
更新时间:2023-05-04 15:10:24 阅读: 评论:0

1--Let's go, buddy. Schooltime.走吧伙计该上学了
2--Oh, and Gloria, if you want to get together with the girls later,歌洛莉亚如果你待会和你闺蜜有约
3--I could just, you know, watch the football game or something.我可以自己看看橄榄球赛什么的
4--That means he wants to watch a football game.其实他就是想看橄榄球赛
5--I'm not talking to you.我不是和你说话
6--What are you drinking coffee for anyway?你为什么要喝咖啡
7--It's my culture. I'm Colombian.这是我的文化习俗我是哥伦比亚人
8--Oh, yeah? What part of Colombia是吗这些法式吐司
9--are tho French toaster sticks from?也是哥伦比亚的吗
10--Babe, I'小青菜的做法 m not sure about the game.亲爱的我不太确定你今天能看比赛
11--The whole family's coming over for the barbecue.因为全家人都要过来烧烤
12--- That's today? - See.-是今天吗-没错
13--It's the Ohio State game.今天可是俄亥俄州赛
14--So? Everybody can watch.那又怎样每个人都能看
15--I don't like watching the game with people who don't know the game.我不喜欢和不懂球的人一起看比赛
16--People talk.七嘴八舌乱指点
17--You talk at my football games.你也会乱指点我的橄榄球比赛
18--For one thing, it's called soccer.首先你那个是足球
19--Your team scored two go工作态度和技能 als all ason.而且你们队整个赛季只得了两分
20--I'm not taking a big risk.我随便说也不会冒风险
21--How much of this did you drink?你到底喝了多少啊
22--Give me a break. I have to climb a rope today.饶了我吧我今天得去攀绳呢
23--- Hey, Mom. - Yeah?-妈妈-怎么了
24--Can I have $40 for lunch?能给我40块钱吃午饭吗
25--Forty dollars?40块
26--- I also need a book for school. - What book?-学校还让我们买本书-什么书
27--I want a dress.我想买条裙子
28--Do you have any idea what a bad liar you are?你知道你撒谎撒得多失败吗
29--I'd be more worried that我更担心的是
30--she couldn't come up with a single book title.她连一本书的名字都想不出来
31--Luke, come on. We're late.卢克快点我们要迟到了
32--Mmm, there's a first- inside out and backwards.这是第一次里外前后全都穿反了
33--At least it isn't zipped 至少他没把衣服塞进...
34--Oh. There it is.好吧真塞进去了
35--Well, there's book smart, and then there's street smart.有人是"读书大智慧" 也有人是"市井小聪明"
36--Yeah, and then there's Luke.没错卢克属于第三类怪胎
37--Oh, he' He's just curious. That's all.他只是他只是好奇心重仅此而已
38--He's got this almost 他有着科学家的头脑
39--with a thirst for knowledge.以及对知识的渴望
40--He's like this little Einstein.他像小爱因斯坦一样
41--Some people ask, "Why?"有些人会问"为什么"
42--Luke asks, "Why not?"但卢克会问"为什么不呢"
43--I ask "Why?" a lot.我经常问"为什么"
44--We're at the ten. We're at the five.我们在十码区现在是五码区
45--We're at the one. Daddy, we're scoring a touchdown!到达一码爸爸我们触地得分啦46--No, plea don't spike our baby.别小心别弄伤孩子了
47--Why is she dresd like the Hamburglar?为什么她穿得像汉堡神偷公仔
48--She's a referee.她是裁判
< Do we even have to go to my dad's tonight?我们今晚一定要去我爸那里吗
50--Are you kidding me? We're playing Ohio State.你在开玩笑吗今晚是俄亥俄州赛
51--I collect antique fountain pens.我收集古董钢笔
52--I'm quite adept at Japane flower arrangement-我很擅长日式插花技术
54--and I was a starting offensive lineman at the University of Illinois.而且我曾是伊利诺伊大学的首发进攻内锋
56--- I don't like football. - You know what?-我不喜欢橄榄球-你知道吗
57--I thought part of being in 我认为维持恋情的一方面
58--was pretending to enjoy your partner's interests.就是要爱屋及乌
59--Do you think I really loved home pickle-making?你以为我真的喜欢做腌菜吗
60--Yeah, 'cau you did.是的因为你确实喜欢
61--For a week, 就喜欢一周
62--until we became the weird guys who gave everybody pickles.到后来别人都以为我们是到处送腌菜的怪胎
63--Oh, thank you, Marvin, for inviting us into your lovely home.马文谢谢邀请我们到你温馨的家来
64--Here. Would you care for a sack of pickles?给你请收下这包腌菜
65--It was charming.你真可爱
66--We were picklers, Mitchell.我们是腌菜工米奇尔
67--Okay, you know what? Fine.好吧那就算了
68--Stay home with your little jagged scis悔作文 sors.和你的小剪刀待在家里吧
