Unit1 Makinga differe nce
Step I Warming up
Task 1 (class work) words prent ationon the blackbo ard
genius,inspira tion, perspir ation,quote, mind, curious, be on fire for, be similar to, fear
Task 2 (group work) competi tion
T: Who made great contrib u tions to society and science? What great scienti sts do you know? And what are they famousf or?
Ss: Maria Curie radiumand poloniu m
Zhang Heng ismog raph.
Charles DarwinThe Theoryof Evoluti on
ThomasAlva Edisonthe light bulb.
AlbertEinstei n The Theoryof Relativ i ty
Task 3 (group work) Learnin g quotes
T: Who are they on the screen?
Ss: Albert Einstei n, Maria Curie, ThomasAlva Edison
T: Whom do you think the quotesare from? Do you know what they mean?
S:I think it is from Edison. It means that if we make great efforts to do sth, we’ll succeed. And no matterh ow cleverh e is, a personwill fail if he doesn’t try his best. In Chinese, it means 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。
S: It is from Einstei n. It means if you want to succeed, it’s more importa n t for you to have imagina tion than knowledg e. In Chinese, it means 想象力比知识更重要。
S: It is from MadameCurie. It means there are only thingsto be underst ood in the world, while there is nothing to be feared. In Chinese, it means 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西
Step II Listeni ng
Task 1 (individ ual work) listeni ng
T: Do you know any other scienti sts? Now let’s do some listeni ng practic e on P2. We are going to listento the descrip tionsof some famousscienti sts. Beforelisteni ng, plearead it through quickly. Listento the tape for the first time to get a general idea, and the两分钟自我介绍
n try to finishthe exercis es.
T:What are the key words?
Ss: No. 1 woman, her name is similar to the word curious
No.2 a falling apple, gravity…
No.3 rice, fatherof modernrice, China
Task 2 (group work) Discuss ion
T: What do the three great minds have in common?
S: They were on fire for science and spent much time doing rearc h.
T: What are you interes ted in? What would you like to invent, discove r? What would you like to be?
Step III Languag e point
Underta ke (underto ok, underta ken)
1.着手做We can underta ke the work now.
2.担负起,承担He underto ok the leaders hip of the team.
3.许诺,保证He underto ok to pay the money back withinsix months.(作“许
Unit1 Makinga differe nce (condperiod)
Step 1. Dictati on
Step 2 Warming up
Task 1 (class work) words prent ation
represe nt, branch,debate,there’s no doubt that, I doubt whether, obvious, gravity, agricul ture, analysi s
Task 2 (group work) discuss ion and competi tion
T: How many branche s of science do you have to learn?
Ss: maths, biology, physics,chemist ry,compute r science
T: Why do you think they are importa nt? Work in groupsof five. Each group m emberrepresen ts a branchof science, eg biology, maths, chemist ry, physics, compu te r science. Try to find as many reasons as possibl e.
Branche s of science Why?
Biology Esnti al to protect ing the ecologi cal balance and environ ment; peoplecan’tlivewithout livingthingsand medicin e.
Physics Widelyud in many fields, such as medicin e, industr y and agricu天津医科大学临床医学院
l ture. Compute r science It is now an indispe nsable tool in many fields.It can ttleall
kinds of problem s at a high speed and can help peoplework
Step 3 Debatin g
T: which branchof science is the most importa nt and ufulto society? Now each four or five student s make a group and have a debate.
A sample:
S1: I think biology is the most importa n t because it is esnti al to protecting the ecologi cal balance and environ m ent. Peoplecan’t live without livingthings. And it goes hand in hand with our life. If there is no science of biology, there would not be medicin e.
S2: Well, maybe, but I think that chemist ry is the most importa n t. Because it is the key to the progres s of the human being. Besides, it is chemical reactio n that produce s many new things.
S3: It’s hard to say. There are many physical product s. And physics is widelyu d in many fields,such as medicin e, Industr y and agricul ture. There would be no life without physics.
Step 4 Languag e points
V. debatesth (with sb)
We must debatethe questio n with the rest of the members.
Debatewh- to do / wh- +clau
They were debatin g whether to go to the cinemaor to watch TV at home
Debateabout/on sth
We debated for over an hour on the advanta ges and disadva ntages of the compute r. n. 讨论,争
After much debate, he was choncaptain of the team.
Step 5 Homewor k
1.prepare for dictati on
2.preview reading
Comment s: From the activit y, we know that the Ss like to take part in the debate, and asIdon’tallowtheSstorepeat, each one can have a chanceto practic e speakin g..
