Unit 1
1.…as Camil l e lashe d north w estw a rd acros s the Gulf of Mexic o.
A. strike violen tly
B. pass by
C. move slowly
D. stride
2.…gray cloud s scudd e d in from the Gulf on the risin g wind.
A. go smooth l y
B. go straig ht and fast
C. go up and down
D. go violen tly
3.…lifte d the entir e roof off the hou and skimm e d it 40 feet throu g h the air.
A. hit violen tly
B. move lightl y over
C. go fast and quiet l y
D. move gradu a lly away
4.One wall began crumb l ing on the maroo n ed group.
A. stay braveand along
B. leavehopefu l
C. stay helpl e ss
D. leave helpl e ss and alone
5.…and 709 small busin e ss were demol i shed or ver e ly damag e d.
A. destro y
B. reduce
C. increa
D. beat
6.Riche l ieu Apart m ents were smash e d apart as if by a gigan t ic fist, and 26 peopl e peris h ed.
A. incarn ate
B. die
C. increa
D. submit
7.Debri s flew as the livin g-room firep l ace and its chimn e y colla p d.
A. smalli ndivi dual parts
B. comple telygood places
C. well pre r ved piece s
D. scatt e red broke n piece s
8.With two walls in their bedro o m sanct u ary begin n ing to disin t egra t e…
A. a warm place
B. shelte r
C. a cleanplace
D. a harm place
9.Pop Kosha k raged silen t ly, frust r ated at not being able to do anyth i ng…
A. discou rage
B. bringabout good result
C. come out fruit f ully
D. worry about the resul t
10.We can prop it up with our heads and shoul d ers!
A. support
B. place
C. suspen d
D. 算盘的用法
Unit 3
1. Howev e r intri c ate the ways in which anima l s commu n icat e with each other, they do not indul g e in anyth i ng that der v es the name of conve r sati o n.
A. diffi c ult
B. compl i cate d
C. inval i d
D. simpl e
2. Sudde n ly they e the momen t for one of their best anecd o tes, but in a flash the conve r sati o n
has moved on and the oppor t unit y is lost.
A. short amusi n g story
B. long tedio u s talk
C. unint e rest i ng writi n g
D. excit i ng infor m atio n
3. The conve r sati o n had swung from Austr a lian convi c ts of the 19th centu r y to the Engli s h peasa n ts of the 12th centu r y.
A. crimi n al
B. aggre s sor
C. capta i n
D. capto r
4. Perha p s it is worth tryin g to speak it, but it shoul d not be laid down as an edict,and made immun e to chang e from below.
A. cur e
B. impur e
C. odoro u s
D. reviv a l
5. The phras e has alway s been ud a littl e pejor a tive l y and even facet i ousl y by the lower class e s.
A. sharp
B. dista s tefu l
C. conte m ptuo u s
D. penet r atin g
6. The King’s Engli s h is a model—a rich and instr u ctiv e one--but it ought not to be an ultim a tum.
A. the gener a l opini o n about the chara c ter, quali t ies, etc.
B. state of being in deman d
C. somet h ing that provo k es or annoy s
D. final state m ent of condi t ions to be accep t ed
7. It was an Austr a lian who had given her such a defin i tion of “the King’s Engli s h,” which produ c ed some rathe r tart remar k s about what one could expec t from the desce n dant s of convi c ts.
A. diffe r ent
B. sarca s tic
C. loade d
D. speci a l
8. One could have expec t ed that it would be about then that the phras e would be coine d.
A. happe n
B. coinc i de
C. comfo r t
D. inven t
9. After five centu r ies of growt h, of tussl i ng with the Frenc h of the Norma n s and the Angev i ns and the Plant a gene t s and at last absor b ing it, the conqu e red in the end conqu e ring the conqu e ror.
A. have a hard strug g le or fight
B. rai to a highe r grade
C. come to a lower level or state
D. make the great e st possi b le u of
10. When E. M. Forst e r write s of “the sinis t er corri d or of our age,” we sit up at the vivid n ess of
the phras e, the force and even terro r in the ima脸过敏症状
A. not prete 沐浴露排名
n ded
B. sugge s ting evil
C. happe n ing in the same time
D. givin g order s
Unit 4
1. Let all our neighb ors know that we shallj oin with them to oppose aggressiono r subve r sion
anywhe re in the America s.
A. rebui l ding
B. succe s sion
C. destr o ying
D. salva g e
2. Let both sides ek to invok e the wonde r s of scien c e inste a d of its terro r s.
A. call forth
B. take down
C. put up
D. take the form of
3. For I have sworn befor e you and Almig h ty God the same solem n oath our foreb e ars presc r ibed nearl y a centu r y and three-quart e rs ago.
