
更新时间:2023-05-04 01:25:57 阅读: 评论:0

aba v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery.
abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.
abbot n. The superior of a community of monks.
abdicate v. To give up (royal power or the like).
abdomen n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly.
abdominal n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen.
abduction n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.
abed adv. In bed; on a bed.
aberration n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed 多彩校园 cour.
abet v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offen).
abeyance n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction.
abhorrence n. The act of detesting extremely.
abhorrent adj. Very repugnant; hateful.
abidance n. An abiding.
abject adj. Sunk朝鲜半岛历史 to a low condition.
abjure v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.
able-bodied adj. Competent for physical rvice.
ablution n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.
abnegate v. To renounce (a right or privilege).
abnormal adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard.
abominable adj. Very hateful.
abominate v. To hate violently.
abomination n. A very detestable act or practice.
aboriginal adj. Primitive; unsophisticated.
aborigines n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country.
aboveboard adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery.
abrade v. To wear away the surface or some part of by friction.
abrasion n. That which is rubbed off.
abridge v. To make shorter in words, keeping the esntial features, leaning out minor particles.
abridgment n. A condend form as of a book or play.
abrogate v. To abolish, repeal.
abrupt adj. Beginning, ending, or甘氏 changing suddenly or with a break.
abscess n. A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.
abscission n. The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation.
abscond v. To depart suddenly and cretly, as for the purpo of escaping arrest.
abnce n. The fact of not being prent or available.
abnt-minded adj. Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business.
absolution n. Forgiveness, or passing over of offens.
absolve v. To free from sin or its penalties.
absorb v. To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.
absorption n. The act or process of absorbing.
abstain v. To keep onelf back (from doing or using something).
abstemious adj. Characterized by lf denial or abstinence, as in the u of drink, food.
abstinence n. Self denial.
abstru adj. Dealing with matters difficult to be understood.
absurd adj. Inconsistent with reason or common n.
abundant adj. Plentiful.
abusive adj. Employing harsh words or ill treatment.
abut v. To touch at the end or boundary line.
abyss n. Bottomless gulf.
academic adj. Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university.
academician n. A member of an academy of literature, art, or science.
academy n. Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught.
accede v. To agree.
accelerate v. To move 雨天图片唯美 faster.
accept v. To take when offered.
access n. A way of approach or entrance; passage.
accessible adj. Approachable.
accession n. Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government.
accessory n. A person or thing that aids the principal agent.
acclaie6浏览器 im v. To utter with a shout.
accommodate v. To furnish something as a kindness or favor.
accompaniment n. A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.
accompanist n. One who or that which accompanies.
accompany v. To go with, or be associated with, as 马蹄莲简笔画 a companion.
accomplice n. An associate in wrong-doing.
accomplish v. To bring to pass.
accordion n. A portable free-reed musical instrument.
accost v. To speak to.
account n. A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions.
accouter v. To dress.
accredit v. To give credit or authority to.
accumulate v. To become greater in quantity or number.
accuracy n. Exactn动物世界结局 ess.
accurate adj. Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.
accurd adj. Doomed to evil, miry, or misfortune.
accusation n. A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error.

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