69--Maybe catch up on your scrapbooking.你可以继续弄你的剪贴簿
< You loved scrapbooking.拜托你也喜欢剪贴簿啊
71--Did I, Mitchell? Did I?我有吗米奇尔我有吗
72--Stop. Don't do the "Double question to prove a point" thing.够了别以为搞个双重反问就是真的了
73--I hate it when people do that.我讨厌别人那么做
74--Do you, Mitchell? Do you?是吗米奇尔是吗
75--Stop, Lily.别闹了莉莉
76--No problem. We'll be right down. Thanks.没问题我们马上过来谢谢
77--Hey, honey. What's up?亲爱的怎么了
78--The school just called. Luke got in a fight.学校刚刚来电话了卢克打架了
79--Oh, geez. Is he okay?天呐他还好吗
80--Yeah, he's fine, but they want us to come down there.他没事但老师想要我们去一趟
81--- Where are you? - I'm showing a hou.-你在哪里-我在带人看房子
82--What hou?什么房子
83--I'm golfing.我在打高尔夫球
84--I bet it was that Durkas kid.我猜是那个叫德卡斯的小孩
85--I hate that kid.我讨厌那个小孩
86--He probably jumped on Luke也许是他突然挑衅卢克
87--and Luke just fought back.而卢克只是反抗而已
88--- Kid's a menace. - He made fun of my hair once.-那小孩真讨厌-他曾经取笑我的头发
89--Shh. The parents are probably in there.嘘他的家长可能在里面
90--I slept on it funny.我只是睡觉把头发睡乱了
91--Like that never happened to him?就好像他没有过一样
92--Come on.走吧
93--What are you doing here?你们在这里干嘛
94--The two knuckleheads were fighting each other.这两个笨蛋在一起打架
95--- What? - Could've been wor.-什么-幸好是你啊
96--I was not ready to face Durkas today.我还没准备好今天面对德卡斯
97--So what happened?发生什么事了
98--Well, apparently there was some name-calling很明显在操场上发生了骂人
99--and shoving on the playground.和斗殴的事情
100--By the time a teacher parated them,老师把他们分开的时候
101--Luke was sitting on Manny's chest.卢克正坐在曼尼的胸上
102--- Luke, that's not like you. - Wait a minute.-卢克那可不像你啊-等等
103--- You're Luke's father? - Grandfather.-你是卢克的爸爸吗-外公
104--- So Manny's - Javier.-那么曼尼的爸爸是-哈维尔
105--Crazy guy. That's where he gets his fire.一个疯子就是从他身上遗传到的暴脾气
106--- Okay, - He's our son.-好吧你是-他是我们的儿子
107--- And my grandson. - I'm his daughter.-我的外孙-我是他女儿
108--- So - His uncle.-那么你是-他小舅舅
109--Stop saying that or I'll sit on your chest again.你要再敢这么说我还会坐到你的胸上110--Ho! Wait a cond. Is that what this was all about?等一下打架就是因为这个吗
111--He keeps calling me his nephew.他一直说我是他的外甥
112--You are my nephew.你就是我的外甥
113--- Shut up! - Okay, okay.-闭嘴-好了好了
114--I'm getting the n that you're all related, uh, somehow.我明白了你们似乎是一家人115--So it's probably best if you work this out 所以也许你们最好能回家自己解决116--so the boys can go back to class, okay?这样孩子们就能回去上课了好吗
117--But we're not happy about this, boys.但是我们很生气你们这样小伙子们
118--This is not how mature young men behave.这不是成熟的年轻小伙的行为
119--Here's your note for Miss Passwater.把这便条给"帕斯沃"老师
120--Look, I wouldn't worry. They're good kids.我并不担心他们都是好孩子
121--It's just tough when one kid's a li草莓牛轧糖 ttle different.只是当某个孩子比较怪异时会有点难处理
122--- Yes. - Yes.-是的-是的
123--You heard how she said that, right?你听到她那么说了对吗
125--She thought Luke was the weird one. Luke.她觉得卢克是怪异的那个卢克
126--Her ki招财吉祥物 d gets his head stuck in the furniture,她家孩子把自己的头卡在家具里
127--and Manny is the different one.还好意思说曼尼怪异
128--I will tell you what's weird.我来告诉你什么怪异
129--Our son is not weird.我们的孩子并不怪异
130--What's weird is that her kid wears aftershave怪异的是她的孩子抹须后水
131--and dress like a count.而且打扮得像个伯爵
132--I think we should cancel with them for the barbecue.我想我们别请他们过来烧烤了
133--If we cancel, it'll just make this a bigger deal than it is.如果我们不去只会把问题越闹越大
134--It'll be good for Luke and Manny to spend some time.让卢克和曼尼多相处一下对他们两个都好
135--- Might be good for You And Gloria too. - Why?-也服务器杀毒软件 许对你和歌洛莉亚也好-为什么
136--She's always had a problem with me.她一直对我有意见
