Photo from Wikipedia
Parking lot
v f 5
the peaks in the waves.
A simple model of light changing medium
into the cond mediaabc式的四字词语
um. Simulation
Partially reflected ray
Partially refracted ray
Snell’s Law (Cont’d)
e angle of refraction 2(the angle in the cond medium) is related to the angle of incidence 1by
n 1is the index of refraction of the first medium and n 2献给我的妈妈
is the index of refraction of the cond medium. Angles are measured from the normal , which is the line
perpendicular to the interface.
Snell's Law: sin sin n n =n 1n 2
Toward/away from the normal
When light cross an
interface into a medium with a higher index of refraction (e.g. air to water), the light bends toward the normal.
Converly, light traveling across an interface from highe英文段子
r n to lower n (e.g. water to air) will bend away from the normal.
Refraction in a rectangular block
A beam of lig表哥见我多妩媚
ht traveling in air enters a rectangular glass
block. Assuming the light exits the block along斑马简笔画
the side opposite to the side it entered, what path does the light follow when it emerges from the block? 1. The exact path it was following when it entered the block.
2. A path parallel to the original path, but displaced from it.
3. A path perpendicular to the original path.
4. None of the above.
Air to glass:
Glass to air:
Reflected rays
Refracted rays
Refracted rays
Reflected rays
Note that the refracted light rays are confined in a cone defined by the refraction angle of an in坚韧不屈
coming ray with incident angle = 90o .
What happen w盖浇面的做法大全
hen we incident light from glass with an angle outside this cone?
reflected 16
bouncing back and forth as it makes its way along.
Photo + diagram from Wikipedia
, , and the angle of incidence in
medium 1 is the critical angle for total , and the angle of incidence in
medium 1 is the critical angle for total
n 1
Incident ray
into all the colors of the rainbow. Why is this?
Figure from Wikipedia
bent) more than the red (700 nm) end, with all the Wavelength, (m)
R e f r a c t i v e i n d e x , n
Light refracts into spherical water droplets in the sky, reflects once off the back of the droplet, and then refracts back out into the air. There is some dispersion, so the different colors refract at different angles. Red light is refracted (bent) less than other colors. So for an obrver at a fixed position, red light is en to be scattered from droplets higher in the sky than droplets scattering light of other colors.
Convex lens
Concave lens
Convex lens bend an incoming ray toward the principal axis while concave lens bend it away (except for ca 3). Thus, convex l玄幻小说排行榜前100名
ens are convergent lens and concave len黑发晶的功效与作用
s are divergent lens. Note that you get two focal points with lens!