磁旋比:magnetogyric ratio
磁量子数:magnetic quantum number,m
弛豫历程:relaxation mechanism
局部抗磁屏蔽:local diamagnetic shielding
屏蔽常数:shielding constant
化学位移:chemical shift
磁各向异性:magnetic anisotropy
远程屏蔽效应:long range shielding effect
结面:nodal p长隆飞鸟乐园攻略
自旋-自旋偶合:spin-spin coupling
自旋-自旋分裂:spin=spin splitting
偕偶:geminal coupling
邻偶:vicinal coupling
远程偶合:long range coupling
磁等价:magnetic eqivalence
自旋系统:spin system
一级光谱:first order spectrum
二级光谱(二级图谱):cond order spectrum
C-H光谱:C-H correlated spectroscopy,C-H COSY
质谱分析法:mass spectrometry
质谱:mass spectrum,MS
棒图:bar graph
选择离子检测:lected ion monitoring ,SIM
直接进样:direct probe inlet ,DPI
谱-质谱联用:gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS
高效液相色谱-质谱联用:high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS
电子轰击离子源:electron impact source,EI
离子峰:quasi-molecular ions
化学离子源:chemical ionization source,CI
场电离:field ionization,FI
场解析:field desorptiion,FD
快速原子轰击离子源:fast stom bombardment ,FAB
质量分析器:mass analyzer
磁质谱仪:magnetic-ctor mass spectrometer
四极杆质谱仪(四极质谱仪):quadrupole mass spectrometer
离子丰度:ion abundance
相对丰度(相对强度):relative avundance
基峰:ba peak
质量范围:mass range
分子离子:molecular ion
碎片离子:fragment ion
同位素离子:isotopic ion
亚稳离子:metastable ion
亚稳峰:metastable peak
母离子:paren ion
含奇数个电子的离子:odd electron
含偶数个电子的离子:even eletron,EE
均裂:homolytic cleavage
异裂(非均裂):heterolytic cleavage
半均裂:hemi-homolysis cleavage
固定相:stationary pha
化学键合相:chemically bonde pha
封尾、封顶、遮盖:end capping
手性固定相:chiral stationary pha,CSP
恒组成溶剂洗脱:isocraic elution
梯度洗脱:gradient elution
紫外检测器:ultraviolet detector,UVD
荧光检测器:fluorophotomeric det鹿晗行程
光电二极管检测器:photodiode array detector ,DAD
蒸发光散射检测器:evaporative light scattering detector,ELSD
释药系统(drug delivery system,DDS)
中国药典(Chine Pharmacopoeia,ChP)
美国药典(The United States Pharmacopoeia,USP)
美国国家处方集(The National Formulary,NF)
英国药典(British Pharmacopoeia,BP)
欧洲药典(European Pharmacopoeia,Ph.Eup)
国际药典(The International Pharmacopoeia,Ph.Int)
良好药品实验研究规范(Good Laboratory Practice,GLP)
良好药品生产规范(Good Manufacture Practice,GMP)
良好药品供应规范(Good Supply Practice,GSP)
良好药品临床试验规范(Good Clinical Practice,GCP)
分析质量管理(Analytical Quality Control,AQC)
边缘效应 edge effect
斑点定位法 localization of spot
放射自显影法 autoradiography
原位定量 in situ quantitation
生物自显影法 bioautography
归一法 normalization method
内标法 internal standard method
外标法 external standard method
叠加法 addition method
普适校准(曲线、函数) calibration function or curve [function]
谱带扩展(加宽) band broadening
(分离作用的)校准函数或校准曲线 universal calibration fun叉烧餐包
ction or curve [of paration]
加宽校正 broadening correction
加宽校正因子 broadening correction factor
溶剂强度参数 0,solvent strength parameter
洗脱序列 eluotropic ries
洗脱(淋洗) elution
等度洗脱 gradient elution
梯度洗脱 gradient elution
