Two-stroke cycle 二冲程循环
Four-stroke cycle 四冲程循环
Diel cycle 狄塞尔循环
Otto cycle 奥托循环
Mixed cycle 混合循环
Constant volume cycle 定容循环
Constant pressure cycle 等压循环
Working cycle 工作循环
Ideal cycle 理想循环
Thermodynamic cycle 热力循环
Stroke 冲程,行程
Piston stroke 活塞行程
Long stroke 长行程
Up stroke 上行程
Down stroke 下行程
Intake stroke 吸气行程
Charging stroke 充气行程
Compression stroke 压缩行程
Working stroke 工作行程
Explosion stroke 爆炸行程
Expansion stroke 膨胀行程
Power stroke 动力行程
Exhaust stroke 排气行程
Expansion-exchange stroke 膨胀-换气行程
Exchange-compression stroke 换气-压缩行程
Dead center 止点
Top dead center 上止点
Lower dead center 下止点
Before top dead center 上止点前
After top dead center 上止点后
Before bottom dead center 下止点前
After bottom dead center 下止点后
Cylinder bore 缸径
Bore and stroke 缸径与冲程
Air-cell 空气室
Cylinder clearance volume 气缸余隙容积
Combustion chamber volume 燃烧室容积
Maximum cylinder volume 气缸最大容积
Compression chamber 压缩室
Displacement (swept volume) 排气量
Engine displacement 发动机排量
Piston displacement 活塞排量
Cylinder capacity 气缸容量
Single-chamber capacity 单室容量
Volumetry 容积详细的近义词是什么
Compression ratio 压缩比
Critical compression ratio 临界压缩比
Expansion ratio 膨胀比
Surface to volume ratio 面容比
Stroke-bore ratio 行程-缸径比
Mixture ratio 混合比
Compression pressure 压缩压力
Brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) 制动平均有效压力
Air fuel ratio 空燃比
Fuel air ratio 燃空比
Fuel equivalence ratio 燃料当量比
Torque 扭矩
Power per cylinder 单缸功率
Power per liter 升功率
Torque per liter 升扭矩
Mass per liter 升质量
Derating power 减额功率
Output power 输出功率
Gross power 总功率
Net power 净功率
Fuel consumption 燃油消耗量
Specific fuel consumption 比燃料消耗量
Air consumption 空气消耗量
Oil consumption 机油消耗量
Rated power 额定功率
Brake power 制动功率
Brake thermal efficiency 制动热效率
Indicted thermal efficiency 指示热效率
Overall efficiency 总效率
Smoke limiting power 排烟极限功率
Power curve 功率曲线
Mechanical loss 机械损失
Mechanical efficiency 机械效率
Effective thermal efficiency 有效热效率
Volumetric efficiency 容积效率
Excess air coefficient 过量空气系数
Adaptive coefficient 适应性系数
Torque adaptive coefficient 扭矩适应性系数
Speed adaptive coefficient 转速适应性系数
Intensification coefficient 强化系数
Correction factor 校正系数
Conversion factor 换算系数
Mean piston speed 活塞平均速度
Engine speed 发动机速度
Idling speed 怠速转速
Economic speed 经济转速
Starting speed 起动转速
Lowest continuous speed with load 最低稳定工作转速
Lowest idling temperature 发动机怠速转动最低温度
Maximum torque speed 最大转矩转速
Maximum noload governed speed 受控最高空转转速
Speed governing调速
Speed fluctuation rate转速波动率
Working condition (operating condition)工况
Rated working condition额定工况
Variable working condition变工况
Steady working condition稳定工况
No –load空载
Full load 全负荷
Over load 超负荷
Part load 部分负荷
Charge 充量(进气)
Direction of rotation 旋转方向
Clockwi 顺时针
Anticlockwi 逆时针
Left-hand rotation 左转
Right-hand rotation 右转
Major diameter 外径
Pitch diameter 中径
Minor diameter 内径
Radial clearance 径向间隙
Engine performance 发动机性能
Loading performance 加载性能
Starting performance 起动性能
Acceleration performance 加速性能
Power performance 动力性能
Emission performance 排放性能
No load characteristics 空转特性
Partial throttle characteristics 负荷特性
rnor control characteristics 调速特性
Mapping characteristics 万有特性
Steady-state speed governing rate 稳定调速率
Working medium 工质
Practical cycle 实际循环
Firing order 点火次序
Timing 定时
Stroke-bore ratio 行程缸径比
Number of cylinders 气缸数
Piston area 活塞面积
Connecting rod length 连杆长度
Crank radius 曲柄半径
Crank radius-connecting rod length ratio 曲柄连杆比
Working medium volume 气缸体积
Piston swept volume 气缸工作体积
Effective piston swept volume 气缸有效工作体积
Cylinder clearance volume 气缸余隙体积
Maximum cylinder volume 气缸最大体积
Effective cylinder volume 气缸有效体积
Engine swept volume 发动机排量
Engine cylinder volume 发动机气缸总体积
Clearance 余隙高度
Injector protrusion 喷嘴端伸出量
Intake process 进气过程
Intake temperature 进气温度
Intake pressure 进气压力
Natural aspiration 自然进气
Stratified charge 层状充气
Intake advance angle 进气提前角
Intake lag angle 进气迟后角
Intake duration angle 进气持续角
Intake swirl 进气涡流
Intake turbulence 进气紊流
Helical dlol厂长
uct intake 螺旋进气道进气
Tangential duct intake 切向进气道进气
Masked inlet valve intake 导流屏进气
Time-area value 时面值
Valve lift 气阀升程
Scavenging port area 气阀开度
Gas exchange process 换气过程
Scavenging process 扫气过程
Scavenging duration 扫气持续期
Scavenging pressure 扫气压力
Uniflow scavenging 直流扫气
Loop scavenging 回流扫气