Filing Deadline:
March 31, 2008 – 5:00 P.M.
Antelope Valley Water Storage, LLC
Attention: Lloys Frates, Program Manager
Mailing Address:
5700 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 330
Los Angeles, California 90036
Q:\Ventura\2007\0789007\06-Corrspnd\6.01-ToFromClient\RFP-RENEWABLE ENERGY\RFP-Renewable-Energy.doc
I. Introduction
Antelope Valley Water Storage, LLC (AVWS) is eking proposals from renewable energy generating facilities to provide economical power to its Antelope Valley Water Bank (AVWB) project. The renewable energy supplier shall provide AVWB a proposal that includes a schedule for meeting
AVWB’s power needs, the price for supplied power, and demonstrates the capacity and reliability of the propor’s power project.
This RFP describes the product being sought and the proposal requirements. The information prented in this Request for Proposal (RFP) is o蒙古风情园
f a confidential nature. The facilities described herein and shown on the attached exhibits are conceptual and for costing purpos only. The majority of wells in the Recovery Area are not on AVWS property. AVWS is in the process of negotiations with individual landowners. The actual layout of wells will vary as a function of discussions with landowners. We ask that you not contact individual property owners.
II. Calendar of Events
The propod schedule of key events and target dates for this RFP is as follows:
Event Target Dates
Issuance of RFP February 29, 2008
Proposal Due Date March 31, 2008
Proposal Selection April 8, 2008
Purcha Agreement Execution May 29, 2008
Power Purcha Commences April 1, 2010
Any questions regarding this RFP should be submitted via e-mail to
Three (3) bound copies of the proposal must be mailed, nt by courier, or hand-delivered so that they are received by 5: Pacific Standard Time on March 31, 2008 at the following address:
Antelope Valley Water Storage, LLC
5700 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 330
Los Angeles, California 90036
Attn: Lloys Frates, Program Manager
Proposals received after the Proposal Due Date will not be considered, nor will faxed or e-mailed proposals, whenever received.
III. Contract Period
The term of the contract will be for a period of twenty (20) years commencing on or about April 1, 2010.
IV. Renewable Energy
In accordance with this RFP, AVWB is eking to purcha Renewable Energy from propors with experience in owning and operating eligible Renew国防生招生条件
able Generating Facilities (“RGFs”), as follows:
A. Generation and Fuel Type: RGF(s) should meet the generation type and fuel source
eligibility requirements of the California Renewable Portfolio Standard, including biomass, solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, fuel cells using renewable fuels, small
hydroelectric, digester gas, municipal solid waste conversion, landfill gas, ocean wave, ocean thermal, and tidal current.
B. Date of Commercial Operation: RGF(s) must: demonstrate its ability to achieve
commercial operation prior to A四大发明是什么
pril 1, 2010.
C. Energy Delivery Points: Energy should be delivered to the clost intertie to the property
with sufficient capacity.
D. RGF Energy Delivery Costs: Propors are responsible for all applicable loss and
congestion costs to the Delivery Point;
E. Renewable Energy Quantities: Renewable Energy will be in sufficient quantities to
provide power for yearly farming operations as well as water bank recovery operations every three years.
F. Renewable Energy Pricing: Proposals should include a fixed annual price ($/MWh) for all
energy delivered to the delivery point each month for the term during (a) peak and (b) non-peak hours. Prices may be subject to an annual escalator (non-fuel, price index or specified number). Proposals with either no escalator or an escalator with a specified number will be given more favorable consideration.
V. Project Background
AVWB is located at the west end of the Antelope Valley and is generally bounded by Rosamond Boulevard to the North, Avenue A to the South, 170th Street West to the West and 150th Street to the East. See Exhibit 1, Vicinity Map attached. The purpo of the water bank is to recharge water from the East Branch of the State Water Project (SWP), thereby storing water in the ground during wet asons when supply is in excess. During dry asons, water will be recovered from underground storage and pumped back into the SWP as needed. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared and was approved in September 2006. That document explains AVWB in further detail and is available at your request.
