
更新时间:2023-05-03 19:42:08 阅读: 评论:0

#5107, 51st Floor CITIC Plaza Tianhe North Road 233,  510613 Guangzhou
The People ’s Republic of China
中国 广州510613 天 河 北 路 233 号 中信广场 51 楼5107室
Tel: ++86/20/8396-6788 Fax: ++86/20/3891-1890
Marine Cargo Insurance Application – One off
Name of Assured/Applicant 被保险人名称:  Address of the Assured 被保险人地址:    Subject Matter (Plea
describe in detail or provide list  of insured.)
Packing 包装:
Departure on/about 起运日期:
Voyage 航程:
From              Via                  to          从                经                至                    Sum Insured 保险金额:
Basis of Valuation 计价基础:
□                            %invoice value 发票金额          □others(Plea state)其他(请说明)                                        ;
By  Sea      Cl assf i ed Vesl                B/L N o.                                              N am e of  Vesl
□    海运          入级船舶 (√)                提单号 :                                            船名  :                                  ;        □I CC(A)一切险
1.Institute Cargo Claus (A) 1/1/82 协会货物运输险条款(A)1/1/82
2.Institute War Claus 1/1/82协会战争险条款(货物) 1/1/82
3. Institute Strikes Claus 1/1/82协会罢工险条款(货物)1/1/82
4. Institute Classification Clau 1/8/97协会船级条款1/8/97
5. Institute Marine Policy General Provisions (Cargo)协会水险单一般规定(货物) 1/10/82
6. Cargo ISM Endorment1/5/98安全管理委员会(ISM )货物条款1/5/98 □I CC(C)基本险
1. Institute Cargo Claus (C) 1/1/82协会货物运输险条款(C)1/1/82
2.Institute War Claus 1/1/82协会战争险条款(货物) 1/1/82
3. Institute Strikes Claus 1/1/82协会罢工险条款(货物)1/1/82
4.Institute Classification Clau 1/8/97协会船级条款1/8/97
5. Institute Marine Policy General Provisions (Cargo)协会水险单一般规定(货物) 1/10/82
6. Cargo ISM Endorment1/5/98安全管理委员会(ISM )货物条款1/5/98
By Land        Cont ai ner /f ul l -encl od Tr uck    &n猴年大吉 bsp;       Sem i -encl od t r uck    □  陆运              □全封闭厢式卡车                      &n散文是什么 bsp;       □半封闭式卡车      Vehi cl e Regi st r at i on N o.  车牌号                ;  □ Al l  Ri sks 一切险
1.Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Claus (Train/Truck) – All R《乡土中国》 isks 陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)一切险
2. Unattended Vehicle Exclusion Clau 无人看管车辆除外
3. Excluding the risk of Disappearance on whole account.整车失踪造成的损失除外 □ N am ed Per i l s 陆运险
Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance Claus(Train, Truck) - Named Perils 陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)基本险
Conveyance & Coverage 运输工具及保障范围:
By Ai r                  Ai r  pl ai n                Fl i ght  N o. or
□    空运          &nb初中地理试卷 sp;     飞机                航班号                ;
1.Institute Cargo Claus (Air) 1/1/82 (excluding ndings by posts)  协会货运保险条款(空运) 1/1/82 (邮政包裹除外)
2.Institute War Claus (Air Cargo) 1/1/82 (excluding ndings by posts)  协会战争险条款(空运货物)1/1/82 (邮政包裹除外)
3.Institute Strikes Claus (Air Cargo) 1/1/82 协会罢工险条款(货物)1/1/82
General Claus 通用条款:
Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical, and Electromagnetic  Weapons Exclusion Clau 10/11/03
协会核辐射污染、化学武器、生物武器、生化武器和电磁武器除外条款 10/11/2003 2.
Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clau10/11/03
#5107, 51st Floor CITIC Plaza Tianhe North Road 233,  510613 Guangzhou
The People ’s Republic of China
中国 广州510613 天 河 北 路 233 号 中信广场 51 楼5107室
Tel: ++86/20/8396-6788 Fax: ++86/20/3891-1890
3. Institute Standard Conditions for Cargo Contracts 1/4/82 协会货运合同标准条件 1/4/82
4. Termination of Transit Clau (Terrorism)  运输终止条款 (恐怖主义)
5. Electronic Date Recognition Endorment 电子日期识别批单-C
6. Excluding Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Derangement howsoever caud 不承保机械、电子、电气失灵的风险
Excluding Rust, Oxidation, Discoloration, Denting, Scratching, Chipping,&n昆明旅游攻略 bsp; Marring and Cracking unless caud by perils insured against under Institute Cargo Claus (C) 1/1/82
不承保锈蚀、氧化、退色、凹陷、刮花、碎片、开裂的损失,除非由C 条款所承保的风险所引起
Remarks 备注:
Warranted the goods are in perfect condition and properly prepared and packed from the attachment of Insurance cover.
The Assured shall ttle the premium immediately after receiving the Debit Note. Bank fees or charges on premium remittance shall be borne by the payer.
Warranted that no known or reported loss of or damage to the Subject Matter insured on or before the confirmation date of this quotation.
The detailed loss record in the past three years:
Time of Loss 损失时间
Loss Amount 损失金额
Cau of Loss (Plea state in details)
损失原因 (请详述)
Statement 申明
We hereby declare that the statements made by us in this Questionnaire and Proposal are to the best of our knowledge and belief, com创业模式 plete and true , and we hereby agree that this Questionnaire and Proposal forms the basis and is part of any policy issued in connection with the above risk(s).
Signature of the Propor                                                                                                Date: 投保人
签字及印章                                                                                                          日期:
The f ol l ow i ng par t  w i l l  be f i l l ed by t he I nsur er  以下由保险公司填写: Decline
□ 不接受投保
Accept                        Inception Day
□ 接受投保                起保日:200      年          月              日
Rate:                    %        Premium:
保险费率:                %;保险费:&n白梅花功效与作用 bsp;                               元;  Deductible: 免赔额:                              any one accident and loss or                  of adjusted loss, which is greater 每次损失为                            或核定损失的                  ,以大者为准。 Remarks
Confirmed and accepted By
客户签章确认:  __________________ Date
日期: ___________________
Al l i anz I nsur ance Com pany G uangzhou Br anch
_______________________________          Authorized Signature 授权签字

本文发布于:2023-05-03 19:42:08,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:条款   协会   损失   货物
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