Radiographic interpretation 射线底片评定
Radiographs of welds 焊缝射线探伤
Lack of root penetration 根部未焊透
Lack of root fusion 根部未熔合
Excess pe关于禁毒的文章
netration 焊瘤
Piping 条状气孔
Lack of root fusion with misalignment根部未熔合(带错边)
Excessive root penetration 根部焊瘤
Concave root 根部内凹
Cluster porosity 密集气孔
Burn through 烧穿
Hard stamping 钢印
Blow hole  简爱经典片段
; 气孔
Cap undercut 焊缝上表面咬边
Wormholes 虫孔
Note :grinding marks on parent plate 注意:母材打磨痕迹
Cap undercut intermittent 断续咬边(焊缝上表面)
Root undercut 根部咬边
Porosity 气孔
Arc strike indication 电弧烧伤痕迹
Incomplete filled groove 焊缝未填满
Longitudinal crack 纵向裂纹
Slag line 条状夹渣
Poor stop/start 收弧/起弧处
Elongated slag line 线状排列的条状夹渣
Linear misalignment 线状错口
Lack of sidewall fusion 坡口侧未熔合
Transver cracking 横向裂纹
Slag inclusion 夹渣
Root piping 根部气孔
Re-shoot lead letters in w青椒荷包蛋
eld area 铅字投影于焊缝区域
Crater crack or star crack 弧坑裂纹/星形裂纹
HAZ crack 热影响区裂纹
Copper inclusion 夹铜
No 过小年吃什么
weld metal 无焊缝金属
Unfud filler wire 未融化的焊丝
Flush weld
Silica inclusion 硅酸盐夹渣
Spatter 飞溅
Debris 丁香花的故事
Gas pore 伊索寓言的好句
Interpass slag inclusion 层间夹渣
Tungsten inclusion 夹钨
Herringbone porosity 八字形气孔
Weld repair 焊缝返修
Root concavity 根部内凹
Grinding mark 打磨痕迹
Gas cavity 气孔
Light fog 飞雾
Light leak 漏光
Yollow fog 黄色雾翳
Crimping mark after exposure 曝光后的折痕
Film scratch 胶片刮伤
Static discharge 静电感光
Chemical mark 化学印迹
Water mark 水迹
Dust /grime mark 污物