(再)循环洗脱 recycling eluti鸭绒羽绒服怎么洗
线性溶剂强度洗脱 linear solvent strength gradient
程序溶剂 programmed solvent
程序压力 programmed pressure
程序流速 programmed flow
展开 development
上行展开 ascending development
下行展开 descending development
双向展开 two dimensional development
环形展开 circular development
离心展开 centrifugal development
向心展开 centripetal development
径向展开 radial development
多次展开 multiple development
分步展开 stepwi development
连续展开 continuous development
梯度展开 gradient development
匀浆填充 slurry packing
停流进样 stop-flow injection
阀进样 valve injection
柱上富集 on-column enrichment
流出液 eluate
柱上检测 on-column detection
柱寿命 column life
柱流失 column bleeding
显谱 visualization
活化 activation
反冲 back flushing
脱气 degassing
沟流 channeling
过载 overloading
abatement 1:减少 2:消除;
ablution 1:清洗 2:洗净液;
abnormal distribution 1:非正态分布;
above-critical 临界以上的;
above proof 超过标准;
abrasive 1:磨料,研磨机;
abrupt change !:陡变 2:(滴定)突跃;
absolute calibration curve method 绝对校准曲线法;
absolution configuration 绝对构型;
absolute deviation 绝对偏差;
absolute error 绝对误差;
absolute ethyl alcohol 无水乙醇;
absolute humidity 绝对湿度;
absolute manometer 绝对压力计;
absolute isotopic abundance measurement 绝对同位素丰度测量;
absolute precision 绝对精密度;
absolute nsitivity 绝对灵敏度;
absolute mobility 绝对淌度;
absolute retention time 绝对保留时间;
absolute refractive index 绝对折射率;
absolute stability constant 绝对稳定常数;
absolute temperature 绝对温度;
absorbance index =absorptivity 1:吸收系数 2:吸光系数;
absorbance 吸收度,吸光度;
absorbance ratio 吸光度比值;
absorbed do 吸收计量;
absorbed layer (被)吸收层;
absorbent 吸收剂;吸收的,有吸收力的;
absorbing band 吸收带;
absorption 吸收;
absorption chamber 吸收室;
absorption factor 吸收率;
absorption index 吸收指数;
absorption peak 吸收峰;
absorption power 吸收能力;
absorption region 吸收范围;
absorption spectroscopy 吸收光谱法;
absorption spectrum 吸收光谱;
absorption tube support 吸收管架;
absorption value 吸收值;
abundance 丰度;
abundance of element 元素丰度;
accelerator (粒子)加速器;
acceptable life 有效使用寿命;
acceptance quality level (AQL)合格质量标准;
acceptance level 验收标准;
accidental error 偶然误差;
accessory substance 副产物;
accommodation 调节;
accuracy 准确度;
acetaldehyde 乙醛;
acetic acid 乙酸;
acetic anhydride 乙酸酐;
acetoacetic ester 乙酰乙酸酯;
acetone 丙酮;
acetone titration 丙酮滴定法;
acetylation 乙酰化;
acetylene 乙炔;
acetyl group 乙酰基;
acetylenic bond 炔键;三键;
achiral molecule 非手性分子;
acidate 酸化,酰化;
acid-ba equilibrium 算见平衡,
acid degree 酸度;
acid dissociation constant 酸离解常数;
acidic 酸式,酸性的;
acidic solvent 酸性溶剂;
acidity 酸度;
acidometer=acidimeter 酸度计;
acticarbon 活性炭;
activate 活化,激活,使…产生放射性;
activated state 活化态;
activating 活化;
activating agent 活化剂;
activator 激活剂;
active center 活性中心;
active group 活性基团;
active mass 有效质量;
active site 活性点;
actual column plate 实际新商业女性
adapter tube 接管;
additional pe委托收款背书
ak 附加峰;
additivity 加和性;
adjacent 相邻的,邻位的鹅妈妈童谣原版