A. order or direc t
B. produ c e
C. prote c t
D. agree
4. We offer not a pledg e but a reque s t: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, befor e the dark power s of destr u ctio n unlea s hed by scien c e engul f all human i ty in plann e d or accid e ntal lf-destr u ctio n.
A. swall o w up
B. consi d er about
C. clean up
D. impri n t on
5. Toget h er let us explo r e the stars, conqu e r the der t s, eradi c ate dia s e, tap the ocean depth s and encou r age the arts and comme r ce.
A. cut into many small parts
B. go round in circl e
C. draw toget h er into a small space
D. put an end to; destr o y
6. We obr v e today not a victo r y of party but a celeb r atio n of freed o m.
A. celeb r ate
B. pre r ve
C. orate
D. help
7. …and unwil l ing to witne s s or permi t the slow undoi n g of the human right s to which this natio n has alway s been commi t ted
A. showi n g
B. lazin e ss
C. cover
D. destr u ctio n
8. and unwil l ing to witne s s or permi t the slow undoi n g of the human right s to which this natio n has alway s been commi t ted…
A. pledg e
B. omit
C. refra i n
D. repea t
9. …each gener a tion of Ameri c ans has been summo n ed to give testi m ony to its natio n al loyal t y.
A. evide n ce
B. witne s s
C. liber a tion
D. trial
10. Let both sides, for the first time, formu l ate rio u s and preci s e propo s als for the inspe c tion and
contr o l of arms…
A. predi c tion
B. warm speec h
C. expec t atio n
D. exami n atio n
Unit 5
1. “Can you mean,” I said incre d ulou s ly, “that peopl e are actua l ly weari n g racco o n coats again?”
A. unbeli eving
B. increa sing
C. indust rious
D. unimproved
2. She was not yet of pin-up propo r tion s but I felt sure that time would suppl y the lack she alrea d y had the makin g s.
A. property
B. portio n s
C. massag es
D. dimensi ons
3. I reele d back, overc o me with the infam y of it.
A. beingfamous for
B. beingshameful
C. beinghonest
D. beingrefuse d
4. “I’11 never do that again,” she promi s ed contr i tel膏药制作
y.“Are you mad at me?”
A. sad
B. honest
C. penite nt
D. overjo yed
5. “Right !” I cried exult a ntly,“One hundr e d perce n t right.”
A. triump hant
B. foreig n
C. exhausted
D. overfl owing
6. That Walte r Pidge o n is so dream y. I mean he fract u res me.
A. break.
B. combin e
C. disagree
D. repeat
7. I had long covet e d Polly Espy.
A. surrou nd
B. cover
C. avoid
D. desire
8. All right. Let’s try Contr a dict o ry Premi s es.
A. take out
B. be contra ry to
C. withdraw
D. be releva nt to
9. “Liste n,” he said, clutc h ing my arm eager l y.
A. grasptightl y
B. hang lool y
C. touchsoftly
D. hold lightl y
10. Racco o n coats are unsan i tary.They shed. They smell bad. They weigh t too much. They’re
unsig h tly.
A. invisi ble
B. ugly
C. precip i tate
D. provisi onal
Unit 6
1. TodayL ynk o’s theory i s discre dited, and therei s now only one geneti c s.
A. doubt
B. disgra ce
C. believ e
D. disapp ear
2. 脖子后面有痣代表什么
The worldl ooksmore homoge nousbecau it is more homoge neous.
A. phoneti c
B. uniform
C. uniden tifie d
D. lingui s tic
3. It will reappe ar in different ways untili t is not only accept ed but universally regard ed as an ast.
A. storag e
B. price
C. benefi t
D. approv al
4. But the idea of a worldcar was inevit able.
A. preven table
B. unavoi dable
C. unnece ssary
D. doubtful
5. He is cosmop olita n.
A. system ati ca l
B. politi c al
C. identi c al
D. intern ation al
6. …machin e s soon genera ted proposi tion s whichevaded all traditi on.
A. explai n
B. exhaust
C. avoid
D. intrud e
7. It has thus underm i nedan articl e of faith: the thingl iness of things.
A. imply
B. weaken
C. emphasi ze
D. minimi ze
8. Remini scing on the earlywork of Fancis Pi cabi a and Marcel Ducham p…
A. Reinfo rcing
B. Recoll ectin g
C. Recove ring
D. Respon ding
9. It was the automo tiveequivalent o f the Intern ation al Style.
A. versio n
B. equal
C. variati on
D. variet y
10. The universaliz i ng impera tiveof techno l ogyi s irresi stibl e.
A. comman d
B. order
C. tenden cy
D. imperi l
Unit 8
1. The main featu r es of craft s mans h ip have been very lucid l y expre s d.
A. cleve r ly
B. relia b ly
C. obscu r ely
D. clear l y
2. Man, being afrai d of his newly won freed o m, was obs s ed by the need to subdu e his doubt s and fears by devel o ping a fever i sh activ i ty.
