Language u in real life vs. Traditional pedagogy
The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to u the foreign language in work or life when necessary. So we should teach that part of the language that will be ud and we should teach language in the way it is ud in the real world.
The differences between language ud in real life and language taught in the classroom:
①In real life, language is ud to perform certain communicative functions. e.g. to give directions, to exchange information, or to make a complaint, etc.; In a traditional language classroom, the teaching focad怎么缩放
cus is often on forms rather than functions.
②In real language u we u all skills, including receptive skills such as listening and reading, and productive skills such as speaking and writing. For various reasons, traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore the others.
③In reality language is always ud in a certain context, but traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.
1. CLT refers to an approach to the teaching of foreign or cond language through communicative activities.
2. The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to u the language appropriately in communicative situations.
3. Principles of CLT
1) Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.
2) Task principle: Activities in which language is ud for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning.
3) Meaningfulness principle: language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.
4. Five components of communicative competence
Hedge discuss five components of communicative competence. Namely, linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discour competence, strategic competence, and fluency.
(1)Linguistic competence is concerned with knowledge of the language itlf, its form and meaning. It involves spelling, pronunciation, vocabula宝宝简笔画
ry, word formation, grammatical structure, ntence structure and mantics.
(2)Pragmatic competence refers to the appropriate u of the language in social context. That is to say, the choice of the vocabulary and structure de123木头人歌曲
pends on the tting, the relative status of the speakers, and their relationships.
(3)Discour competence refers to one’s ability to create coherent written text or conv
ersation and the ability to understand them. In other words, it is one’s ability to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers ud in the discour, such as “first”, “it”.
(4)Strategic competence is similar to communication strategies. It refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.
(5)Fluency means one’s ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation.
5. CLT and the teaching of language skills
The translation of communicative competence in language teaching practice is to develop learners’ language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
①Listening and speaking skills need to be redefined in terms of the real communicative u, that is, students should have the chance to listen to and produce what is meaningful, authentic, unpredictable, and creative if possible. Listening is viewed not only as the coun
terpart of speaking, but as an independent skill with its own objectives.
②Reading is to extract meaning or information and the learning of grammar and vocabulary is to facilitate such a process. In CLT with different reading purpos, students u different skills, such as sk导字组词
imming, scanning, etc.
③In writing, students should have the chance to write to express their own feelings or describe their own experiences, so making the practice of writing meaningful and authentic.
In a word, CLT has not replaced the previous approaches or methodologies. It has expanded three areas: language content, learning process, and product.
6. Main features of communicative activities 如何设计交际活动
(1)Functional communicative activities:
Communicating patterns and pictures
Following directions
Identifying pictures
Discovering missing information
Discovering missing features
Discovering differences