At full build-out, AVWB will have the following operational capacities:
•Up to 100,000 acre-feet per year (AF/year) of recharge at up to approximately 350 cubic feet per cond (cfs);
•Up to 100,000 AF/year of recovery at approximately 250 cfs;
•Up to 500,000 AF of storage space; and
•10% leave behind of recharged water to aid in recovery of pre-existing aquifer overdraft.
Project build-out is currently estimated to include:
•1,280 acres of recharge basins;
• A 2.5 mile long, 2-way, 48-inch to 60-inch pipeline from/to the Antelope Valley East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) West Feeder;
• A 8.25 mile long 2-way, 72-inch pipeline from/to the California Aqueduct, SWP;
•Forty-three (43) recovery wells using a mix of upgraded existing wells and new wells ranging from 250-HP pumps to 400-HP pumps;
•An 11,600 HP booster pump station; and
•Various distribution/collection pipelines, controls and meters.
Farming will take place on approximately 13,600 acres annually.
VI. Assumptions for Operation of Facilities and Timing of
On average, every third year, electrical power will be required to operate the well pumps and booster pump station for approximately 6 months (April 1st through September 30th). Pumps could operate 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week during recovery operations. This timeframe could increa or decrea by one month on either end of the recovery period, depending on a member agency’s dependence on the water bank during a dry year. The frequency of recovery operations will be dependent on available allotments of water from the SWP California
Aqueduct, which in turn affects the amount of water that is recharged into the water bank and later recovered.
A. From a Water Banking Perspective:
1) Best Ca Scenario (expected condition) - Recovery operations occur once every three
years for a duration of five months.
2) Dry Year Scenario - Recovery operations occur twice every three years for a duration of
3) Drought (worst) Ca Scenario - Groundwater Recovery operations occur every year in
a three-year period for a duration of ven months.
B. Pumps Will Also Be Ud Approximately 48 Hours/Week for Six Months of the Year
for Irrigation Purpos: The irrigation pumping will be in all years, regardless of whether or not recovery p消极的反义词
umping operations are occurring that particular year. Pumps will be ud for irrigation purpos during recharge periods as well becau the farmers will likely rotate their land usage around the recharge ponds.
1) It is assumed that 21 of the new/existing wells would be ud for irrigation purpos,
when not being ud for recovery pumping.
C. System Reliability: It should be at the same level it would be for agricultural purpos (i.e.
not as critical as it would be if it was for municipal u).
D. The Following Timeline for Facilities Construction Should Be Ud for the Proposal:
1) Approximately 6 new recovery wells will be constructed per year, starting in 2010 and
ending in 2014.
2) It is expected that the booster station will be constructed and operational by 2012.
VII. Load Requirements During Recovery Operations
The expected load during recovery operations includes the booster station and well pumps located both on and off of AVWS’s contiguous property. Wells not located on the property will be lead by AVWS from the property owners. Exhibit 2, Recovery Area, shows the location of the pump station and the conceptual well sites, contingent upon discussions with property owners. The motor loads that are expected at the booster pump station and wells are shown in Tables 1 and 3. The expect power required during recovery operations at booster pump station and wells are shown in Tables 2 and 4.
Table 1 – Motor List/Expected Load for Well Pumps
Pump Horpower FLA@480V Starting
Expected Inrush @
A-1 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-2 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-3 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-4 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-5 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-6 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-7 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-8 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-9 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-10 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-11 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-12 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-13 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-14 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-15 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-16 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 A-17 300 351 SSRV 1053 14 B-1 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-2 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-3 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-4 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-5 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-6 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-7 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-8 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-9 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-10 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-11 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-12 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-13 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-14 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 B-15 350 410 SSRV 1229 16 C-1 400 468 SSRV 1404 19
85 Total 503
12 KV Amps 503
KVA 10,849
SSRV to be reduced voltage solid state starter with bypass. Starter to have current limit and adjustable
ramp start time.