Hiroshima---the “Liveliest” City in Japan
I. Paraphra
1) Serious-looking men were so absorbed in their conversation that they emed
not to pay any attention to the crowds around them.
2) At last the taxi trip came to an end and I suddenly discovered that I was in front
of the gigantic City Hall.
3) The rather striking picture of traditional floating hous among high, modern
buildings reprents the constant struggle between traditional Japane culture and the new, Western style.
4)1 suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the prospect of
meeting the mayo鳕鱼的做法
r of Hiroshima in my socks.
5)The few Americans and Germans also emed to feel restrained like me.
6)After three days in Japan one gets quite ud to bowing to people as a ritual to
show gratitude.
7)1 was on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly
realized what he meant.His words shocked me out of my sad dreamy thinking.
8)…and nurs walked by carrying surgical instruments which were nickel plated
and even healthy visitors when they e tho instruments could not help shivering.
9) I have the chance to rai my moral standard becau of the illness.
II. Practice with Words and Expressions
1.lump: the feeling you get in your throat when you are going to cry
2.rub shoulders with: (informal) meet and mix with (people)
3.martyred: (the city) that has been made to suffer
4.screech: make a harsh, piercing sound
5.arresting: striking, attracting and holding the 捍卫是什么意思
skyscrapers: very tall buildings
6.stunning: very attractive; delightfully beautiful
7.sink in: (to be) fully absorbed or understood
8.schools: groups of people sharing the same thought
9.by trade: by occupation; by way of making a living
1)was指事实如此;而must be意为“很可能”。
2) “Was I at the scene…?”表示不能断定是不是在那里,而“Was I not at the
地(a building site),也可能指发生某事的地方或场所,如第一枚原子弹爆炸的地方(site of the first atomic bombardment)。spot所指地点较小。
1. Puzzle implies such a baffling quality or such intricacy, as of a problem, situation,
etc., that one has great difficulty in understanding or solving it.
Confu implies a mixing up mentally to a greater of lesr degree.
Perplex adds to puzzle the implications of worry and uncertainty, especially about reaching a decision on a cour of action or the right solution of a personal problem.
Confound implies such confusion as completely frustrates or greatly astonishes one.
Bewilder implies such utter confusion that the mind is staggered beyond the ability to
think clearly.
Dumbfound specifically implies as its effect a nonplud or confounded state in which one is momen
tarily struck speechless.
2. Heinous implies such extreme wickedness as to arou the strongest hatred and revulsion.
Outrageous applies to that which so exceeds all 基因扩增
bounds of right, morality, decency, etc., as to be intolerable.
Horrible means causing a feeling of horror.
Evil is not often applies to persons and frequently has a more or less sinister or baleful connotation.
Wicked implies the actual violation of moral code.
1) There is not a soul in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.
2)That modern 梦见摘枣吃
construction looks very much like a flying saucer.
3) Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.
4) The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.
5)He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.
6) What he did had nothing to do with her.
7) She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind.
8) I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.
9)He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects.
10) It w梦见电动车被偷走预示什么
as only after a few minutes that his words sank in.
11) The 缓解压力英语
soil smells of fresh grass.
12) Could you spare me a few minutes?
13) Could you spare me a ticket?
14) That elderly grey-haired man假如我是一只蚂蚁
is a coppersmith by trade.
Read, Think and Comment
The feature begins with how Mike Fay got hurt. The beginning rais a number of questions-----who is Mike Fay, why is he on a California hillside-----and leads people to read on. The author is not narrating according to the order of occurrence.
Rather, he adopts the method of flashback. The piece is about environmental protection. To be more specific, it is about forest protection, about striking a balance between timber cutting and forest protection. He wanted to find out if there was a way to maximize both timber production and the many ecological and social benefit standing forests provide (the key statement).