A. cruel
B. savag e
C. excit e d
D. rash
3. No wonde r that this puts a premi u m on slove n ly work, on slowd o wns, and on other trick s to get the same pay check with less work.
A. clean and tidy
B. caref u l and clean
C. carel e ss and untid y
D. slow and neat
4. Most impor t ant of all, he hates him l f, becau s e he es his life passi n g by, witho u t makin g any n beyon d the momen t ary intox i cati o n of succe s s.
A. exhil a rati o n
B. extri c atio n
C. extin c tion
D. extra c tion
5. It is a hosti l ity towar d work which is much less consc i ous than our cravi n g for lazin e ss and inact i vity.
A. craft
B. desir e
C. statu e
D. desig n
6. There are, of cours e, many ufu l and labor savin g gadge t s.
A. appli a nce
B. figur e
C. plan
D. handt o ol
7. The craft s man’s way of livel i hood deter m ines and infus e s his entir e mode of livin g.
A. fill
B. confu s e
C. conta i n
D. misus e
8. Work becam e, in Max Weber’s terms,the chief facto r in a syste m of “inner-world l y ascet i cism,” an answe r to man’s n of alone n ess and isola t ion.
A. aesth e tics
B. lf-denia l
C. lf-criti c ism
D. ascen t
9. Work appea r s as somet h ing unnat u ral, a disag r eeab l e, meani n gles s and stult i fyin g condi t ion of getti n g the pay check, devoi d of digni t y as well as of impor t ance.
A. stupi d
B. amazi n g
C. not stimu l atin g
D. not dull
10. P. Druck e r, obr v ing worke r s in the autom o bile indus t ry, expre s s this idea very succi n ctly.
A. clear l y
B. succe s sful l y
C. conci s ely
D. conti0表示
n uous l y
Unit 14
1. Tho ad campa i gns celeb r atin g the Big Apple, tho T-shirt s with a heart desig n procl a imin g “I love New York,” are signs , pathe t ic in their despe r atio n, of how the might y has falle n.
A. possi b le
B. passi o nate
C. pitif u l
D. annoy i ng
2. New York was never a good conve n tion city.
A. custo m
B. conte n tion
C. consc i ence
D. consc i ousn e ss
3. To win in New Y ork is to be uneas y; to lo is to live in jostl i ng proxi m ity to the frust r ated major i ty.
A. appro p riat e ness
B. clo n ess
C. appro x imat i on
D. dista n ce
4. Natur e const a ntly yield s to man in New York: witne s s tho fragi l e sidew a lk trees gamel y strug g ling again s t encro a chin g cemen t and petro l fumes.
A. encom p assi n g
B. induc i ng
C. invad i ng
D. poiso n ous
5. A testi n g of one l f, a fear of givin g in to the most banal and marke t able of one’s talen t s, still draws many of the young to New Y ork.
A. ordin a ry
B. excel l ent
C. borin g
D. extra o rdin a ry
6. In both the roles it ratif i es more than it creat e s. Wall Stree t will advan c e the milli o ns to make
a Holly w ood movie only if convi n ced that a bests e llin g title or a star name will ensur e its succe s s.
A. produ c es
B. appro v es
C. oppos e s
D. criti c izes
7. New Your is a wound e d city, decli n ing in its ameni t ies.
A. equip m ent
B. gadge t s
C. facil i ties
D. agree m ents
8. So much of well-to-do Ameri c a now lives antis e ptic a lly in encla v es, tranq u il and luxur i ous, that shut out the world.
A. ren e
B. noisy
C. crowe d
D. trans p aren t
9. To him New York- despi t e its fault s, which her will impat i entl y conce d e (“so what el is new?”) — is the spoil e r of all other Ameri c an citie s.
A. conce a l
B. admit
C. conte n d
D. conde s cend
10. The place const a ntly exasp e rate s, at times exhil a rate s.
A. excit e s
B. reget s
C. denie s
D. annoy s
1. A B B D A B D B A A 3.B A A A C D B D A B
4.C A A A D A D A B D
5. A D B C A A D B A B
6.A B C B D C B B B C 8.D C C A B A A B C C
14. C A B C A B C A B D
Unit 1
1. She was prepa r ed to ____________ the years of Jack’s jail nte n ce.
2. Mount a in goril l as are ___________ extin c tion.
3. If we all ___________, we’ll have it finis h ed in no time.
4. There’s a storm comin g, so let’s ________________ the hatch e s.
5. Her legs sudden l y __________and she fell to the floor.
6. It is ____________ five hours to drive to the railw a y stati o n.
7. Sh公共基础知识考什么
e ___________, silen c ed by the look Kris gave her.
8. The front room ____________ books and cloth e s.
1. sit out
2. on the verge of
3. pi管理员工
tch in
4. batte n down