What are the words ud for discribing a person's character? Selfish自私 : concerned excessively or exclusively with onelf : eking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others : being an actively replicating repetitive quence of nucleic acid that rves no known function also : being genetic material solely concerned with its own replication Unethical, Moral(Immoral), Tender, Affectionate , Self obsd., Dim witted, Sweet, Sarcastic, Passionate, Simple minded, Sardonic, Dull, Strange, Unorthodox, Wild, Crazy, Unrealistic, Shallow, Cruel, Evil, Loving, Humorous, Gentle, articulate, Domineering, Humble(modest), Charming, Ice cold, unfeeling, Sincere, enthusiastic, Optimistic, Pessimistic, loyal, honest, sneaky, sly, unjust, humorous, kind, softspoken, passive, aggressive, sweet, caring, genuine, loving, fair, open, compassionate,
conceited, stubborn, motivated, lazy, Clumsy, Soft(heart, skin, tummy), Rour, Baggageless, Low Maintenance, List Maker, Annoyingly Organized to Outsiders, Aggressive Driver, Flexible, Basket Ca , friend, daughter, Bad Hugger, Geographically Curious, Casual, Loud, Multi-Tasker to a fault, Anxious, Colorful, Articulate, Valorous, Kind, Caring, Honorable, Heroic, Helpful, Generous, Magnanimous , Strong-willed, Creative, Intelligent, Curious, Diplomatic, Soulful 1.1 egotistic, 2 initiative, 3 energetic, 4 informed/knowledgable, 5 compassoinate, 6 considerate, 7 witty, 8 astute, 9 foolish, 10 warm(soft), 11 delicate, 12 genuine, 13 original, 14 truthful, 15 bold, 16 daring, 17 meek, 18 rigid, 19 apathetic, 20 regretful, 21 eager, 22 inten, 23 inventive, 24 thoughtful, 25 apprehensive, 26 watchful, 27 aggitated, 28 distracted, 29 loving, 30 anxious, 31 euphoric, 32 blissful, 33 bothered, 34 istical, intelligent, practical, ignorant, grandio, unrestraigned, extravagant, atheletic, preoccupied, sadistic, wanton, lusty
1.You are so clever。你太聪明了 2.He is a very wi man.他是一个睿智的人。
3.I’ve never en a boy cleverer than you.我从没见过比你聪明的男孩。
4..I admire you for your high EQ.我羡慕你的情商那么高。
5.How smart she is!她真是太聪明啦!
6.The little girl is a gifted/talented child.这个小女孩是个天才。
7.What an Einstein she is!她简直就是爱因斯坦再世
8.I bet he will become another Bill Gates.我敢打赌他将会成为下一个比尔-盖茨。
9.I have no doubt that she has a high level of IQ.我毫不怀疑她的智商很高。
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。
The eyes are the window to your heart.blonde 金发碧眼的black dark hazel 褐色的emerald eyes 淡绿色眼睛
liquid eyes 水汪汪的眼睛
expressive eyes 会说话的眼睛
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。
black hair 黑色的头发 light yellow hair 淡黄色头发
fair hair 淡黄色头发 golden hair 金色头发
brunette hair 栗红色头发 grey hair 灰白头发
long hair 长发 short hair 短发
pony tail 马尾辫 Claire wears a pony tail.straight hair 直发
curly hair 卷发 wavy hair 波浪发
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。
high bridged no 高鼻梁的鼻子
flat no 扁鼻子 snub no 蒜头鼻
xual mouth xy mouth lips 嘴唇
forehead 前额 cheek 面颊 cheekbone 颧骨
high cheekbones 高颧骨 jaw 下巴
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
What sort of build is Philip? Philip身材如何?
build sth.v.We built a shelter in two days.built up one‘s business
He built up his business from nothing.building 建筑
high-ri building 高层建筑
build shape figure 身材
What sort of build is he?
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
He is a big guy.他是个大块头。
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Will is tall and quite lanky.Will高高瘦瘦的。
He is tall and lanky.He is stout.He is chubby.She has small build.She ked勇敢的词语
no, big eyes, thick eyebrows
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She takes after her mother.她长得像她妈妈。
take after 继承
I take after my mother.0709
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Roy looks exactly like his father.Roy长得很像她父亲。
He looks They could be twins.look-alike contest 模仿秀
You could be twins.0710
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's round face.他蓝蓝的眼睛随父亲,圆圆的脸庞随母亲。
He has Andy Liu‘s crooked no.He has his build.You have your mother‘s eyes.0711
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Tracy is a typical Brooks with her high cheekbones.Tracy颧骨高高的,一看就是Brook家的人。
ears mouth no eyes
eyebrows cheek forehead jaw lips
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
From her appearance, I would guess she is Asian.从外表看,我猜她是亚洲人。
She is European.She is African.From her appearance, I would guess she is Japane.From her appearance, I would guess she高筋面粉是什么
is Italian.Asian American 亚裔美国人
Chine American 美籍华人
ABC = American Born Chine She is African American.She is Asian American.She is Hispanic American.0713
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Ray is popular with parents becau he is very polite.Ray彬彬有礼,家长们都很喜欢。
Our teacher is popular with us.Jay Zhou is popular aceful 优雅的 0714
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Tom is a quiet man but his wife is extremely talkative.Tom话不多,但他太太嘴特别碎。
She can talk your ears off.She can talk my ears off.shy cheerful easy-going stubborn optimistic pessimistic nsitive conrvative liberal open minded
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
My brother has a good personality.我哥哥性格很好。no: big大的/high高的/pointed尖鼻子/high-bridged高鼻梁/straight挺直的
face:well-featured五官端正的/handsome英俊的/bony 瘦的/rosy 红润的/long 长的/broad 宽的/beautiful 美丽的eyes: xy 性感的/sharp 锐利的/slitty细长的/watery水汪汪的/deep-sunken深陷的/big大的/bright 明亮的mouth: fine 好看的 nsuous有美感的 small小的 big 大的 mean薄的ears: angular尖的 thick厚实的 cauliflower招风的 long-lobed耳朵很长的 drooping 耷拉的figure: slender苗条的 small 细的 plump非常丰满的 fat胖的 muscularity肌肉发达的描述人性格特征的词语