
更新时间:2023-05-04 02:47:32 阅读: 评论:0

翻译: All you have to do is choo a lection of foods that supplies appropriate amounts of the esntial nutrients, fiber ,and energy without excess intakes of fat ,sugar ,and salt and be sure to get enough exerci to balance the foods you get.所有你必须做的就是挑选食物,这些食物能够提供质量的必需营养物质,纤维素和能量,不过多摄入脂肪,糖和盐并确保能得到足够的锻炼平衡你所吃的食物。
They also make some general statements about energy intakes ,but they do little to protect people from excess intakes of fats ,sugar ,salt ,and other food constituents believed to be related to chronic dia.他们也做些一些关于能量摄入的一般性说明,但是他们几乎没做多少来保护人们以免过多摄入脂肪、糖、盐和其他与慢性疾病有关的食物成分。他们也制定了一些关于能量摄入的规定,但是这些措施在防止人们摄入过量的与慢性疾病有关的脂肪,糖 盐以及一些其他的食物成分方面效果甚微。
In practice ,however ,diet planners must be sure to choo mostly nutrient-den foods in each group becau some process strip foods of some nutrients and add calories from fats. With this caution ,the daily food guide can provide a reasonable road map for diet planning.然而,实际上,膳食计划者必须确保每类食品中选择通常高营养密度的食物,因为在一些加工过程中除去食品中一些营养素并添加一些脂肪而增加能量。考虑到这些告诫,日常食物指南能为我们制定膳食计划提供一个合理的途径。
Had you chon fatty potato chips instead low-fat pretzels for your ballgame snack ,you body would have even greater amounts of fat for the calories taken in.如果你选择多脂肪的炸土豆条代替低脂肪的椒盐脆饼作为你看球赛事的零食,你的身体将因为能量的摄入而储存更多的脂肪。
Long stands of amino acids from large protein molecules ,and the side chains of the amino acids ultimately help to determine the molecules shapes and behavio孕妇可以吃河蚌吗 rs.长链氨基酸形成大的蛋白质分子,并且氨基酸侧链的最终决定分子的形状和性能。
Catapulted from the shrouded mystery of folk cures into the technological era that brought us vitamin pills ,they emed a perfect answer to people who were looking for an easy route to good health.从民间使用古(秘)方到带给我们维生素的科学时代,这对那些正在寻找一个简单的途径得到健康的人们来说似乎一个完美的答案。
In contrast to the infectious dia ,each of which has a distinct microbial cau such as of bacterium or virus ,the degenerative dia of adulthood tend to have clusters of suspected contributors known as risk factors .Among they are environment , behavioral social and genetic factors that tend to occur in clusters and interact with each other.与那些由细菌或病毒等不同微生物引起的易感染性疾病相比,成年人的退行性疾病倾向于由被认为是危险因素的可疑促成物引起的。
8.A blanket recommendation for prevention of hypertension ,then, would center on controlling weight ,obtaining  a balanced diet, exercising, and  reducing  intakes of alcohol  and ,possibly, of  salt. 一个预防高血压的综合性建议主要包括控制体重、均衡饮食、锻炼身体以及减少酒精和盐的摄入,可能的话也减少盐的摄入
9.According to  one estimate, deaths  from cancers of the colon, prostate , bancreas  and breast might  be  reduced a full 50 percent if everyone would  adopt a diet that  supports good  health. 据一项估计,如果每个人都采纳一个有助于健康的饮食,那么结肠癌,前列腺癌,胰腺癌,乳腺癌的死亡率将会降低50%.
10. Cancers of the head and neak          yellow fruits and vegetables. 头部和颈部的癌症似乎与同时喝酒、吸烟以及很少摄入黄色绿色水果和蔬菜有很强的相关性。
11.An underweight woman who fails to gain            an infants future healths status . 一个怀孕期间没有达到合适体重的低体重妇女,极可能会生出一个危险的低体重婴儿,而婴儿的出生体重直接关系到他以后的健康状况。
12.A  pregnant woman needs extra food energy        cond  and third trimesters一个孕妇需要额外的食物能量,但仅需在孕中期和孕晚期比为未怀孕妇女的允许量多300卡路里。
13.Adver influences such as smoking, ``drug abu      even  before the women knows
she  is  pregnant. 在这个时期的一些反面影响如吸烟、吸毒、营养不良等会导致受精卵不能着床或者畸形,例如神经管缺陷,这些会导致受精卵丢失,甚至在一个妇女还不知道自己怀孕之前就发生了。
14. Breastfed  babies are less  prone                than formula-fed  babies  do. 母乳喂养的婴儿比配方奶粉喂养的婴儿在前几个月相对更不容易易得胃肠道不适应症,所以很少发生呕吐,腹泻等症状。
15.Older  adults  must  limit  the  overall  fat in  the diet  for many  reasons,  a diet high in certain  fats is associated  with many  dias. 由于许多原因老年人在饮食中必须要限制含脂质物的摄入,不仅是因为脂肪含量低的食物富含维生素耕耘与收获 ,矿物质和植物化学物,而且就像前一章节所阐明的那样,脂肪含量高的膳食,往往与许多疾病有关。
名词解释1.Food: Products that derived from plants or animals that can be taken into the body to yield energy and nutrients for the maintenance of life and the growth and repaid of tissues.
2.Nutrition: the study of the nutrients in food and in the body; sometimes also the study of human behaviors related to food.
3.Esntial nutrients:the nutrients the body cannot make for itlf (or cannot make fast enough )from other raw materials , nutrients that must be obtained from food to prevent deficiencies.
4.DRI: a t of four list of values for the dietary nutrient intakes of healthy people in the United States and Canada .
5.EAR:the median usual intake value that is estimated to meet the requirement of half the healthy individuals in life-stage or gender group.
6.RDA:the average daily intake value that is suffering to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all the healthy individuals in a life-stage and gender group。RDA=EAR*2SD=1.2EAR
7.Glycemic index: be ud to measure the impact of food carbohydrates on blood gluco
concentrations. GI means the food containing 50 g carbohydrate, and a considerable amount of gluco in a certain period of time (generally 2 hours) the percentage value of the level of blood sugar reaction, reflecting the speed and capacity of food and gluco compared to elevated b补阳 lood sugar.

本文发布于:2023-05-04 02:47:32,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:食物   摄入   脂肪   能量   体重   疾病
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