雅思⼝语PART3 2021年
Describe an energetic person that you know
What kinds of jobs need a lot of physical work?每天坚持锻炼
Construction workers are definitely on the list. Despite the prence of engineering
machines, they still need to carry concrete, bricks and steel bars to different locations on
the site every now and then.Other job I can think of are firefighters, who job o en
involve climbing high buildings and rescuing unconscious people.
What is the difference between the payment for physical work and that for mental work?
there are many difference between the payment for physical work and that for mental
work. for example, for physical worker,their wages ri rapidly in the first few years as they
acquire skills and then remain stable. however, for mental work, their salaries usually
start from a low level but continue to ri throughout their careers.
Can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future?
i don't think so. for physical workers, What they do is repetitive and requires little
qualification.T hat means there are always plenty of people can replace them, so
employers don't have to rai wages. with the u of the advanced machines and robots,
which rarely make mistakes and never feel tired, workers salaries may be lowered further.
Do you think machines could replace human workers in the future?
I think machines will replace many low skilled jobs. We are living in world where profit
drives everything, and robots prove to be much cheaper than labor per unit quantity of
production. when employers have machines to perform the same tasks. they will not
hesitate for even a cond to fire their employees .
Describe a person who shows his or her feelings openly
Is it difficult for Chine people to express their feelings?
Yes, I think so. Traditional Chine culture requires people to conceal their feelings,which means they should not laugh out when they are happy and not shed tears when they are sad. If you always show your feeli很爱很爱你歌词
ngs openly, others, especially your boss,will deem you not mature enough to carry out some important tasks.
Who do you think talk more? Children or grown-ups?
Definitely children. Firstly, children are curious.T hey are eager to learn about things they have not en before. Usually, they don't look for answers on the Internet or in books.
Instead, they keep 优秀家风家训摘抄
asking their parents.Secondly, children are very willing to share their
experiences.T hey like talking about every little thing they do.
What is the difference between males and females in terms of expressing their feelings?
there are many difference between between males and females in terms of expressing
their feelings. From my obrvation, the major difference lies in how they express their
sad. for females , they tend to share their mirable experience with their friends. for
male, Th危急的反义词
ey ldom cry in front of others and reveal their feelings to their best friends.
Do you think people the days are not as open as tho in the past?
i think chine poeple are more open nowadays. Many youngsters no longer try to conceal
their feelings like their parents, and this change can be attributed to the process of
globalization. Realizing there are so many ways of lifestyles, they are more tolerant
towards different behaviors .
Describe an intelligent person you know
Are smart people happier than others?
I think so. i think smart people are more likely to get happy. smart people know that
happiness is a state of mind. So they may deliberately adjust their views towards the world to stay happy.
Do you think smart people tend to be lfish?
well, I don't think so. Tho lfish people only care about their own benefits. This is a
kind of cleverness in trivial matters . But for the really smart people, I think they could
sacrifice personal interests for the public good, or at least know lfishness would be a
negative tag on them 氨气与氯气反应
and bring them unnecessary troubles.
Who do you think plays a more important role in a child development, teachers or parents?
i think parents plays a more important role in a child development. We always say that
parents are the first teachers of their children. Becau children will learn from their
parents how to get along with others, how to express themlves and give help to others.
Why are some children more intelligent than others?
well,maybe some of them are gi ed, like they have a better memory and understanding ability, which means they absorb knowledge more easily and quickly. For the ordinary ones,
I bet they paid a lot to be more intelligent. I think if you fight for something with
enough work, enough time and enough effort, you ar孕妇可以吃橘子吗
e more intelligent than tho who
多努⼒。我认为只要你为了⼀件事情,付出⾜够的努⼒和时间,你就⽐其他⼈更聪慧。Describe a famous person you are interested in
What kinds of famous people are there in your country?/你们国家有哪些名⼈?
there are two kinds of famous people. The first are tho stars in the entertainment
circle. They get famous by acting in the movies or singing songs. the cond are tho
successful businessman, such as Jack Ma, who reprent the first generation of Chine
What are the differences between famous people today and tho in the past?
there are many difference between famous people today and tho in the past. In the
past, famous people were regarded as cret Gods by their fans. You know They avoided
being in clo contact with their fans. Nowadays, the advanced media and internet force them become more open . For example, they even record their daily lives on the internet to attract fans.
Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?
No, I don't think so. We are living in world where profit drives everything, which means that if you have money, you can make youlf become famous by varies way, such as do some
clarity . so, people don't need to be good at certain field.
Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?
yes, i think so . Whenever we turn on the TVs, we can always e lots of gossips about
tho famous people. I think the main reason is that the media want to utilize our
curiosity about famous people to make profits. As long as they managed to attract our
eyeballs, they can get the ad fees .
Describe a person who o en helps others
Why are some people willing to help others?
Well, there are so many reasons. Probably it is becau they are taught by their parents to help other as much as they can. Or it is simply becau they are sympathetic, have a warm heart .
In what kinds of professions do people help others more?
Firefighters are definitely on the list. In China, their job are not confined to climb high
buildings and rescue unconscious people, but also include solving minor inconveniences in life, like cracking the door when you forget the keys.
Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?
i think Parents should teach children to help others . parents plays a more important role
in their children's development. We always say that parents are the first teachers of their children.
to express themlves and give help to others.
Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?
I believe so. Whenever we turn on the TVs, we can always e lots of news about people
helping others, like local residents give free drinks to volunteer in hot days. At least
from my memory, the behaviors were quite rare in the past. So yes, I believe people
become more friendly .
Describe a polite person you know
What is the standard of being polite?
It is really difficult for me to define the standard of politeness. from my understanding ,
being able to walk into others' shoes is a good way of being polite. When you
understanding their situations or difficulties, you know how to avoid conflicts and give
them support .
What behavior will be regarded as impolite?
Deliberate ignorance is one of the common impolite behaviors. Also, talking out loud in a public area that is suppod to be quiet is considered very rude behavior to others. You
know, it might affect others in the public who are focusing on their work.
Who are more polite? People from cities or tho from the countryside?
it's really hard to say. I think it largely depends on the level of education. for people in the cities, who receive higher education and know how to take care of other people's feelings.
So, they tend to be more polite. however, for people in the countryside who have fewer
opportunities to get educated on personal manners.
度⾼. 知道如果照顾到别⼈的感受。所以,他们会更礼貌⼀些。⽽乡村的⼈们接受个⼈礼节等⽅⾯教育的机会少⼀些。
What do you think makes people polite?
I think it's compassion. once we know how to e&nbs交通规则儿歌
p; things from other people's angles and
understand their situations, we are more likely to interact with them in a appropriate
manner. For example, when we get our food order from the delivery man, we can show
our politeness by simply saying the magic words THANK YOU".
Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes