thread (v.) : PaSS through by twisting turning, Or WeaVing in and Out 穿
POmegranate (n.) : a round fruit With a red Ieathery rind and many SeedS
COVered With red, juicy, edible flesh; the bush or small tree
that bears it
Cha nt (n.) : a SimPIe IitUrgiCaI Song in WhiCh a Stri ng of syllables or words is SUng to each tUne礼拜仪式唱的)单调的歌
bier (n.) : a platform or POrtabIe framework on WhiCh a COffi n or COrPSe is
PIaCed棺材架;尸体架 hack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe mattock,etc.(用锄等)翻地,挖(土) oblong (adj.) : Ionger than broac; elongated长方形的 lumpy (adj.) : full of IUmPS ; COVered With IUmPS 多块状物的;凹凸不平
hummocky (a.) : full Of Or Iooking Iike IoW , rounded hills 布满小丘的;
derelict (adj.) : derted by the owne; abandoned forsaken无主的;被
lot (n.) : a plot of ground —块地
Un differe ntiated (adj.) : WithOUt clear qualities or disti nctive
CharaCteriStiCS无区别的;无显著特点的 mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth sand, etc. built over a grave, in a fortification , etc. 土堆;堤;坟堆
PriCkIy (adj.) : full of PriCkIeS 多刺的
PriCkIy pear: any of a genus of CaCtUS pla nts hav ing cyli ndrical or large flat, oval Stem joints and edible fruits 仙人掌(属)
bumpy (adj.) : full of bumps ; rough; jolting 崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震
gazelle (n.) : any Of VariouS smal, SWift, graceful antelopes瞪
羚 hin dquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a
CarCaSS of Vea J beef, lamb, etc. ; [p1.]the hind Part of a
nibble (v.) : take small, cautious, or gentle bites小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃) butt (v.) : Strike or
PUSh With the head or horns:am With the head用头或
mid — air (n.) : any point in space, not in con tact With the ground or other
SUrfaCe空中;上空 navvy (n.) : n Unskilled laborer, as on Cana∣s roads, etc. 劳工;无特梦见血是什么预兆
sidle (v.) : movew开头的英文单词
SideWayS esp. in a Shy or SteaIthy manne羞怯或偷偷
stow (v.) : PaCk or store away fill by PaCking in an OrderIy Way 装载;装
municipality n . a city, town. etc. having its OWn inCorPorated government for local affairs 自治市(或镇)
ghetto (n.) : (in Certa in EUrOPea n CitieS)a SeCti On to WhiCh JeWS Were
formerly restricted(某些欧洲城市中从前的)犹太人居住区 sore (adj.) : giving or feeling PhySiCaI Pain; Painful 疼痛的;感至U 疼痛的
skull— CaP (n.) : a light, Clofitting, brimless cap, usually Worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽 in fest (v.) : overr Un or in habit in Iarge nu mbers usually so as to be harmful or bothersome SWarm in or over(虫害等)侵扰;骚扰;蔓延
booth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods as at markets or fairs 市场或集市
PrehiStOriC (adj.) : Pertaining to anCient times Very old-fashioned 老式
WarP (v.) : become bent or twisted out of ShaPe变弯曲;变歪frenZied (adj.) : full Of UnControlled excitement 疯狂的,狂乱的
CIamour(V.) : make a loud con fud no i or ShOUt Cry out 喧嚷,喧嚣,
grope (v.) : feel or SearCh about blindly hesitantly, or UnCertainly 摸索;
SeIf-C Ontained (adj.) : hav ing Within on elf or itlf all that is n ecessary
SeIf-SUffiCient, as a community 自给自足的
WitChCraft (n.) : the power or PraCtiCeS of witches: black magic; SOrCery 巫术;魔法
SqUare (adj.[colloq.]) : SatiSfying; solid ; SUbStantial[口 ]令
conSPiCUOUS (adj.) : attracting attention by being Unexpected UnUsua,
OUtSta ndi ng惹人注目的,显眼的 grove (n.) : OrChard 果园
Iegi Onn aire (n.) : a member Of a Iegion 军团的成员
back— breaking (adj.) : requiring great PhySiCal exertion Very tiring 费劲