Ⅰ. THE BASIC PRINCIPLE: Like every other institution, the family must have an order of authority and responsibility
● HUSBAND——The head of his wife, chief authority over his children.
● WIFE——the helper of the husband, the condary authority over her children.
● CHILDREN——obedient to the parents
How d实际有效汇率
o we teach our children? Good teaching begins with instruction. A parent has no right to expect that the job will be done well if the parent will not invest time and effort to instruct the child well.如何教导孩子呢?好的教导是从指导开始,如果父母没有投入时间,精力引导孩子将一件事情做好,父母就没有理由期待孩子在那些事上做得令人满意。
It is also important to t rules- Teaching of any kind involves establishing rules.
Another way to teach our children is by example.
There are also 10 things which we should never do for our children。
1. Give him everything he wants. If you do he will grow up to believe that the world owes him a living.
2. When he us bad words, laugh at him. This will make him think that he is cute and he will continue to find more bad things to say.
3. Avoid the u of the word wrong. He will not develop a n of right and wrong which will get him into trouble when he is older.
4. Pick up everything that he leaves lying around - books, clothing, dishes. If you do everything for him he will never learn to be responsible for himlf.
5. Let him read or look at anything. He will never learn to discern what is good and moral and what is trash.
6. Always fight with each other in front of your child. This will teach him disrespect and that fighting and violence will help him to get his way.
7. Give him all the 校园演讲稿
money he wants. Never let him earn his own. This way he will never learn the value of working hard or the rewards that hard work brings.
8. Give him all food, toys, or electronics that he wants. If you do then he will be angry and frustrated when he is older and can’t afford to buy everything he es.
9. Take his side against teachers, neighbors, or anyone who says that he has done something wrong (Unless you absolutely know that he is innocent). He will grow up thinking that everyone is against him.
10. Never give him any spiritual teaching. Don’t let him know that there is a creator God who loves him, but who he is accountable to obey. This way he will never arch for the hope and peace that a relationship with God can bring.
Both parents and children need to realize that discipline teaches obedience.
Discipline should begin when the child is only an infant. Even young children soon discover that crying will get attention and can be ud to manipulate his parents. Don’t be afraid to be the boss. Children need to know there is someone stronger and wir in the f
amily. When the situation demands it, you must say NO. Your child may argue with you, but deep inside he will love you for your wisdom, strength and good judgment in keeping him safe from his own lack of experience. A child who has everything done for him, everything given him, and nothing required of him, is a child lacking the ability to become wi. He is just spoiled. A child with no out side controls will never learn inside control.
The Proverb tells us “The孕妇可以蒸桑拿吗
rod of correction gives wisdom, but a child left to himlf brings shame to his mother. ”
You are the authority in your child’s life. If a child is disobedient it may be becau he es his mother opposing or ignoring his father and not submitting to his authority over her as the head of the family. Women, we need to teach our children how to submit to authority as we honor our husbands.
In the family, the primary responsibility for disciplining the child rests with the father. When he is in the hou he has the responsibility to discipline the children. The wife needs to support this. She disciplines the children in the minor matters or if he is away, becau she has delegated authority from him. In the little matters the mother must act immediately. For more important things she needs to wait for the father.