Unit1 Makinga differe nce (condperiod)
Step 1 Dictati on
Step 2 Warming up
Task 1 (class work) words prent ation
boundar y, scan, phD, obrve, match, predict, promisi ng, go by, be engaged to, turn out
Task 2 (class work) leading in
T: Y esterd ay we learnt some quotesf rom some scienti sts. Look at the picture s on the screen. Do you know who the personis?
T: Do you want to know sth more about him? Today we are going to learn a passage about Stephen Hawking. It will tell us Hawking’s determi nation, thought s and some theorie s.
Step 3 Reading
Task 1 (individ ual work) pre-reading
T: Scan the text to answerthe followi ng questio ns
1 Why did Stephen Hawking need a PhD?
S: Because he wanted a job.
2. When did Hawkin投掷游戏教案
g becomef amous
When did Hawking visit Beijing?
S: In 2002, Hawking visited China and spoke to univers i ty student s in Hang zhou and Beijing.
Task 2 (pair work) imagination and discussi on
Suppose: you may not have more than 12 monthsto live, How would you feel and what would you do? Pleadiscuss with your partner and then give us your answer. Task 3 ( individ ual work) while- reading
T: As a scienti st, what did Hawking think after knowing the bad news? Read the first 3 paragra phs and try to find the answerquickly.
T: Well done. What doe paragra ph 4 and 5 tell us? Now read the two paragra phs and get the main idea.
Step 4 Post-reading
Task 1 (pair work) Ture of fal questio ns
T: look at the ntenc es on the screen.Discuss with your partner and find the ntenc es in the text to explain why it is ture or fal.
Hawking was told that he had an incurab le diase when he was just 21 years old.(T) Finally Hawking had to give up PhD and his rearc h(F) .................
Task 2 (group work) words guessin g
1. a promisi ng graduat e student at one of the top univers itiesin the world.(B)
B. 大学毕业生
本节课是一节典型的阅读课,教师按照pre-r eading, while-reading和after-r eadin g的步骤来教学,整节课调理清晰,教师提了很多问题来引发同学们的思考,且给了较多的时间来培养同学们自我阅读的习惯。但不足的是教师没有对具体每一段做分析古代对妻子的称呼
Unit2 News media(The first period)
Step 1:
T: 1.Boys and girls, did you have a nice time during
the summerholiday?
2. What did you do most of time?
3. How did you get news ?
4. Do you usually get informa tion and news from TV ?
5.What el can we get news and informa tion from?
interne t/newspap er/broadca
6.What is your favouri te way to get news?
Student s may offer many possibl e answers.
T: That is good. All the thingsare callednews media. They let us know what is happeni ng in our own country and also about the world. We can know all the importa nt events. Wedon’tneedgooutside to know the events,just staying at home and watchin g TV or surfing the interne t.
7. Which of the news media above is the most reliabl e?
TV. Why?
8 .How are the media above differe nt from each other?
9. Do you know how a newspap er is made? What about a magazin e?
10. What words will you need to talk about news and the media?
Feature show(专题片) editor
Truthfu l reliabl e press press confere nce
report reporte r review
Update sportsw riterprime time mass media
journal ist journal ism
Lead story circula tion deadlin e edition daily
front page headlin e
Step 2: Listeni ng:
As the develop ment of society, we get informa tion and news very directl y. Now you are asked To listencareful 隋朝灭亡
ly to what is said and tick this informa tion you hear in each part.
Fire reliabl e / face nosy
T: Turn to page 10 and do the first exercis e.
2: What kind of personis Jim Gray? Why is he no longerworking for the company? 3: You have heard two differe nt descrip tionsof what happene d to Jim Gray. Why are they differe nt? Which one do you think is better?
Comment s:It is not so interes ting to talk about the topic,so the Ss can‘t talk so much.
Unit2 News media(The condperiod)
T: When players won the first place, what were they asked to do?
S: They were asked to tell how they were feeling at that time.
T: How did they feel? And what did they often say?
S: They were so excited and happy. They often own their success to their coaches and their family.
T: Who intervi ewed them?
S: Reporte rs.
T: Yes, good. There are many reporte rs in the Olympic Games. It is they that reporteach event of the
Olympic Game. Because of them, we can ge可口可乐广告
t the news so well. They are reporte rs for sports.And there are also many reporte rs for newspap er. When we get each newspap er, have you ever asked yourl f how the newspap er is made and how the reporte rs work on it?
Today we are going to learn a new lesson―Behindthe headlin es‖ Can you explain