
更新时间:2023-05-03 10:06:56 阅读: 评论:0

It was Bill Clinton’s singularcontribution that he tried to transcend this ideological deadlock,recognizing not only that what had come to be meant by the labelsof “conrvative” and “liberal” played to Republican advantage, butthat the categories were inadequate to address the problems wefaced. At times during his first campaign, his gestures towarddisaffected Reagan Democrats could em clumsy and transparent(what ever happened to Sister Souljah?) or frighteninglycoldhearted (allowing the execution of a mentally retarded deathrow inmate to go forward on the eve of an important primary). Inthe first two years of his presidency, he would be forced toabandon some core elements of his platform—universal health care,aggressive investment in education and training—that might havemore decisively reverd the long-term trends that were underminingthe position of working families in the new economy.
段不足。在他第一次竞选总统时,他在处理愤愤不平的民主党里根支持者(传统上是民主党人,特别是北方的白人工人阶级,但在里根竞选总统时投票给共和党)的手法上显得有些笨拙和直率(索尔嘉之日文 妹妹是怎么啦?1992年克林顿在竞选时严厉谴责政治立场激进而且喜好饶舌的女歌星SisterSouljah,并因此而赢得了中间选民的支持),或者是令人寒心的冷淡无情(在重要的初选前夕提前对一个智障精神病的死囚执行死刑)。在总统任期的前2年,他被迫放弃了自己政治纲领中的一些核心原则——全民卫生保健计划,对教育和培训的积极投资——因此可能导致决定性地颠倒了美国长期发展趋势,这种趋势正在削弱新经济体中工作家庭的地位。
Still, he instinctively understoodthe falness of the choices being prented to the Americanpeople. He saw that government spending and regulation could, ifproperly designed, rve as vital ingredients and not inhibitors toeconomic growth, and how markets and fiscal discipline could helppromote social justice. He recognized that not only societalresponsibility but personal responsibility was needed to combatpoverty. In hi
s platform—if not always in his day-to-daypolitics—Clinton’s Third Way went beyond splitting the difference.It tapped into the pragmatic, nonideological attitude of themajority of Americans.
Indeed, by the end of hispresidency, Clinton’s policies—recognizably progressive if modestin their goals—enjoyed broad public support. Politically, he hadwrung out of the Democratic Party some of the excess that hadkept it from winning elections. That he fa
iled, despite a boomingeconomy, to translate popular policies into anything rembling agoverning coalition said something about the demographicdifficulties Democrats were facing (in particular, the shift inpopulation growth to an increasingly solid Republican South) andthe structural advantages the Republicans enjoyed in the Senate,where the votes of two Republican nators from Wyoming, population493,782, equaled the votes of two Democratic nators fromCalifornia, population 33,871,648.
But that failure also testified tothe skill with which Gingrich, Rove, Norquist, and the like wereable to consolidate a虚拟防火墙 nd institutionalize the conrvative movement.They tapped the unlimited resources of corporate sponsors andwealthy donors to create a network of think tanks and mediaoutlets. They brought state-of-the-art technology to the task ofmobilizing their ba, and centralized power in the Hou ofReprentatives in order to enhance party discipline.
And they understood the threatClinton pod to their vision of a long-term conrvative majority,which helps explain the vehemence with which they went after him.It also explains why they invested so much time attacking Clinton’smorality, for if Clinton’s polici
es were hardly radical, hisbiography (the draft letter saga, the marijuana puffing, the IvyLeague intellectualism, the professional wife who didn’t bakecookies, and most of all the x) proved perfect grist for theconrvative ba. With enough repetition, a looness with thefacts, and the ultimately undeniable evidence of the President’sown personal laps, Clinton could be made to embody the verytraits of sixties liberalism that had helped spur the conrvativemovement in the first place. Clinton may have fought that movementto a draw, but the movement would come out stronger for it—and inGeorge W. Bush’s first term, that movement would take over theUnited States government.

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