Proposal for Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance
1、 本投保单共计12页,请以中文/英文作答。
This Proposal has 12 pages. Plea fill in the Proposal by using either Chine or English.
2、 若填写位置不足,请另附其它纸张回答。
If you need additional space for any questions, plea attach a parate sheet of paper.
3、 华泰对投保单各项填写内容,除作为承保及相关保险处理程序上的参考外,不另作其它
The information provided in the Proposal will only be ud for underwriting and related process, and it will be treated confidentially.
4、 随本投保单请附以下资料:
Plea attach the following information:
i. 最近一期的年报及已审会计报表;
The latest Annual Report and Audited Accounts for the Company;
ii. 如果有,请提供贵公司最新之季报或半年报;
The last Interim Statement (if applicable);
iii. 贵公司在最近的十二个月之内,曾经对外公开的证券发行报告或说明书;
Any Offer Document / Listing Particulars publish车前草的功效与作用及食用方法
ed in the last 12 months;
iv. 在公司备忘录或组织章程中,有关于董、监事或重要主管责任的相关补偿规定;
The Indemnity P建设银行开户行查询
rovisions in the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association;
v. 如贵公司已进行或将会进行管理层收购,或是一家新创公司,请提供含财务分析及预测的商业计划
For management buy-outs / start up business, plea enclo a copy of the business plan including any financial projections
5、 注意事项:
. 在完成下列的问题之前,请先参阅第10、11页的重要注意事项
Before completing this proposal plea read the important notice on page 10 & 11;
ii. 请据实回答全部的问题,并可依问题之要求以“是”或“不是”回答
Plea answer all questions. When required, answer either “Yes” or “No”;
iii. 本投保单应于征询被保险人后详细填写
This proposal should be answered after detailed enquiry of all persons to be covered;
iv. 签署本投保单并不代表投保人购买本保险合同
Signing this proposal does not bind the Propor to complete this insurance.
第一部分: 投保人/投保公司资料
Part I: Propor Details
1. 投保人/投保公司的名称:
Name of the Propor: _________________________________________________________________________
Address of the Propor: _________________________________________________________________________
网址Website: ______________________
联系人Contact person: ______________________
电话Tel: ______________________
传真Fax: ______________________
电邮E-mail: ______________________
2. 贵公司所经营的业务性质, 贵公司经营目前业务已有多久
What are the business activities of the Company? How long has the Company continually carried on business?
3. 贵公司曾使用过的商号及使用期限
Under what names, and between what dates, was the business of the Company previously carried on?
4. 贵公司为
Is the Company:
(a) 公募Public / 私募Private
(b) 如果是上市公司,在哪个交易所挂牌
Listed on which stock exchange(s) if it is a listed company?
(c) 是否知悉任何已在进行中或已在计划中的股权收购或购并
Aware of any acquisition, tender offer or merger pending or under consideration?
Yes No
(d) 是否知悉任何有关其它公司收购贵公司的提议
Aware of any proposal relating to its acquisition by another company?
sp; Yes No
(e) 贵公司是否计划下一年度在国内或国外进行募资
Intending a public offering of curities within the next year in China or elwhere?
Yes No
若4(c) 至4(e) 的答案为“是”,请提供详细资料
If YES on 4(c) to 4(e), plea provide details.
5. 请列出贵公司之子公司的名称和经营的业务性质
Plea provide the name and the business activities of the subsidiary companies?
6. 在最近的五年中
During the last five years has:
(a) 贵公司或子公司是否并购过其它公司
Any acquisition or merger taken place involving the Company or any subsidiary?
Yes No
(b) 贵公司是否出售过旗下子公司或者宣布子公司停止营业
Any subsidiary company been sold or cead trading?