137--I think I'm gonna find out what it is.我觉得我该找出是什么问题
138--That's the worst thing you could do.那是你最不该做的
139--Just sweep it under the rug.就当没发生过忍忍就过去了
140--- I'm not a sweeper. - Trust me on this.-我可不是个"忍者" -听我的没错
141--I think you two need to talk it out.我觉得你们俩得谈谈这件事
142--I don't have anything to say to her.我跟她没什么好说的
143--She's the one with the problem, not me.她才是有问题的那个不是我
144--Who side are you on?你到底向着谁
145--She's my daughter. You're my wife.她是我的女儿你是我的妻子
146--Let's remember what's important here.让我们先理清重点
147--There's a football game on.橄榄球赛马上就开始了
148--I just hate it when my two girls aren't getting along.我只是不想我的两个女孩相处得不好149--How exactly is she your girl?她怎么成你的女孩了
150--I got a few things for the party.我为聚会准备了一点东西
151--Is Lily ready to go?莉莉准备好要走了吗
152--Oh, yeah, yeah. She's ready.是的她准备好了
153--What's wrong?怎么了
154--I'm just really worried about C.J. Hightower.我真的很担心CJ海托
155--With the bad ankle,他脚踝受伤了
156--I don't know how he's gonna run his corner routes.我不知道他要怎么跑完三角线路
157--What did my boyfriend just say?我男友刚刚说了什么呀
158--Listen, I heard what you said, and I thought, yes,我听了你之前说的我同意你的话
159--I should try to learn more about football.我应该多了解一下橄榄球
160--That is very mature of you.你这么做真是成熟了
161--I figure, if football fans can learn it,我觉得橄榄球迷都能学会
162--how hard can it be?那能有多难呢
163--That's very elitist of you.就你最聪明
164--I'm taking baby steps here, all right?我才刚刚起步好不
165--I'm actually- I'm really looking forward to it.其实我真的很期待
166--'Cau it's not just the game.因为这不仅仅是比赛
167--It's-It's the bands and the drama, the pageantry.而且现场彩旗招展锣鼓喧天
168--Don't forget about the team mascots.别忘了还有球队的吉祥物
169--They wear ascots?他们戴"宽领带"吗
170--No. Mascots. With an "M."不是是"吉祥物" 有个"M"开头
171--That could have been very embarrassing.要是在外人面前你就丢脸了
173--Am I st微笑用英语怎么说 raight?直吗
174--I'm not sure what you are right now.我也不知道你是直男还是什么
175--How ya doin'?你们好吗
176--- Hey, Gramps. - Hi, beautiful.-外公好-小美女好
177--Hi, Phil. Good to e ya.你好菲尔见到你真好
178--Let me guess. Game's on?让我猜猜比赛开始了吗
179--Just started.刚开始
180--Hey. For you.送给你的
181--It's nice to e you, Gloria.很高兴见到你歌洛莉亚
182--Ah! Two times today.今天两次哦
183--- Okay, - Uh, Phil?-抱两次好啊-菲尔
184--She means we've en them two times today.她的意思是我们今天见了两次
185--Okay, everybody, the food's in there. The drinks are in there.大家听着吃的在那边喝的在那边
186--- I'll be in here. - Hold on, Jay.-我进屋去了-等等杰
187--I think we should address the elephant in the room.我觉得我们不该忽视明显存在的一个问题
188--Uh, Luke, Manny. Bring it in.卢克曼尼都过来
189--Come on. Huddle up.快点聚在一起
191--Now in light of what happened at scho跆拳道等级划分 ol today,鉴于今天在学校里发生的事情
192--do you have any feelings you'd like to express?你们有什么想说的吗
193--I think this is the 我觉得现在是个合适的表达机会
194--For god's sakes. All right, both of you.老天啊得了吧你们两个
195--Now, in this family, do we kick and punch each other,在这个家里我们是欺负彼此
196--or do we love each other?还是关爱彼此
197--Love each other. That's right.关爱彼此这就对了
198绿色手抄报 --I'II be in the den.我进屋去了
199--So, I brought desrt.我带了些甜点
200--Okay. Thank you.好的谢谢你
201--I make pie too.我也做了派
202--You can never have too many pies, right?派再多也不嫌多对吧
203--Okay, whoa. Whoa.行了
204--Everybody take a deep breath.大家深呼吸
205--Let's think about getting real.我们面对现实吧
206--Phil, no.菲尔别这样
207--Why "Phil, no"?为什么说"菲尔别这样"

本文发布于:2023-05-04 15:10:24,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:孩子   橄榄球   觉得   发生   爸爸   老师
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