It’s necessary to say “No” sometimes
Chen Peiquan 2011
Do you sometimes say yes to something or someone and then regret it afterwards?You might be suffering from the Dia to Plea.An inability to say no is powerless behavior,so follow our tips for ways to regain control of your time.For m重力势能计算公式
ost of us , saying “no” is very difficult. W梦见玉镯
e don’t want to offend or disappoint people. As a result, we have to spend too much of our tChen Peiquan 2011
ime and energy on doing things, which riously interferes our work. But it requires a great time and energy for us to pursue our goal. In fact, not only do we have to devote most of our time but also our heart and soul. Therefore, even if a request is legitimate and important, sometimes we just have to say “no” in order to prevent too great a toll on our time. We need firm boundaries which demarcate where we end and another person begins.If you find it hard to say no, your boundaries are probably not quite clear.You may empathize too much with the other person. Think about what you need and work from yourlf outwards. Remember, you have every right to say no ,even if you think you ought to say yes.
Chen Peiquan 2011
你有时会答应某事或某人,然后后悔后来呢?你可能患有这种疾病请的。不能说“不”是无能为力的行为,所以跟著我们的小费的方式重新控制你的时间。Chen Peiquan 2011