A DILL PICKLE by Katherine Mansfield
AND then, after six years, she saw him again. He was ated at one of tho little bamboo tables decorated with a Japane va of paper daffodils. There was a tall plate of fruit in front of him, and very carefully, in a way she recognized immediately as his "special" way, he was peeling an orange.
He must have felt that shock of recognition in her for he looked up and met her eyes. Incredible! He didn't know her! She smiled; he frowned. She came towards him. He clod his eyes an instant, but opening them his face lit up as though he had struck a match in a dark room. He laid down the orange and pushed back his chair, and she took her little warm hand out of her muff and gave it to him.
"Vera!" he exclaimed. "How strange. Really, for a moment I didn't know you. Won't you sit down You've had lunch Won't you have some coffee"
She hesitated, but of cour she meant to.
"Yes, I'd like some coffee." And she sat down opposite him.
"You've changed. You've changed very much," he said, staring at her with that eager, lighted look. [Page 229] "You look so well. I've never en you look so well before."
"Really" She raid her veil and unbuttoned her high fur collar. "I don't feel very well. I can't bear this weather, you know."
"Ah, no. You hate the cold. . . . "
"Loathe it." She shuddered. "And the worst of it is that the older one grows . . . "
He interrupted her. "Excu me," and tapped on the table for the waitress. "Plea bring some coffee and cream." To her: "You are sure you won't eat anything Some fruit, perhaps. The fruit here is very good."
"No, thanks. Nothing."
"Then that's ttled." And smiling just a hint too broadly he took up the orange again. "You were saying–the older one grows–"
“对不起,”他打断了她,接着他敲着桌子招呼侍者。“请来些咖啡和奶油。” 又对她说:“你真的不吃点东西吗?”
"The colder," she laughed. But she was thinking how well she remembered that trick of his–the trick of interrupting her–and of how it ud to exasperate her six years ago. She ud to feel then as though he, quite suddenly, in the middle of what she was saying, put his hand over her lips, turned from her, attended to something different, and then took his hand away, and with just the same slightly too broad smile, gave her his attention again. . . . Now we are ready. That is ttled.
"The colder!" He echoed her words, laughing too. "Ah, ah. You still say the same things. And there is another thing about you that is not changed [Page 230] at all–your beautiful voice–your beautiful way of speaking." Now he was very grave; he leaned towards her, and she smelled the warm, stinging scent of the orange peel. "You have only to say one word and I would know your voice amo
ng all other voices. I don't know what it is–I've often wondered–that makes your voice such a–haunting memory. . . . Do you remember that first afternoon we spent together at Kew Gardens You were so surprid becau I did not know the names of any flowers. I am still just as ignorant for all your telling me. But whenever it is very fine and warm, and I e some bright colours–it's awfully strange–I hear your voice saying: 'Geranium, marigold, and verbena.' And I feel tho three words are all I recall of some forgotten, heavenly language. . . . You remember tha青色五月
t afternoon"
"Oh, yes, very well." She drew a long, soft breath, as though the paper daffodils between them were almost too sweet to bear. Yet, what had remained in her mind of that particular afternoon was an absurd scene over the tea table. A great many people taking tea in a Chine pagoda, and he behaving like a maniac about the wasps–waving them away, flapping at them with his straw hat, rious and infuriated out of all proportion to the occasion. How delighted the sniggering tea