线 路 结 构
A型杆塔“A” pole
安装工况 erection condition
半掏挖基础 half-digged foundation
标准值 characteristic value
表土层 surface horizon
不等边角钢 unequal angle steel
不等高基础 unequal foundation
叉梁,交叉斜材 cross bracing
插人角钢(钢管) stub
长期荷载工况 long term loads condition 长细比 slenderness ratio
承力地层 bearing stratum
承载力 load-bearing capacity
冲孔 punching/piercing
冲刷深度 scour depth
抽样规则 sampling rule
抽样试验 sampling tests
垂直距离 vertical distance
打入桩 driven pile
大腹杆 main bracing
单腹杆 single warren/single lacing
档距系数 span coefficient
档土墙 retaining wall
低合金钢 早上好短信
low alloy steel
低碳钢 mild steel
地脚螺栓 anchor bolt
地耐力 bearing capacity of the soi那一天我长大了
地下水 ground water
地下水位 ground water level
地线支架 earth wire peak
电缆沟 cable trough
电缆构筑物 cable building
垫层 pad (of a foundation)
冻土 frozen ground (soil, rock)
镀锌螺旋锚 galvanized steel helical anchor
筏形基础 raft foundation
方横担 square crossarm
方塔身 square tower body
方向桩 intermediate line peg
防波堤 break water
防盗螺栓 Theft prevention bolt
防爬装置 anti-climbing guard/ anti-climbing device
非匀质岩 non homogenous rock
分开式基础 parate footing foundations 分支杆塔 subsupport
风化岩 weathered rock
风振系数 Wind fluttering factor
辅助材 redundant bracing(member)
辅助横担 auxiliary crossarm
附加荷载 additional load
复合式沉井基础 combined sink well foundation
腹杆系 bracing system/ lacing system
杆 pole
杆和支架 poles and brackets
杆塔 support/structure (of an overhead line)
刚性基础 rigid foundation
钢格栅基础 steel grillage type foundation 钢构件 structural steel member
钢管塔 steel pole
钢筋混凝土板式基础 reinforced concrete sheet foundation
钢筋混凝土杆 reinforced concrete pole
高低腿 unequal tower legs
高低柱基础 unequal pole foundation 高强钢 high tensile steel
格构式塔 lattice tower
格栅式基础 grillage foundation
工作井 manhole
构件 component/member
骨料 ag宫廷野史
挂架 dropper
灌注桩 cast-in-situ pile/cast-in-placd pile/bored-pile
H型杆portal support/ “h” pole
夯实 compaction
横担 crossarm
横担拉杆 crossarm hanger bar
横担主材 crossarm main member
横隔 plan bracing/diaphragm
护坡 slope protection
换土回填 imported backfill
换位段 transposition interval
换位杆塔 transposition support
换位塔 transpos什么炒肉好吃
ition tower
回填 backfill
混凝土保护层 concrete cover
混凝土粗骨料 coar aggregate of concret
混凝土浇注 placing of concrete
混凝土搅拌机 concrete mixer
混凝土台阶式基础 benched foundation of concrete
混凝土细骨料 fine aggregate of concrete 混凝土养护 curing of concrete
混凝土园柱试样 cylinder sample
活荷载 live load
火曲 hot bending
基础 foundation
基础不均匀沉陷 uneven ttlement of foundation
基础底板 bearing plate
基础垫层 blinding layer
基础垫层材料 underlying foundation material
基础顶面 upper face of the foundation
基础分坑 layout of foundation
基础钢筋 reinforcement steel
基础混凝土保护层 e吩咐的近义词是什么
ncasing concrete
基础混凝土垫层 layer of blinding concrete
基础坑挡土板 sheathing(of a foundation)
基础立柱 chimney (of a foundation)
基础支撑 shoring of foundation
基石,柱角 plinth
极限状态 limit states
加长腿 hill-side extension/ leg extension 加强筋 reinforcing rods
脚钉 step bolt
铰接 pin connection
节点 node/ panel point
K形腹杆“K” bracing/K panel
抗力分项系数 resistance partial coefficient 可变荷载 variable load
坑excavation/pit/ pole
孔边距 edge distance
扩孔桩expanded pile/ bulb
pile/under-reamed pile
拉V塔 guyed vee tower
拉杆 hang member
拉猫塔 guyed delta tower
拉伸试验 tensile test
拉线 stay
拉线棒 anchor rod
拉线地锚 guy anchor
拉线杆塔 stayed support
拉线盘 anchor
拉线塔 guyed tower
联板yoke plate
雷暴日数 thunderstorm days
锚栓 anchor bolt
摩擦角 angle of friction
内摩擦角 angle of internal friction
耐张杆塔 tension support; angle support 挠度 defletion
平口 waist
浅槽 channel
曲臂 fork/ “K” frame
全方位高低腿 unequal support legs
人口密集地区 denly populated area
人口稀少地区 sparly populated area
三腹杆 triple warren/ triple lacing
散水 muff/apron 上拔工况 uplift condition
上拔荷载 uplift load
上拔基础 uplift foundation
上拔角 angle of uplift
受拉构件 tension member
受力材 stress carrying member
受压构件 compression member
双腹杆 double warren/ double lacing
双固定 double fixed
水平距离 horizontal distance
水平偏移 horizontal deviation
瞬时破坏张力 instantaneous destruction of tension
隧道 tunnel
塔 tower
塔基断面图 cross-ction sketch
塔脚 foot/footing
塔脚板 suspension center on tower
塔上的吊点 attachment of sling
塔身 tower body
塔身风压填充系数 solidity ratio of tower body
塔身加长段 body extension
塔身斜度 body slope
塔头 top hamper/ super struct空有虚名
塔腿 tower leg
塔腿定位 positioning of tower legs
塔腿坡度 leg slope
塔腿延伸(段) leg extension
塔位 tower location
塔型 tower type
碳钢 carbon steel
掏挖 undercut/dig/scoop out/hollow out 铁塔波阻抗 tower surge impedance
铁塔长短腿 unequal leg extension
铁塔单线图 tower outline
铁塔构造 tower framing
铁塔破坏性试验 destructive test of tower 通道 channel
土壤分类 soil classification
土壤抗剪强度 soil shear strength
土壤抗压强度 soil compresd strength 土壤容重 weight of soil
土壤液化 liquefaction of soil
污秽等级 pollution grade
污湿特征 contamina芦苇的花语
tion and humid characteristics
现浇墩型基础pad and chimney foundation/ cast-in-situ pier
线间距离 wire spacing
小腹杆 redundant bracings/condary bracings
楔 cleat
斜材 bracing member 斜柱式基础pad and stud foundation/ oblique cylinder foundation/ oblique column foundation
压注桩 pressure injected pile
岩锚基础 rock anchor foundation
引弧环 arcing ring
引下线 downlead line
永久荷载 permanent load
预制基础 prefabricated foundation
原状抗拔土体undisturbed soil with uplift resistance
原状土基础 undisturbed soil foundation
招弧角 arcing horn
真型试验 full scale testing
整体基础 block foundation/mass-type foundation
支架 bracket
直线杆塔 intermediate support
直线耐张 tangent strain
直线塔 suspention tower
直线悬垂 tangent suspension
直线转角杆塔flying angle support/running angle support
中横担 beam gantry/ bridge/girder