1.That Lean and Hungry Look
Suzanne Britt Jordan
Caesar was righ游戏用英语怎么说
t. Thin people need watching. I’ve been watching them for most of my adult life, and I don’t like what I e. When the narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes. Thin people come in all personalities, most of them menacing. You’ve got your ‘together’ thin person, your mechanical thin person, your condescending thin person, your tsk-tsk thin person, your efficiency-expert thin person. All of them are dangerous.
Thin people make me tired. They’ve got speedy little metabolisms (新陈代谢)that cau them to bustle briskly. They’re forever rubbing their bony hands together and eyeing new problems to “tackle”. I like to sur维修申请
round mylf with sluggish, inert, easygoing fat people, the kind who believe that if you clean it up today, it’ll just get dirty again tomorrow.
Ros, Ros, all the way
2. Martha Duffy
1) It has now been five years since Margaret Thatcher(玛格丽特撒切尔) resigned as Britain’s Prime Minister. In her heyday she strode the international headlines with such bravura that she emed inevitable, a natural force. The world stage emed just the right size for her, as she chaffed her conrvative soul mate Ronald Reagan(罗纳德里根)or flatte联想bios更新
red the “new man”, Mikhail Corbachev (米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫).
2) Now the political world has begun to focus on the immensity of her achievement. How on earth did she manage to get there? She was elected to Parliament at 32 in 1958 (five years before The Feminine Mystique was published). She parried her way through the complacent, male-dominated councils of power – no woman had e娜扎个人资料简介
ver roiled tho waters. Couldn’t the old boys e her coming? After all, there was nothing气短的治疗方法
subtle about her personality or her approach.