Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Make changes where necessary. [题数:30;分数:60分;参考时间:30分0秒]
题 1 - 10
Passage 1
combat controversy excessive instinct irrational
prohibition reckless regulation stir string
(1) A hacker attacked an e-commerce marketplace site. This is the latest in a [1] of online break-ins in which credit card numbers were stolen.
(2) The coming of IBM's CEO caud a [2] of excitement on the campus.
(3) Brown's comments on the project caud unexpected [3] .
(4) To [4] poverty in the city做法
, millions of dollars have been spent on training the unemployed workers.
(5) You will be overweight if you consume [5] amounts of fat.
(6) The effective implementation of environmental laws and [6] is the responsibility of the local government.
(7) Trust your [7] and do what you think is right.
(8) After 20 hours of non-stop partying, scores of the bravest or most [8] men will risk their lives in a three-minute dash from six fighting bulls.
(9) The [9] on street begging will be in force next month.
(10) The court gave the heavy ntence, in respa和ab型生的孩子是什么血型
on not to the facts of the ca but to the [10] public fear.
题 11 - 20
Passage 2
assume commit confu hint mislead
peculiar puzzle qualify retreat vague
(1) Being the son of a professor does not [11] him for the scholarship consideration.
(2) The police suspect that it was John who [12] the murder.
(3) So far, the new manager has given little [13] that he won't be any different from the former one.
(4) From all the indications, it is safe to [14] that the prices of cars will go down by large margins.
(5) Some of his instructions are outdated and others are too [15] to be understood.
(6) The local dialect sounds a little [16] 小学生安全手抄报
to the people from the north.
(7) The failure of the movie hastened her decision to [17] from the glamorous screen and spend more time with her family.
(8) The woman's headache [18] the doctor; he couldn't find the cau.
(9) The state has laws that protect consumers against fraud or [19] sales practices.
(10) He tried to explain the complicated theory to me, but I got even more [20] by the tech何绍基
nical terms in his explanation.
题 21 - 25
Passage 3
(1) The local government's decision to reduce unemployment benefits enraged the workers who were laid off and they [21] violent protest.
(2) What's the point of [22] for months over something that a good teacher could have explained in minutes?
(3) The boy admires his father and [23] his every word.
(4) The manager pulled the pencil and pad from his shirt pocket and [24] every word the customer said.
(5) At prent, the whole world ems to be&n蓑衣刀法
bsp; [25] about how to cope with economic globalization.
题 26 - 30
Passage 4
(1) Let's stop arguing [26] arguing; we have to find a solution to the problem.
(2) It's too late today. Let's call it a day and [27] the discussion again tomorrow.
(3) The thesis is no easy work; you have to [28] over it for months.
(4) College students are expected to equip themlves with necessary knowledge and skills before they [29] society.
(5) Plea turn to page 46; that's where we [30] last time.
Directions:Translate the following ntences into English. [题数:10;分数:40分;参考时间:20分0秒]
题 31
31. 冒一下险吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机会增加了。(to take a risk)
Take a risk,and you may loss again,but you have improved your chances to win.
题 32
32. 现在我们知道了网络的意义:赵丽颖个人资料
Now we could e the point of the Internet,we can get information from all over the world just by clicking the mou.
题 33
33. 一些人认为政府迟早会将克隆人类的研究纳入规范。(to regulate; sooner or later)
Some people believe the government will regulate the rearch of human cloning sooner or later.
题 34
34. 经过两个月的不懈努力,警方终于在一个南方城市找到了罪犯的踪迹。(down)
After two months of restless efforts,the police finally tracked the criminal down in a southern city.
题 35
35. 如果你们的产品质量没有实质性的提高,我认为你们在市场上不会有什么竞争力。(for real)
If your quality isn't improving for real,I don't think you will be competitive in the market.
题 36