我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点all i ever wanted was for juli baker to leave me alone.
故事始于一年级暑假 年的夏天it all began in the summer of , before the start of cond grade. 我们到家啦here we are.
我挺喜欢的what do you guys think?
i like this place.
很赞呢 我的房间是什么颜色?
its cool.
uh, what color is my room?
别急嘛just you wait.
咱们进去瞧瞧 嘿 布莱斯lets e whats inside.
过来给我搭把手搬东西why dont, uh, you and i go help unload the van让姑娘们去整理厨房吧and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start tting u雨过后
好的 老爸okay, dad.
嗨 我是朱莉?贝克 喂喂喂 你干嘛呢?
hi, im juli baker.
hey, hey, what are you doing?
dont you want some help?
不必了 那里面都是贵重物品no.
theres some valuable things in there.
那我就搬这个吧 不用了how about this one?
no, no, no.
赶紧回家吧 你妈妈没准在找你呢run home.
your mothers probably wondering where you are.
没关系 我妈妈儿童成语故事大全
知道我在哪 她同意我过来oh, no, my mom knows where i am.
she said its fine.
显然这姑娘也太不识趣了it didnt take long to realize this girl could not take a hint.
咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧 不要紧啊its crowded in here with three p交通标志的含义
i dont mind.
毫无自知之明 我们一起推吧?
of any kind.
you wanna push this one together?
布莱斯 你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?
bryce, isnt it time for you to go help your mother?
是啊是啊oh, yeah.
我真是拿她没辙i mean, nothing would stop her.
我终于忍无可忍 这时候诡异的事情却发生了i was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.
我真是难以置信i couldnt believe it.
我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手there i was holding hands with this strange girl.
你好呀how did i get into this mess?
well, hello.
看来你已经认识我儿子了i e youve met my son我不得不使出岁男生仅有的气概finally, i did the only manly thing available when youre years old.
然而 还有一大串的麻烦等着我however, my troubles were far from over.
就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时the minute i walked into miss yelsons classroom布莱斯?
youre here.
nbsp; 很显然it was clear:即使在学校 也无法逃脱她的魔掌school would not be a sanctuary.
嘿 布莱斯 你女朋友呢?
hey, bryce, wheres your girlfriend?
枉我一世英名啊i was branded for life.
嘿 布莱斯 你咋不向她求婚呢?
hey, bryce, why dont you ask her to marry you?
布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢bryce and juli sitting in a tree卿卿我我甜如蜜k-l-s-s-l-n-g搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难my first year in town was a disaster.
瞧那小两口呀look at them.
接下来的三年也不尽如人意and the next three werent much better.
就这么捱到了六年级 我总算不再坐以待毙but finally, in the sixth grade, i took action.
想到了一个大狠招i hatched the plan.
雪利 等一下sherry, wait up.
嗨 布莱斯hi, bryce.
我向雪利?斯道尔斯展开攻势i asked out sherry stalls.
i was wondering if you wanted to go这个招数的绝妙之处在于to full appreciate the brilliance of this plan雪利?斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉you have to understand that juli hated sherry stalls但我始终想不通其中的缘由though i never understood why.
雪利长发飘飘 为人和善sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.
我妈之前一直不让我打耳洞 后来我拼命求她at first, my mother wouldnt let me get my ears pierced, but i begged我原本一心指望 只要和雪利吃吃饭the idea was that sherry would eat with me散散步 就能让朱莉知难而退maybe wed walk around together, and hop
efully juli would lo interest.
她还是不允许我岁前打耳洞but i still cant get the hoops till im .
太可惜了oh, thats a shame.
米娜妮也想打耳洞so melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯but of cour her mother said no.
事情进展相当顺利things were unfolding quite nicely.
what are you doing for your science project?
直到我所谓的挚友加利特?埃恩德that is, until my suppod best friend, garrett einbinder开始打起了雪利的主意took an interest in sherry himlf.
我想展示各种护发素i was thinking of showing how split ends react 如何修复头发分叉with different hair conditioners.
太棒了thats fascinating.
俗话说得好 重色必轻友 加利特这个叛徒loyalty gave way to desire and garrett, the turncoat向雪利全盘托出我的计划told sherry what i was up to.
她自然很是生气she didnt take it well.
至于朱莉word got back to juli, 她自然又开始对我故技重施and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.
而且还变本加厉only this time it was wor.
居然开始嗅我she started sniffing me.
你没听错 她居然用鼻子嗅我thats right, sniffing me.
what was that all about?
我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌my only consolation was that next year would be different.
但愿升入初中后junior high, bigger school.
不用再和她同班 maybe wed be in different class 彻底结束我的噩梦and it would finally, finally be over. 见到布莱斯?罗斯基的第一眼 我便怦然心动了the first day i met bryce loski, i flipped.