一、 TRANSLATION(总题数:6,分数:12.00)
2.朋友居五伦之末,其实朋友是极重要的一伦。所谓友谊实即人与人之间的一种良好的关系,其中包括了解、欣赏、信任、容忍、牺牲……诸多美德。如果以友谊作基础,则其他的各种关系如父子夫妇兄弟之类均可圆满地建立起来。当然父子兄弟是无可选择的永久关系,夫妇虽有选择余地,但一经结合便以不再仳离为原则,而朋友则是有聚有散可合可分的。不过,说穿了,父子夫妇兄弟都是朋友关系,不过形式性质稍有不同罢了。 严格地讲,凡是充分具备一个好朋友的人,他一定也是一个好父亲、好儿子、好丈夫、好妻子、好哥哥、好弟
正确答案:(正确答案:While the relationship between friends was listed on the bottom of Five Human Relationships (five cardinal relationships in feudal China, i.e. ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, brothers and friends). Friendship, actually, is a kind of benign interpersonal relationship which includes many virtues, such as understanding, appreciation, trust, tolerance and sacrifice. Bad on friendship, the other kinds of relationship will be perfectly built, including the relationship between father and son, husband and wife, and among brothers. The relationship between father and son or among brothers is eternal without any choices, and although we can choo our spou, divorce is the last choice once getting married. On contrary, friends can decide when and where to gather together or depart, to unite or parate. Yet, after all, all the former three kinds of relationship belong to friendship, and they just differ a little in formality and nature.)
解析:解析:1.本文选自梁实秋的散文《谈友谊》,作者将自己对友谊的理解,对交友的标准娓娓道来,属于一般文学作品。画线部分共有五句话,句子结构清晰简明,语言表达生动流畅,翻译时要对原文作认真分析,尤其是要着重理解传统文化知识点,以免出现不必要的错误。 2.第一句难度较大,“五伦”是翻译重点所在,首先要正确理解“五伦”是什么?这是指古代汉族的五种伦理关系。即古人所谓君臣、食材的英文
父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友。可译成英语Five Human Relationships (five cardinalrelationships in feudal China,i.e.ruler and subject,father and son,husband and wife,brothersand friends),括号中的增译部分很有必要,有助于目标读者更明确了解“五伦”的意思,为读者理解下文奠定基础。 3.第二句难度不大,“良好的关系”中的“良好的”建议译成benign或harmonious。 4.第三句难度亦不大,“如果以友谊作基础”表条件可处理成过去分词短语作条件状语。呼应并强调作者在文章一开始就表达的观点:“其实朋友是极重要的一伦”。 5.第四句比较长,要准确理解原文中作者阐述的父子关系、手足关系、夫妻关系与朋友关系的显著区别,避免因误解造成的误译。实际上作者主要是将父子夫妇兄弟之间相对稳定的关系和自由的朋友关系作对比,故本句分译成两句,用on the contrary连接。 6.第五句在翻译时应注意,以all the former three kinds of relationship指代原文的“父子夫妇兄弟都是朋友关系”,避免译文中的重复。
3.我喜欢两句诗:“山僧不解数甲子,一叶落知天下秋。” 山上的和尚不知道如何计算里子,只观察自然,看到一片叶子落下,就知道已是秋天了。现代都市人正好相反,可以说是“落劳动儿歌
正确答案:(正确答案:Rather than consulting the calendar, the monks on mountains relate time to nature: a single fa春天绘画
lling leaf heralds in autumn. But modern city dwellers do the opposite: blind to yellow leaving flying around, they resort to calendar to identify autumn. For them, time equals calendar, or, sometimes, even clock and watch when the calendar is not specific enough. If we breathe with the falling leaves and fading flowers and commune with nature with a humble heart, we can catch autumn even in the most bustling city. If we only keep an eye open for money and work, we cannot appreciate the
beauty of autumn even if struck by a falling leaf.)
解析:解析:1.本文选自林清玄的《秋天的心》,文笔优雅清新,作者从和尚和都市人的角度描绘秋天,表达了对自然和时间的感悟,属于一般文学作品。画线部分共有五句话,句子结构不算复杂,基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。此文平实朴素,译文应保持这种风格。 2.第一句由多个短句构成,翻译时应当注意整合句式。后面两个短句“看到一片叶子落下,就知道已是秋天了”是对和尚通过观察自然来计算日子的解释说明,与前两个短句用表解释的冒号隔开。原文中的“甲子”指六十年一个轮回,是中国古代计算年岁的方式,若译为a cycle of sixty years,西方读者却很难明白,“计算甲子”实际上通过日历来看年月,故可译作consult the calendar。 3.第二句描述都市人估算时间的做法,与首句类似,“可以说是……”是对都市人做法的具体解释,也同样用冒号引出。复方阿胶浆的功效与作用
“数甲子”在前文的“计算甲子”类似,也用calendar来替代“甲子”。“满天落叶”是受都市人忽视的自然变化,用形容词短语blind to引出,其中增译yellow,更为突出秋天落叶的特点。 4.第三句的理解难点是“有时日历犹不足以形容”,此处是指“日历不足够精细,日程安排不能按‘天’来算,要按‘小时或分钟’来算”,以此来形容都市人生活节奏快,翻译时可将这层意思补上。 5.最后两句是并列的条件句,这两句话都缺少主语,可加入主语we使句子完整。“让心保有在自然中的谦
卑”译者理解为“以谦卑的心与大自然接触”,故可译为commune with nature with a humble heart。 6.第五句中“眼里只有”,英语中有现成的表达keep an eye open/out for...。“看不到秋天的美”中的“看”即欣赏秋天的美,可译为appreciate the beauty of autumn。
式进行。总有些情节非我们所望,却躲之不过。这或许才生活魅力的真正所在。其实,在那天,身在重庆的我,就已经开始相信这或许就是最好的结局。如今我在西安,这里的一切我都很喜欢。虽然一切都和我当初的设想不同。 “人生没有如果,命运不相信假设。”记得我在高考百天宣誓大会上把这句话送给了我们年级所有同学。在这个雨夜里,我要把这句话送给我自己。就像滴在地上的雨无法再回到天际,有太多的遗憾,就让它被这场雨洗去。因为,毕竟,明年还会在这里听到夜雨。到那时,我不想让那时的自己还梦想着要回到今天。人在此地,心归故里,一切甚好,满心欢喜……这就是关于夜雨的那个故事的最好的结局。
正确答案:(正确答案:"Life is not made of IF, neither is fate changed by it." The words, I recall, was said by me to all niors in the General Asmbly held one hundred days before the college entrance exam. In this rainy night, however, I would like to address this piece of advice to mylf. The raindrops on the earth will never return to the sky, so why not let the rain wash away the regret. After all, next year I will be here to hear the rain dropping again. I hope I won't dream of going back to tonight by then. I am here, and my heart returns to the hometown, so everything is fine and enjoyable This is the best ending of the story about the rain of that night.)