storage木材防火:wood fire prevention 木材败坏:wood deterioration
生物败坏:biodeterioration 物理和化学损害:physical and chemical degradation 真菌:fungus 细菌:bacterium
昆虫:inct 海生钻孔动物:marine borer
腐朽:decay/rot 变色:stain
蛀孔:bore hole 天然耐久性:natural durability
天然耐腐性:natural decay resistance 含水率:moisture content
自由水:free moisture /free water 结合水:bound moisture/bound water
纤维饱和点:fibre saturation point 平衡含水率:equilibrium moisture content
木材吸湿性:hydroscopicity of wood 木材吸水性:water-absorbing capacity of wood 木材透水性:water permeability of wood 细胞壁:cell wall
纹孔:pit 木材密度:density of wood
木材硬度:hardness of wood 木材强度:strength of wood
生材:green wood 湿材:wet timber
气干材:air-dried timber 裂纹:check
干裂:asoning check 小肚腩
轮裂:ring shake 弧裂:cup shake
劈裂:split 生长轮:growth ring
年轮:annual ring 早材:early wood
晚材:late wood 边材:sap wood
心材:heart wood 熟材:ripe wood
针叶树材:coniferous wood/soft wood 阔叶树材:broadleaves wood/hard wood
健康材:sound wood  管理状况
; 腐朽材:decayed wood/rotted wood
变色材:stained wood 素材:untreated wood
菌害:attack by fungi and bacteria 木材腐朽菌:wood destroying fungi
担子菌纲:basidiomycetes 子囊菌纲:ascomycetes
半知菌类:fungi-imperfecti/deuteromyetes 结合菌类:Zygomycetes
多孔菌目:polyprales/polyporaceae 变色菌:stain fungi
霉菌:mould 菌丝:hyphae
菌丝体:mycelium 子实体:fruit body
孢子:spore 酶:enzyme
蓝变blue stain 边材变色:sap stain
边材腐朽: sap rot 心材腐朽:heart rot
干基腐朽:butt rot 好看的名片
白腐:white rot
褐腐:brown rot 干腐:dry rot
湿腐:wet rot &noppo手机桌面
bsp; 软腐:soft rot
带线:zone line 虫害:attack b带宽分配
y incts
木材钻孔虫:wood-boring incts 虫孔:incts hole
小虫眼:shothole/small inct-hole 大虫眼:grub hole
针孔虫眼:pin hole 表面虫眼和虫沟:surface inct holes and galleries蛀屑:frass/bore dust 蛸翅目:Coleoptera
天牛科:Cerambycidae 小蠹科:Scolytidae
长小蠹科:Platypodidae 窃蠹科:Anobiidae
长蠹科:Bostrychidae 粉蠹科:Lyctidae
粉蠹甲虫:powder-post beetles 食菌小蠹:ambrosia beetles
象鼻虫科:Curculionidae 吉丁虫科:Buprestidae
等翅目:Isoptera  电脑无法上网
; 家白蚁:Coptotermes formosanus
散白蚁:Reticulitermes spp 堆沙白蚁:Cryptotermes spp
膜翅目:Hymenoptera 木蚁:carpenter ant
木蜂:carpenter bee 树蜂:wood wasp
海生钻孔动物的危害:attack by Marine borers 软体钻孔动物:Molluscan borers
甲壳钻孔动物:Crustacean borers 船蛆:Teredo navalis
木材耐火性:fire resistance of wood 风化:weathering
机械磨损:mechanical we明星人气榜排名
ar 化学损坏(降解):chemical degradation
焦油类防腐剂:tar-oil type prervative
木材防腐油:coal-tar-creosote for the prervation of timber
乳化煤焦杂酚油:pigment emulsified creosote(PEC)
水煤气焦杂酚油:water-gas tar creosote
防腐油石油混合液:creosote-petroleum solution
石油分馏物:petroleum distillates 蒽油:anthrancene oil
有机溶剂型防腐剂:organic solvent type prervative 五氯苯酚:pentachlorphenol
环烷酸铜:copper naphthenate 8羟基喹啉酮:copper 8-hydroxyquinolate(Cu-8)
有机锡化合物:organotin compounds 林丹:lindane
氯丹:chlordane 辛硫磷:phoxim
水载型防腐剂:water-borne prervative 酸性铬酸铜:acid copper chromate
氨溶砷酸铜:ammonical copper arnite 铜铬砷防腐剂:CCA prervative
专利性防腐剂:proprietary prervative 水载五氯酚制剂:water-borne penta formulations防水防腐剂:water-repellent prervative 乳化防腐浆膏:emulsion paste