
更新时间:2023-05-04 12:28:50 阅读: 评论:0

1. 时间序列
A. She found herlf minus the leg one week after consulting a doctor about a persistent swelling she attributed to hard work and play in New York City; it was an inoperable bone tumor. While it saved her life, an ensuring year of chemotherapy reduced the once stunning model to a bald shadow of her former lf.
B. During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horback, through a singularly dreary track of country.
C. At other hous the doors were slammed in my face, cutting short my politely and humbly couched request for something to eat.
D.  He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job he had been enga
ged in the South.
2. 衔接与照应
B. 故宫是中国现存最好、最完整的古代建筑群,占地面积达72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米,由大小数十个院落组成,房屋九千多间。……
3. 主题与结论
A.Soccer is a difficult sport. A player must be able t立春的图片 o run steadily without rest. Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head. Players must be willing to bang into and being banged into by others. They must be put up with aching feet and sore muscles.
B. The time is now near at应聘个人简历 hand which must probably determine whether Americana are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to behave any property they can call their own; whether their hous and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themlves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.
C. And that is the reason why, when youth is gone, every man will look back upon that period of his life with infinite sorrow and regret. It is the bitter sorrow and regret of a man who knows that once he had a great talent and wasted it, of a man who knows that once he had a great treasure and got nothing from it, of a man who knows that he had strength enough for everything and never ud it.
D.八月一日第Ag-3 号合同项下的10万吨小麦,原定于十月底交货。你方在合同中保证提前交货且以此作为合同的条件。但是,这批小麦迄今尚未装运。对此,我们深表遗憾。
4. 一词多译与同义复现
A. 他说:“她这个人真有意思。”她说:“他这人挺有意思。”于是有人传言;他和她有了意思,要他们赶快意思意思。他发火了,说:“你们这样瞎说是什么意思?”传言者有点不好意思,便解释说:“仅仅是开开玩笑而已,绝没有别的意思。”事后,有人说:“真有意思。” 也有人说;“真没意思。”
B. … yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life, who is really derving of the prais the stone cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, good parent, child, wife or husband; who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss;…
C.            Woman, Lover, Guilty of Duping Company
    A court in Chongqing municipality ntenced a 36-year-old woman t冬天的图片景色 o six and a half years in jail for registering a fake company to cheat a cement manufacturer of 280,000 yuan in August 2005.
    The women’s boyfriend, surnamed Du, who is wanted in veral cas, will be ntenced later.
    During the trial last Wednesday, both Zou and Du blamed each other for plotting the fraud. The court, however, ruled they were both responsible for their involvement in the con and pronounced them guilty.
5. 词类转换
A. 有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系,而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人的意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。
B. It is physically impossible for a well-educated, intellectual, or brave man to make money the chief object of his object of his thoughts; as physically impossible as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of them. All healthy people like their dinner, but their dinner is not the main object of their lives. So all风湿药酒 healthy-minded people like making money—ought to like it and enjoy the nsation of winning it; but the main object of their lives is not money; it is something better than money.
C. 男性不愿退休,与他们预想中将要失去的很多东西有关,其中主要是失去赚担当之歌 钱的机会,而不是丧失对工作依恋之情。
D. 数以万计的非洲人越来越意识到他们的生活状况异常贫穷落后,这就促使他们采取坚决措施去创造新的生活条件。
E. A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.
6. 重复与替代
A. 《红楼梦》问世不久,就获得了广大读者的注意和喜爱。当时很快从北京传到南方。《红楼梦》故事成为当时人们谈话的中心,大量地被改编成说唱和戏剧在民间演出。中国出现了许多研究《红楼梦》的“红学家”。《红楼梦》在世界上也影响深远,不断地被翻译成英、法、日、俄、德等多种文字,介绍到国外去,深受各国人民的喜爱。音、美、日等国也出现了许多《红楼梦》研究专家。《红楼梦》的确是世界文学宝库中的一部辉煌巨著。
B. 1978年我以当时比较好的成绩考上了研究生,同年又考上了出国研究生。1979年10月去英国,第一次看到国外情况,对比自己的国家,我心里比较难受。我觉得有责任为建设自己的国家出一份力。
C. One is a Shanghaine so long as one works or runs a business there, never mind where one comes from. Global capital and talent have flocked there and it now has plenty of dwellers who do not speak Shanghaine.
7. 机构介绍
A.海尔公司(Haier Inc.)是中国的主要家用电器生产厂家,其产品在国内市场享有盛名。然而,20年前,这家公司还不存在。当年,如今的海尔首席执行官张瑞敏应邀出山,来挽救青岛一家濒临倒闭的电冰箱厂。他成功了。今天,海尔拥有3万名员工(其中百分之二十以上的人从事研究与开发),13家海外工厂(其中一家设在美国,有美国人管理),出口业务蒸蒸日上。

本文发布于:2023-05-04 12:28:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



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